was kinda looking forward to this kit, never built a HG before and thought i could make this my first one but after looking at the pics, a lot of painting seems to be needed to make this kit even remotely presentable...
the V-fin isn't even yellow, head seems way too plain (only the chin part is coloured), clear effect parts (like previously mentioned) are way too light, minimal detail/colour on weapons... etc tbh i dont think its worth spending extra money to paint a HG kit, but once its painted i dont doubt this would be a awesome kit |
IG Exia is a special edition with chrome weapon, alternative exia repair parts and LED part. Inf Justice is a normal MG kit. Have a quick look at these; MG IG Exia and MG Inf Justice. |
i guess it is a bit of a draw back to have the non colored clear parts, its not like its a hard thing to do to add colored clear parts to kits now. Over all i don't think it really needs all that much work done to it just a little paint here and there and panel lining, and i dont like the design of the 00 or 90% of the mobile suits from 00 season 2.
Ironically,the GN Sword III's tone of green is alot like the one seen in the Official Poses,so yeah they HAVE done it before,on the previous HG 00 release infact. This color tone is more towards HG Cherudim GNHW/R's Rifle bits crystal sensors.They come in lightly clear blued,usually they never bother at all. Quote:
Everything else is what it is except there's 0 stickers on it.Stickers are suppose to be there in the eyes,the fins and black on the Condensers. Since you say you've never built a HG before,you may be a bit unaware that HG kits [at least the last few years] come with stickers for the face.I guess Dalong would be the more accurate site to check for unpainted out of the box HGs,though this would probably be not available there but the regular HG 00s are. 00 unpainted at all is pretty good for me,though I'm a complete color freak now,with the exception of the crystal sensor which bothers me alot but nothing a light blue marker cant fix. Cant do much for the details I guess since its just a HG kits but I guess the HG kits in the last few years have improved alot over the HG kits before than by alot,though personally they've always been good enough for me at least,detail-wise. Having said that,while the normal 00 is pretty sweet unpainted,this one looks less so because the amount you need to put into the Condenser Blades as well as the sensors.Not that much work but more than the regular I guess.Unless of course you can put up with the light clear green. |
Paint makes all the difference...
I guess it does,but I'm hoping I didnt have to do too much of this time around,since its a busy time currently.
http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/3...4313953284.jpg Boxed wordings indicated that the final product will be in a deeper shade of green. But IMO that's not a good thing as the concept art of 7S has the blades in a shallow green. So it anyone had any ideas about matching the model to the concept art, it will be a hassel to tune the blades back to that lighter shade. |
However,I can understand why some more experienced modelers who may want to have a lighter shade be disappointed,since a completely clear or lighter clear green would be easier to customize the tone yourself. |
whats the site that posts various gunpla including gundam? it sometimes posts reviews, its not ngeekhiong but they separate the gundam to the various eras. i cant remember which site it was. last time i checked they left a spot open for the nebula blitz but the link was empty as they didnt get the time to check it out yet. mine's been ordered jan 12th but i do want to know before hand what peices wil come with it.
Regardless, I'll still dose the clear parts over with Clear Green.
I agree,that art is pretty nice and a MG Ahead wouldn't be too bad either.And I guess you can play around with the removable armor as well,maybe make it look more Gundamlike,like the chest orb.,and maybe even reveal the head this time around.[Mechanical profile wise,the Ahead is suppose to greatly resemble a 3rd Generation Gundam underneath the armor according to the HG manual,even possesing a chest orb.The heavy armor was made in order to make it look not like a Gundam because the Gundam-like symbolism may stir up public controversy,due to the public's hatred of them]
Infact,looking at the rear art,I finally can see how a 3rd GenerationGundam looking mech is indeed inside that blocky armor,I guess it looks more obvious from the rear and then comparing with say Exia's rear.I guess removing the plating in between the arms and the torso,some of the arms as well as the main torso armor and I guess you can indeed get a AD Timeline 3rd Generation Gundam from it. And I guess adding the equipment seen from the last few episodes would have been nice too,the physical bazooka,the Tail Booster,etc. |
We were discussing this.........just a few centimeters above your current post if you took a ruler and measured it in your computer screen's length.......>_>
Thanks for the goodwill effort though. But yeah,I want a MG 00 Raiser too.......PG is too big and expensive.However,better late and good rather than early and bad I guess.At least I hope it becomes that way if its late not that I mind an early AND good.[Probably wont be like Gundam X though] |
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