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kcl822 2006-11-04 17:53

Karaoke Competition VI
It is time to dust off the microphone and start breaking glasses!
The 6th semi-anual karaoke competition season is open for all!
For those who are not familiar with this event, is basically a group of people sending in recordings of their singing which I air on shoutcast then people vote for the best and so on.

The rules:
-Anime/game songs are allowed. They can be OP/ED, character singles. If you are not sure, ask me first.
-Recordings can be from a karaoke track or if there is no karaoke track, you may use the original song but your voice *has to be* louder than the original singer's.
-Only one entry per person.
-Song does not have to be in japanese - it can be in english, russian, latin, etc.
-Songs have to be full-lenght (no tv version).
-Entries should be submitted with nickname-song title-from which anime/game is from.
-You don't have to be a forum member to participate - anyone can as long as they meet the other criteria outlined above.

Things that will get you disqualified:
-Do not change the pitch of the song. They have to be in their original key
-No special effects *at all*. That means no artificial echo effect, pitch tweak, change tempo, double-voice effects. If you are not sure, ask me first!!
I get really annoyed when someone breaks the rules, so please don't.

How to submit your entries:
This time, we are trying something new. A website! Yep. A website where you can upload the songs so you don't have to worry about whether your email can send a file that size. Site address is
Any comments/questions about the site welcome!

DEADLINE: November 29th midnight (EST).

Broadcast date: December 2nd (time to be announced at a later time).

Announcement of winners: December 23rd, 2006.
Prize will be a surprise, like always. There will be 2 winners: the one that people choose and the one that the judges choose (but I'm sure people do it for fun, right? RIGHT?!?)

There was also mention of airing more than 1 song from people that the regulars kept bugging me about. After careful consideration, I decided to air the non-entries either before or after the competition, depending on who wants that to happen and so on. I know a couple of regulars would like me to do it, so if you are interested, drop me a line so I can figure out the timing. NOTE: these will *not* be counted at all. If you want to submit it anyway, send it as an attachment to my email address or dcc it to me on IRC. Just make sure to tell me that is for the non-counting one.

If you have any questions, comments, or are looking for a certain karaoke track, etc, pm me or email me (, or look for me on IRC.

Happy singing~

Broadcast will be on December 2nd, 2006 at 1 p.m. EST! (if you don't what time that is for you, look it up).

Broadcast for the non-competing entries will be at 11 a.m. EST same day.

Broadcast address:
For 128:
For 64:

UPDATE: Torrent is available at
Voting will take place at

basket 2006-11-04 18:17

Yay, singing time~~~!!! :D

I have some entries which just need to be polished up a bit before sending. :heh: It also helps that I will be able to work full-time on them. ^_^;

Red HamsterX 2006-11-04 18:18

You *really* don't want me to make this competition, do you?

November 29th just doesn't work for me. It's too soon. Too close to a ton of other deadlines.

SCHADOWFOX 2006-11-04 18:24


Originally Posted by Red HamsterX (Post 729640)
You *really* don't want me to make this competition, do you?

November 29th just doesn't work for me. It's too soon. Too close to a ton of other deadlines.

c'mon RHX there is still plenty of time, even I might consider sending in an entry this time :eyespin:

Red HamsterX 2006-11-04 18:48

schadowfox, your noble words have inspired me.

No longer shall I look for excuses related to my crippling six-course workload.

For this point forth, I solemnly swear that I will find at least half an hour with which to cobble together a submission that can help me keep my vaunted Worst Submission award.

You have shown me the light; the least I can do is show you the sound. Or something.

Chibi Nasu 2006-11-04 19:08

I wonder if I can get another microphone before the deadline... my microphone met a rather cruel death... Well, I'm sure I can pick up another cheap one...

Quick question--I know it's been asked and answered before, but for a little clarification... are we allowed to record our own harmony, if the main vocals remain significantly louder?

Worldestroyer 2006-11-04 19:10

In light of RHX's enthusiastic nature, I shall put forth a submission that will equal and surpass his attempt at the Worst Submission Award.


FatPianoBoy 2006-11-04 19:19

Wow, I wanna do this, but the deadline is at the end of November? Why couldn't we have heard about this, like, in September? :(
I'm not complaining, just a bit taken aback by having to record a vocal performance in that amount of time (not to mention prepare and practice for it).

Edit: Is the Saint Version of "Lilium" from Elfen Lied acceptable? I ask because it's a Gregorian chant, and hence has no music but only several different vocal parts. Of course, if I did the song, I'd only do one vocal part.

pengiechan 2006-11-04 22:12

I'm participating, if only because basket and RHX will beat me up if I forget again.

So expect to hear the Kirarin Revolution opening mangled as it has never been mangled before!

kcl822 2006-11-04 22:29


Originally Posted by Chibi Nasu (Post 729699)
Quick question--I know it's been asked and answered before, but for a little clarification... are we allowed to record our own harmony, if the main vocals remain significantly louder?

I knew I forgot to address something... This time, harmonies are *not* allowed.


Originally Posted by FatPianoBoy (Post 729713)
Edit: Is the Saint Version of "Lilium" from Elfen Lied acceptable? I ask because it's a Gregorian chant, and hence has no music but only several different vocal parts. Of course, if I did the song, I'd only do one vocal part.

As long as the song shows up in the anime is fine. Interesting song too.
I'll be really surprised if you can manage to do the bass part. Sigh... this takes me back to my music history classes...


Originally Posted by pengiechan (Post 729848)
I'm participating, if only because basket and RHX will beat me up if I forget again.

So expect to hear the Kirarin Revolution opening mangled as it has never been mangled before!

I'll look forward to it!

FatPianoBoy 2006-11-04 23:02


Originally Posted by kcl822 (Post 729863)
As long as the song shows up in the anime is fine. Interesting song too.
I'll be really surprised if you can manage to do the bass part. Sigh... this takes me back to my music history classes...

Well, since we can only record one vocal track, I'll have to stick with the lead vocals (alto for the main part, tenor for the solo/outro... I think) :o
I'd be pretty surprised if I could do the bass part, too. I'd have to stretch my voice down all day to even attempt. That guy gets low :twitch:

Chibi Nasu 2006-11-04 23:08


Originally Posted by kcl822 (Post 729863)
I knew I forgot to address something... This time, harmonies are *not* allowed.

Alright, thanks for the clarification!! Something told me I should ask xD. I'm taking it this is only applicable to doing our own harmonies, right? If a karaoke track has built-in harmonies, how does that fit into this equation?

How about overlapping vocals? Like, at the end of the song, if two choruses have a slight overlap... this is allowed, right? Not for any sustained amount of time, of course, but...

kcl822 2006-11-04 23:17


Originally Posted by Chibi Nasu (Post 729890)
Alright, thanks for the clarification!! Something told me I should ask xD. I'm taking it this is only applicable to doing our own harmonies, right? If a karaoke track has built-in harmonies, how does that fit into this equation?

How about overlapping vocals? Like, at the end of the song, if two choruses have a slight overlap... this is allowed, right? Not for any sustained amount of time, of course, but...

If a karaoke track has built-in, then is fine. Removing them will probably ruin everything.

Overlapping is allowed since we can't all split into two and get them to sing at the same time. Or maybe we can... I'll get back to you on that once I successfully split myself into two. :)

Cz 2006-11-05 01:56


Originally Posted by kcl822 (Post 729613)
It is time to dust off the microphone and start breaking glasses!
The 6th semi-anual karaoke competition season is open for all!

I've been eagerly waiting for this! Time to show off my.... humble voice again. :heh:


Originally Posted by SCHADOWFOX (Post 729650)
c'mon RHX there is still plenty of time, even I might consider sending in an entry this time :eyespin:


Originally Posted by Worldestroyer (Post 729701)
In light of RHX's enthusiastic nature, I shall put forth a submission that will equal and surpass his attempt at the Worst Submission Award.


Originally Posted by pengiechan (Post 729848)
I'm participating, if only because basket and RHX will beat me up if I forget again.

Ooh, if all of you follow through this will be the best karaoke competition ever! :D I mean, the previous ones were the best too, but we all strive to be better than the best, right? :p


Originally Posted by kcl822 (Post 729898)
Overlapping is allowed since we can't all split into two and get them to sing at the same time. Or maybe we can... I'll get back to you on that once I successfully split myself into two. :)

I know one song with overlapping singing and one song with multiple harmonies. both of which I can sing. I remember that harmony was not allowed in a past karacomp too, because I asked. :)

People are complaining about the lack of time till the deadline. See, kcl822, I told you it was better to post it before Halloween. :rolleyes:


Fome 2006-11-05 02:07

Just the right amount of time, if you ask me.

Jinto 2006-11-05 02:29


Originally Posted by Red HamsterX (Post 729640)
You *really* don't want me to make this competition, do you?

November 29th just doesn't work for me. It's too soon. Too close to a ton of other deadlines.

Unfortunately I have the same problem. If the deadline was like 1 or 2 weeks later I could prepare my song much better. I have really not much time in november :/. I try to release something no matter when the deadline is, its just, I might not be able to put much effort into it.

Anyway, I am happy, that another KC event is happening :)

Shiemi 2006-11-05 07:00

Aargh! Why can't the deadline be a little later, like a week later? I'm currently in my last month of classes of this semester and the last final is on the first days of December. I can still try though and now I'm glad the song I've been practicing has already its harmony in the karaoke... But I'm curious, why have you chosen to eliminate harmonies done by ourselves? :p

Itachikun 2006-11-05 07:28

Wow, it's been about time. With all the hype on new shows, the banners and alot lately. I never knew this would be here so fast...

Cool... looking forward to hearing you all scream >_>

SCHADOWFOX 2006-11-05 09:48


Originally Posted by Itachikun (Post 730239)
Cool... looking forward to hearing you all scream >_>

we aren't screaming :frustrated:, we are singing :rolleyes:!

kcl822 2006-11-05 10:23

I was thinking of doing it earlier but turkey week was there. We all need to eat turkey, don't we? :p
Shiemi: As for the reason for eliminating harmonies... Just wanted to listen to your pure voice? :)
I wanted to make this "pure karaoke", pretty much.
Or maybe I just wanted to be evil? Hum... I like this reason.

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