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Radiosity 2006-12-25 11:50

Tales of Symphonia OVA Discussion
Doesn't seem to be an actual thread for this yet, so I thought I'd create one, since I'm a huge fan of the Tales series. I imagine this will be something like the Tales of Phantasia OAV, with a fairly truncated story. The entire story could easily make a 100+ episode series, so it'll likely be a fanservice trip for us fans (and damn I'm looking forward to seeing Sheena and cute Presea fully animated :D )

Brief summary from ANN:


Two worlds exist, both unaware of the existance of the other. In order for one world to flourish, the other will have to perish. On the perishing world, a Choosen one is send on a journey to restore that world's mana by awakening the Spirits and becoming an angel. Colette Brunel, the Choosen of Sylvarant, sets out on her journey accompanied by her best friends Lloyd Irving and Genis Sage. As they travel further they meet more friends and even more enemies, while they learn more and more about the truth behind the World Regeneration.
Can't wait for this :)

belpegor 2006-12-25 12:49

It looks interresting but 100+ episodes? wow thats a long ride ehh ?? :)

Radiosity 2006-12-25 13:15

Well it's not going to be 100+ episodes, I was just saying that the story from the game could easily be made into 100+ :) The OAV will likely be 4 episodes, same as Tales of Phantasia The Animation.

Prolific 2006-12-26 13:07

I'm excited for this one as well. I'll be really happy if it'll be more than 4 eps. =D

7thFonon 2006-12-26 13:40

I'll be wanting a lot more than 4 episodes though unless each is like an hour long or something. I think 10-15 episodes would be good enough. I hope they come out with a Tales of Abyss movie though, now that would be the best.

Radiosity 2006-12-26 16:25

Haven't actually played TotA yet since I don't have the appropriate console (I'm a GC man), but I'd agree that more than 4 eps would be nice. Phantasia was good for what it was, but Tales of Eternia The Animation was better from the point of view of having 13 episodes (that and I love Meredy ;) )

Oh well, here's hoping we get a good 13+ adaptation.

crystar 2006-12-27 09:00

It would be nice if they would animate this with the proper number of episodes needed to cover the story. I haven't played Tales of Symphonia but I would really like to. Don't have a GC.

Klashikari 2006-12-27 09:19

the problem would be : how will it cover Kratos' and Zelos' story and character development?

until the possible animation crew create another story which will grant them justice without any disaster
Spoiler for end game spoiler:

it would be rather awkward to animate the end of TOS (would they be able to correctly portray how twisted is really the "villain" of the story to begin with?)

while zelos has the best character mojo, kratos is the most interesting character, plot wise, even better than the
Spoiler for another end game spoiler:

*sigh* anyway, yeah, TOS deserve an anime ^^

note : i can't understand why in the hell every TOS summary, even from namco/nintendo spoil the 2 worlds plot. the mana balance shouldn't be that obvious at the beginning of the story.

kingdom_elladrel 2006-12-27 12:35

Tales of Symphonia OAV, eh? Excellent :) I would love to see that. I'm a huge fan of the game and it was the reason why I bought a Gamecube, so for a while, it used to be the only GC game I had.

Radiosity 2006-12-27 16:44


Originally Posted by crystar
I haven't played Tales of Symphonia but I would really like to. Don't have a GC.

It's released on PS2 as well, if that helps :)


Originally Posted by Klashikari
the problem would be : how will it cover Kratos' and Zelos' story and character development?

Yeah, I'm interested in that as well. Personally I don't think they'll focus much on it. Think about ToE the animation. They based the entire thing on one smallish section of the game, and it ended with the main guys continuing on their journey. Wouldn't surpise me if ToS went the same way. Maybe starting around halfway with all characters already onboard and the main quest underway, much like Tales of Phantasia OAV.

Spoiler for major game spoiler, seriously:


Originally Posted by Klashikari
note : i can't understand why in the hell every TOS summary, even from namco/nintendo spoil the 2 worlds plot. the mana balance shouldn't be that obvious at the beginning of the story.

Yeah. I actually completely forgot that the back of the game case mentions two worlds, until:


At least they don't spoil it to any really serious degree though, as such.

crystar 2006-12-27 20:32


Originally Posted by Radiosity (Post 781254)
It's released on PS2 as well, if that helps :)

In Japanese. I can't read (or speak) that unfortunately. Oh well, I may get a Wii. There's still hope to play one day. In the mean time, happy an anime is being made.

Genjo 2007-02-07 08:51

well the First Trailer is out. :p

so far it looking Great cant wait for it to come out.:)

problemedchild 2007-02-10 02:11

The entire storyline in 4 episodes? Meh, this won't turn out too well IMO. Could of been at least 13 episodes. Oh well.

Am I the only person that played ToS that hated whole puzzle for every map aspect?

Drytchnath 2007-02-11 08:35


Originally Posted by problemedchild (Post 828299)
The entire storyline in 4 episodes? Meh, this won't turn out too well IMO. Could of been at least 13 episodes. Oh well.

Am I the only person that played ToS that hated whole puzzle for every map aspect?

No, you are not alone in your hatred. Luckily my PC is a few steps away from my GC and I have Gamefaqs bookmarked.

On the subject of the anime it looks nice and fluid, just like an OVA should. But theres no way it'll even come close to covering all the important plot points before ending. Lots of stuffs gonna be cut and it may ruin the experience for fans of the game while seeming shallow to those that aren't familiar with it.
I myself never beat it, got all the way to the end then went back and did all the side quests. Did the same thing with FF8-got to the next-to-last dungeon about 4 times but never actually beat it. I really need to stop doing that with my RPGs.

Terrestrial Dream 2007-02-11 10:05

I love that game for the gamecube i beat the game about 3times. Now finally here I could get rid off horrible English voice of Llyod and many other out of my head.

Kaioshin Sama 2007-02-11 13:26

I remember seeing the first episode of Tales of Phantasia which if I recall started right in the middle of the 2nd act with the attack on Dhaos's castle and by the end of the 1st episode they were already back in the present and starting the 3rd act. They just flew through 2/3 of the game in 1 episode and I decided not to continue even though it was a nice fan treat (basically if you hadn't played the game you'd have absolutely no idea what was going on). Also I wish they had gotten Satomi Koorogi as Mint instead of the one who did her in the full voice version and her cameo appearances.

Tales of Symphonia is also and I swear this a 50 or so hour game, so how they are going to do this in a 4 episode OVA without repeating the Phantasia formula would be quite a feat. Unless each OVA is at least an hour long and they cut any scene that isn't absolutely 100% critical to the story, they are screwed. Also if they replace Ai Orikasa as Genius Sage they die. (edit: Oh thank freaking god she's there. I know how they're desperately trying to retire my favourite voice actors. This is already an improvement over Tales of Phantasia which had maybe half of the original cast. You can blame Dhaos's new voice on the fact that Kaneto Shiozawa is dead, but Satomi Koorogi being replaced was bullshit.)

Logically, you would also expect them to use Starry Heavens for the opening, but if that happens I will eat my hat that I'm not wearing. It hasn't happened before, though a lot of H-Games are moving down that path, I can't see them throwing me that bone.

Oh and with ToE they actual did a completely original story which was a great way to go about things and it ended up working really really well, making it the only Tales anime I've enjoyed to date (well it was the only one besides Phantasia). Star Ocean wasn't half bad either, but that was 26 episodes and it only got through the first disc of the game.

Sigrblot 2007-02-11 15:39


Now finally here I could get rid off horrible English voice of Llyod and many other out of my head.
Amen to that...

God, the pain of having to wait 4 more months...

problemedchild 2007-02-14 03:38


Originally Posted by Drytchnath (Post 829458)
No, you are not alone in your hatred. Luckily my PC is a few steps away from my GC and I have Gamefaqs bookmarked.

What's funny is that the puzzles are the only thing preventing me from playing the game all over again. I got all the titles, then I farmed out all the Grade to buy titles, extra grade and pretty much everything else. But meh, I have better things to do than trying to get a fish to move a fruit for me.

Flame-X 2007-02-16 21:23

im pretty sure it'll end up phantasia's formula. o well, at we'll see the anime version of it...

Radiosity 2007-02-16 22:22


Originally Posted by CoreMaster (Post 825127)
well the First Trailer is out. :p

so far it looking Great cant wait for it to come out.:)

k, for those of us who don't speak or write fluent Japanese, how exactly do we get a preview to play on that page?

Anyway, looks like I was right in my summise of this being another 4 ep OAV like ToP :( Keeping my fingers crossed, and I'll be watching it for sure simply to see Sheena and Presea animated :)


Originally Posted by Kaioshin sama
Tales of Symphonia is also and I swear this a 50 or so hour game

My first playthrough was 90+ hours, and without using a faq either. I do tend to spend time levelling and getting grade though.


Originally Posted by Kaioshin sama
Oh and with ToE they actual did a completely original story which was a great way to go about things and it ended up working really really well

It was original? Didn't realise. I'm still only about 10 minutes into ToD2 (or ToE if you prefer the alternate name.) Really need to make time to actually play the game properly one of these days...

As for VA's... anyone will be fine really, since absolutely any Japanese seiyuu will be better than the hideous american 'actors'. I switch voices completely off while playing, it's a much more enjoyable experience (seriously, who the hell wants to hear 'RISING FALCON!!!, TEMPEST!!!, SWORD RAIN!!!, BLEH BLEH BLEH being shouted 17 times every battle? Certainly not I.)


Originally Posted by problemedchild
What's funny is that the puzzles are the only thing preventing me from playing the game all over again.

I don't mind most of them since they're generally pretty simple to get through quickly when you know how to do them. There are certain ones I really loathe though, like Latheon Gorge with those damn plants.

Ah well, I'm still looking forward to this, even if it only turns out to be a ToP style fanservice trip. With Sheena in there, fanservice is fine by me :D Though I would of course prefer something with a bit of substance, like the game itself ;)

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