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MrNotalk 2006-09-12 22:57


Originally Posted by a03
opps..... i forgot to mention first original alternate plane mobile armor form in GSD XP

not really.

The first is Raider Gundam from Gundam Seed.

The 2nd is Murasame from Gundam Seed Destiny. ( they were flying around ORB's airspace long before Athrun in his Saviour)

I guess Saviour can be the 3rd.;)

kct 2006-09-12 23:58

And Murasames were the most plane-like (Waverider lol). Raider looks more like a WRYYYbird to me >.> .

cyw1988 2006-09-13 04:50

raider looked like a wing gundam gone wrong hahaha.... XD

duotiga 2006-09-13 07:14

me just like conventional designs :D

Siege 2006-09-13 14:32

no the raider was gay with it daft looking twirly mace thing

(oh thats right i said twirly)

Saviour is not a favourite of mine either but i have come to terms with it and when it Kneels down when meeting kira and the others it does seem to lean very far forward unlike most other gundam MS's like freedom which looks like its a praying catholic

duotiga 2006-09-13 18:42

2006 Higashi Nippon Toy Trade Fair UPDATED
GA Graphic has a mess of great pics from the 2006 Higashi Nippon Toy Trade Fair. On display are the Cosmic Region Akatsuki, Zeonography Kämpfer/Prototype Kämpfer, MSiA & EMSiA figures, and the Gundam Mega Bloks.

The webmaster of MIA Nado also attended the show and posted a summary of an informal chat with one of the reps:
Q: Will you be shipping more than 3,000 units of the Green Divers Asshimar?
A: Though we can't talk about the numbers, that isn't to say it'll be that scarce.

Q: About next year's lineup?
A: We're just into talks about it but we'll be releasing new things as well as filling in holes in each series. We're thinking we want to do untouched lines like V and X. And a surprising item is also planned.

Q: Is UC Arms Gallery 4 going on sale this year?
A: It seems it won't.

Q: Will there be MS that haven't been done as MSiA suddenly turning up as EMSiA?
A: There will.

frm gunota

cyw1988 2006-09-14 00:07

The 2nd qn... izit asking about MG kits??

SNT1 2006-09-14 00:31

I dont think so, I doubt theyd be talking about MGs in a show with action figures and megabloks only. Though, making successful action figs of V and X can lead to model kit development

Meehlimo 2006-09-14 14:05

I think they really should do a mastergrade X and V granted i love X its not purely outa personal feelings i know that suit has a pretty decent fanbase to it and i know since F-91came out ppl been roaring about a MG V gundam V2 actally but yea like SNT1 said if the actionfigure sales r good we could possibly see one of the 2 in the near future im still baffled y they havent released a strike freedom mastergrade i mean aint he ona their big cash models?

dodgethis_sg 2006-09-15 04:21

Whatever happened to sentences?

Here's hoping for a Fix Figuration V2 Assault Buster.

srb 2006-09-15 06:00


Originally Posted by Siege
no the raider was gay with it daft looking twirly mace thing

What? It flies around and beats on stuff with a giant Gundam hammer. How is that not completely AWESOME?

I want a 1/100 Raider with a stand :(

dodgethis_sg 2006-09-15 06:44

Gundam hammers are big fun round things of death.

zetra 2006-09-15 07:58

I think it just a ble'e thing...

mangatron 2006-09-15 09:59


Originally Posted by dodgethis_sg
Gundam hammers are big fun round things of death.

Especially since it can knock off a Gundam's head :heh:

I like the way Raider's has a handle and is powered. Imagine what it could do to humans....:heh: :uhoh:

(ok, don't imagine. Run! lol)

Nesty 2006-09-15 12:00


Originally Posted by dodgethis_sg
Gundam hammers are big fun round things of death.

cute and devastating, just right :P

DarkWarrior 2006-09-15 12:18


Originally Posted by srb
What? It flies around and beats on stuff with a giant Gundam hammer. How is that not completely AWESOME?

I want a 1/100 Raider with a stand :(

Maybe because the giant hammer didn't do much at all? Freedom took a direct hit to the chest but showed no visible damage afterwards. Plus the fact that it doesn't seem to be very durable; Justice sliced in half with no problem.

And knocking off Freedom's head isn't impressive, because 1. Half was already blown off by Forbidden 2. The head didn't have PS active.

Dunno, but that's just me. :p

SNT1 2006-09-15 12:22

I dunno, the only awesome Gundam Hammer is Amuro's dont know why. For some reason the RX-78 looks badass with it >.>

srb 2006-09-15 14:39


Originally Posted by DarkWarrior
Maybe because the giant hammer didn't do much at all? Freedom took a direct hit to the chest but showed no visible damage afterwards.

Phase shift. Still shook the unit and stalled it, setting it up for a ranged attack. Just imagine if it had beam spikes :heh:.


Plus the fact that it doesn't seem to be very durable; Justice sliced in half with no problem.
Beam saber coming downwards very fast on a non-moving object will do that to pretty much anything. By that standard, Freedom isn't very durable :heh:.


And knocking off Freedom's head isn't impressive, because 1. Half was already blown off by Forbidden 2. The head didn't have PS active.
And there you see how badass it can be when used against something that's not phase shifted - it'll knock it silly. Random GuAIZ and CGUE's hit by it vere wisibly crumbling and exploding :heh:.

Aaah, big metal balls. Nothing better when you've got to hit someone.

DarkWarrior 2006-09-15 15:54


Originally Posted by srb
Phase shift. Still shook the unit and stalled it, setting it up for a ranged attack. Just imagine if it had beam spikes :heh:.

Phase Shift should not be an issue since Gundam Official explicitly states that the spherical breaker is powerful enough to damage even PS armor.

mangatron 2006-09-15 17:32

Can we also add that there was some considerable space between Raider and Freedom when Freedom got beheaded. Well, yeah they were in space lol but still, that was one pretty good Hammer. I do wonder, is the Hammer Phase Shifted as well? Now that would be interesting....

Siege 2006-09-15 19:06

dont care it still looked really daft i mean it was calamities BITCH,

any calamity needs to go anywhere it just hop right on plus how in the dues does one stop rockets and lasers with a chain i mean come on

duotiga 2006-09-15 20:05

are we getting OT here? :D me hoping for Destiny MSV/ Destiny Astray MSV also.....

dodgethis_sg 2006-09-15 20:43


Originally Posted by mangatron
Can we also add that there was some considerable space between Raider and Freedom when Freedom got beheaded. Well, yeah they were in space lol but still, that was one pretty good Hammer. I do wonder, is the Hammer Phase Shifted as well? Now that would be interesting....

I dont see why not. Blitz's darts were phase shift coated and they didn't have some sort of connection to the firing unit.

Sure, phase shift will stop your MS from being damaged but that doesn't save you from the impact of a heavy object travelling at high speeds.

AnimePaul 2006-09-15 22:36

Does anyone know if Bandai has released 1/100 Akatsuki model kit yet? So far I'm planning on getting my hands on 1/100 Strike Freedom and 1/110 Akatsuki. I like the Akatsuki just for the fact its going to look shiny as hell with the gold coat of armor.

SNT1 2006-09-15 23:12

give it time; they actually might do akatsuki by the end of the year, and if I may give advice, also wait for an MG strike Freedom; its also a good possibility it might come out soon, and the 1/100 offering is sh1t, quite honestly.

duotiga 2006-09-15 23:15


Originally Posted by AnimePaul
Does anyone know if Bandai has released 1/100 Akatsuki model kit yet? So far I'm planning on getting my hands on 1/100 Strike Freedom and 1/110 Akatsuki. I like the Akatsuki just for the fact its going to look shiny as hell with the gold coat of armor.

it will be sooner or just a matter of time......:rolleyes:

Akatsuki packaging is either sold off separately ( like Strike) or combine( Zaku 's Arthrun and Dearka ver) for my prediction.....

mangatron 2006-09-15 23:30


Originally Posted by dodgethis_sg
Sure, phase shift will stop your MS from being damaged but that doesn't save you from the impact of a heavy object travelling at high speeds.

Yeah, like a colony drop. The earth may still be there, but it really hurts after the drop :heh:

Speaking of models, I was wondering. Those HGUC 1/144's, is there a MS left that has not been HGUCfied? Maybe they should start the HGAC line and redo all the Wing Gundam models with todays technology. Boy would I like to see a sturdy HeavyArms Custom....or a MG version :heh:

Aha. You know those latest 1/144's, the Zaku I and Powered GM? Imagine a Leo with that technology :heh:

And since the Zudah looks a bit like Tallgeese, Tallgeese would look great in that Zudah type of body :heh:

wavehawk 2006-09-16 02:24


Originally Posted by mangatron
Speaking of models, I was wondering. Those HGUC 1/144's, is there a MS left that has not been HGUCfied?

- Tons upon tons of MS that fans want that have not been given the HGUC treatment, like the GM Sniper Custom I and II, the Refined Barzam, et. al. And of course, there's a rather big segment of Gunpla fans who demand that Bandai release HGUCs from Char's Counterattack next. And that doesn't even begin to count the new UC MS Bandai is coming out with, such as the Zaku Sniper (FINALLY! a decent Sniper MS for ther mono-eyes that isn't a Gelgoog!), and the GM Striker.

HGAC stuff--I'm not sure if it'll come out anytime soon, but I'd definitely want to see some HG work done on some of the Wing Stuff--a 1/144 Wing Gundam Ver. Ka, for one, would be one I'd get. And a Katoki-redesigned Gundam X, as well. But I guess that's pretty much just wishful thinking.

One major gripe I have, though. If they do make new HGs (Seed, UC, Wing, or otherwise), I hope they do it with correct scale in mind. I have the Tallgeese III (16+meters) and the Cgue (18-19+ meters, I think) models--and they'fe the same height. Guh. This may be just me, since I started with 1/144 aircraft and moved into Gunpla, but it really riles me to see supposedly same-scale mecha not matching the expected sizes.

kct 2006-09-16 03:33

I do hate seeing the same happening, that is why I might not be able to buy one that early >.> .

duotiga 2006-09-16 05:10

wavehawk...your dream come true

Game Watch at the Amusement Machine Show
Game Watch's report from Banpresto's booth at the 44th Amusement Machine Show includes more promo shots from the Spirits Of Zeon arcade game.

Their Bandai Namco booth report confirms the HGUC GM Striker for December.

frm gunota

kct 2006-09-16 10:25

Good, I love the new style of linearts from stuff like the GM Striker.

dodgethis_sg 2006-09-16 22:09

Just got the HGUC Powered GM because it was going cheap. I must say, the details are almost to, if not at, Master Grade levels. The rear of the shield and the soles are spectacular.

As for articulation, we'll have to wait and see until I get my ass around to building it.

wavehawk 2006-09-17 01:56

Dammitm, that's good! No, dammit, that's bad! I'm still in the process of saving up enough money for December purchases! The GM Striker is going to take a bit out of my wallet! And I haven't even been able to get that lovely, lovely Powered GM yet~~~Nuhooooooo.....

<---Ignore me. I'm in one of those chemically imbalanced (read: Six weeks without coffee and counting) days, and it's playing havoc with my sanity and common sense

SNT1 2006-09-17 03:27


One major gripe I have, though. If they do make new HGs (Seed, UC, Wing, or otherwise), I hope they do it with correct scale in mind. I have the Tallgeese III (16+meters) and the Cgue (18-19+ meters, I think) models--and they'fe the same height. Guh. This may be just me, since I started with 1/144 aircraft and moved into Gunpla, but it really riles me to see supposedly same-scale mecha not matching the expected sizes.
CGUE is listed as 21 meters, but it also has a big-ass mohawk. maybe their head height is the same at 16-17m, but mohawk bumps it a few more m?

kct 2006-09-17 04:09

Yup. They take the mohawks/horns of mobile suits into account of height. Check the ZAKUs for proof.

wave: lol

mangatron 2006-09-17 08:03

ok.....So the mohawk is included in height measurement? That must be about 5 meters shaved off :heh:

And if we compare it like with Aegis gundam, then Aegis gundam must be one small dude :heh: :uhoh:

I mean, the Ginn's mohawk doesn't reall go that high, it's swept back quite a bit. Unless we're talking about the long range recon guy, he has a bit of frilly things on his head. Cgue's is swept back considerably, but if we want to talk about verticals, then Zno wins the bet :heh:

Speaking of Zno, Bandai where the hell is Zaft's amphibious MS model kits? That brown 1/144 NG Goohn of mine is really stiff and lonely :heh: :heh:

kct 2006-09-17 08:08

I have no idea about those in SEED, but they might come into equation in some way >.> .

srb 2006-09-18 02:43

Aren't all Wing 1/144's actually scaled to the UC height of ~18 meters instead of their own 15-16?

cyw1988 2006-09-18 10:01

wadever it is i sure hope they come up with some destroy cannon fodders(that are of their correct size ie it better not be size of 1/144 destiny = size of 1/144 destroy) for me to make a "destiny ripping up destroy" scene.

dodgethis_sg 2006-09-20 01:41

Someone beat you to it.

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