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Ori 2003-11-09 04:53

Is Avenger any good?
I have only seen one episode of this anime. So far it looks decent with nice music and pretty character designs... sort of reminds me of .Hack//sign for some odd reasons... but is it good?

What is its plot?

freedoom 2003-11-09 07:19


Originally Posted by Ori
I have only seen one episode of this anime. So far it looks decent with nice music and pretty character designs... sort of reminds me of .Hack//sign for some odd reasons... but is it good?

What is its plot?

I watched the first episode and wasnt very intrigued by it so i havent continued to watch. The reason it reminds you of .hack//sign is because they were both done by Bee Train. Bee Train is also responsable for noir if i'm not mistaken.

Anlushac11 2003-11-09 09:30

Avenger is another of my favorite 3 animes currently. Actually 4 if you count Fumoffu.

Avenger has the same feel and I think the music style is very similar to .Hack//Sign

I like the show alot so far. There is a backstory that is hinted at and is slowly being unveiled. I also like the characters

It had me hooked wityhin the first two episodes.

1stStrike 2003-11-09 09:57

I've watched all the episodes so far and I've found it very much worth watching. I'm probally one of the few people that enjoys the opening and ending songs. The ending song is my favorite :P

marin 2003-11-09 10:04

If you like BeeTrain's previous works (.hack//sign, Noir) then you'll like Avenger. Or at least find it tolerable and intriguing so far.

If you didn't like BeeTrain's previous works, you won't be able to stand Avenger.

That simple.

brightman 2003-11-09 10:36


Originally Posted by marin
If you like BeeTrain's previous works (.hack//sign, Noir) then you'll like Avenger. Or at least find it tolerable and intriguing so far.

If you didn't like BeeTrain's previous works, you won't be able to stand Avenger.

That simple.

lol... Agreed... Avenger is like Noir and .hack//SIGN to the nth degree... Those two happen to be two f my favorites, so I enjoy this one so far... Though I guess if someone who hates either of those anime watches this it'll be utterly confusing and boring.

NenMaster 2003-11-09 12:13

i havent been that much interested in this, its a bit boring but it will probally pic up.

Ori 2003-11-09 13:31

I am pretty sure if I can actually stand through 25 episodes of Ultra Maniac I can stand through Avenger.

I love the moon imagery in the series so far...

And I did love .hack//sign, Noir was okay too but I thought there were too much clock flashbacks and stuff to be really interesting. I guess I will like Avenger then. ^_^

Kenji Ikari 2003-11-09 15:40

Avenger is on the top of the list of anime I'm currently keeping up with. Of course, Kimi Nozomu Eien being number two.

Lord Raiden 2003-11-09 15:47

Short answer: Yes. IT's good.
Long answer: The theme is interesting, and although some parts don't make much sence, overall I like the anime and would consider it one of my top 5 anime. I'm sure that the farther we go into the series the more things will make sence, but right now I really like it.

Aquillion 2003-11-10 01:28


Originally Posted by Ori
I have only seen one episode of this anime. So far it looks decent with nice music and pretty character designs... sort of reminds me of .Hack//sign for some odd reasons... but is it good?

What is its plot?

It depends. It's a lot like the cheesy sci-fi adventure novels of yesteryear -- ruined-looking, dirty cities under huge domes, light speculation on robots and how people react to them, heroes that can fight entire armies of incompetant evil minions and have very little character otherwise, etc, etc, etc. If the idea of a Martian Overlord who wears battle armor everwhere, honorable combat tournaments in futuristic ruined cities and creepy robot-children appeals to you, then you'll probably like it.

In any case the music is good, but you probably know that already.

monir 2003-11-10 01:37

So how would you recommend to someone who has not watched Hack/sign or noir and has yet to start on avenger?:D

Xiandu 2003-11-10 01:49

I like the series because it has that doomed feeling to it. You know that this type of show has been done before but yet you still are intrigued to keep watching. The main character is your typical strong as hell but equally as silent, but with a death wish as she has already stated several times. What most attracts me though is the relationship to her father of sorts, not sure if he is or not even though they say so, but I also like anime that always has that impending doom feel to it.

lamort_noir 2003-11-10 02:13


Originally Posted by brightman
lol... Agreed... Avenger is like Noir and .hack//SIGN to the nth degree... Those two happen to be two f my favorites, so I enjoy this one so far... Though I guess if someone who hates either of those anime watches this it'll be utterly confusing and boring.

YOUR JOKING RIGHT?! You mean there are actually people that dislike Noir and/ or .hack//sign thats ridiculous and if your one of those who dont like Noir because you dont think assassins have emotions then i think ur stupid and have to look at it this way LOOK THROUGH THERE EYES THERE LIES THE STORY !!! oh and btw I LOVE KIRIKA :D and now that you all said that bee train did it I am so going to watch this anime im sure it rocks based on what you said

dragonstar13 2003-11-10 03:04

Well I find the series interesting for the most part, but I thought episode 6 was pretty boring to watch. Too many "quiet" moments where the character says nothing for 5 minutes. I still like the series though. The mystery around the characters makes me curious enough to find out more about them. Lyate and Nei mostly. It's a bit of a shame this series is only 13 episodes.
I haven't seen Noir, but I loved .Hack//Sign. Although, there are more then plenty of people who hate .Hack//Sign, because the characters talked too much apparently.

Anlushac11 2003-11-10 06:49


Originally Posted by 1stStrike
I've watched all the episodes so far and I've found it very much worth watching. I'm probally one of the few people that enjoys the opening and ending songs. The ending song is my favorite :P

I hear ya, I love the OP and to a lesser extent the ED

Tea Pad 2003-11-10 09:59

I'm still undecided. While some of the elements are entertaining and/or intriguing, the first six episodes have been a bit repetitive. There's been very little in the way of plot or character development thus far. I plan to continue watching, though, especially if there are only 13 episodes.

Speaking of which, what's your source on that number? There's no indication of the length of the series anywhere I've seen.

Relentless 2003-11-10 23:31


Originally Posted by monir
So how would you recommend to someone who has not watched Hack/sign or noir and has yet to start on avenger?:D

Well, I couldn't stand .hack//sign and got bored with Noir, yet I liked Avenger so far, am I weird or what? :confused:

As it was said, if you like science-fiction stories of the old "planetary romance" type (Burroughs' John Carter of Mars and Leigh Brackett's "Sword of Rhiannon" come to mind), you will like it. At least, the main character is more relate-able than those from .hack//sign and Noir. And the widescreen format is very nice.

Keitaro 2003-11-10 23:48

I like avenger, its one of those series which you can love or hate. To me its very interesting ie Layla Ashley and her bio mechanical doll. Oh yeah the wide screen format really rocks.

PocariSweat 2003-11-11 00:16

You know, after seeing several people trash this show in other threads I started watching not expecting much, but was really, really surprised.

First the animation itself is *superb* - very well drawn with a fluidity you seldom see outside of an OAV or movie. There's a minimum of completely static scenes and they take the time to animate stuff like hair and clothes blowing in the wind. The music is also very atmospheric and quite engrossing - it really helps set the feel of the show.

So far I love the story too - it's kind of a mixture of "Dune" and Spielberg's "A.I." (also has a Clint Eastwood "Man with no Name" Spaghetti Westren feel to it sometimes too).
Yes, it's not always action packed (though there is action), and the plot isn't painted out with preschool simplicity. I know some people don't seem happy unless every second is packed with blood, explosions, and/or camel-toes; but I kind of like stories that take time to develop a sense of atmosphere and mystery. Granted, I've seen shows wind up being nothing but atmosphere - full of suggested mysteries the writers never bother to wrap a plot around, but it's too soon to say Avenger is going that direction.

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