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Pathis87 2010-03-27 12:42


Originally Posted by X207 (Post 2975460)
thanks, i thought that a 1% chance they might fit exist. i just have to keep dreaming they'll release it fir a 144 GNZ series model. thanks for the link, i checked that site while searching but all i found were general pics of the actual model. i must have entered a older URL b4 they put up the revides pics o.O.
what are the percentages for the 2 colours? my mix of the white vatiation is a bit on the darker side missing some white. though i cant bother to redo it. the enamel paint is hard enough to remove and a 2nd coat will kill the panel lines. i used a white gloss 22 and 90 matt beige green, where did those last 2/4 colors go wrong?

white 65%
+ Indy blue 25%
+ Yellow green 10%

white 80%
+ sky blue (dark egg green) 20%
+ black (gloss)
+ sky blue (gloss)

X207 2010-03-27 14:32


Originally Posted by Pathis87 (Post 2975526)
white 65%
+ Indy blue 25%
+ Yellow green 10%

white 80%
+ sky blue (dark egg green) 20%
+ black (gloss)
+ sky blue (gloss)

thank you very much pathis. i think i know where i went off with the white now. ive never really been able to mix paints so they match 100%. its been hit and miss most of the time though ive managed it so its not too obvious. at most you can only tell if you look closely at it. i havent yet tried mixing the turquiose but now i can get it even closer.

i got mr super clear flat yesterday. i tested it out on a sample of the white im using on the garrazzo. its dulled the finish sufficiently. my question how long does it take to frost. imo it hasnt yet shown it but its still white paint i sprayed it on so i cant really tell atm.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-03-27 19:55

No more clear GN Condenser spikes for the Gundam Hammer. :(

RAVNEN 2010-03-27 23:27


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 2975940)

No more clear GN Condenser spikes for the Gundam Hammer. :( clear it confirmed?? Well at least it has more weapon,can't wait to put those weapon on GNX-III & Dynames kit.

LoweGear 2010-03-28 05:24


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 2975940)

No more clear GN Condenser spikes for the Gundam Hammer. :(

The grey parts should betray the fact that the parts shown in the Hobby Japan image are prototype parts. The final painted product already shown a couple of weeks back has the GN Condenser Spikes for the Gundam Hammer.


Here's an image of the final painted version of the HG Astraea Type-F.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-03-28 05:35

Ah, well then it's all fine now. :D

It would incredible lame without them.

bio9205 2010-03-28 08:15

Anyone with HGUC ReZel, Commander Type or not? I'm thinking of getting one, but with its hefty price tag...

vektar 2010-03-28 09:16


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 2975940)

No more clear GN Condenser spikes for the Gundam Hammer. :(

never, go by what the pre-release pictures show until you get a real review or official conformation from bandai about a kit. Like a lot of people here did with the PG 00.

Sir Dearka 2010-03-28 11:03

I think the spikes of GN Hammer shall be clear but not in color.

Un1ver5e 2010-03-29 05:05


Originally Posted by Sir Dearka (Post 2976777)
I think the spikes of GN Hammer shall be clear but not in color.

I think you're right. The colours seem to be finalised.

atlans89 2010-03-29 07:26

MG Wing boxart

HG Astraea type F boxart

Look nice :D

from SRW Hotnews

RAVNEN 2010-03-29 07:39

As always Bandai present us with awesome box art.:D I'm definitely gonna get Astraea TF & of course the I Gundam. If Bandai release MG Tallgeese then i would buy the MG Wing gundam..;)

atlans89 2010-03-29 07:52

Everyone do like Tallgeese, I wonder why? And Heavyarms? Guess I'm not fan of Gun-typed Gundam, so I'm more in Deathscythe and Epyon, those with exotic melee weapon type....

Just dig out a little in MAHQ, Tallgeese was designed by Hajime Katoki, any chance this year ver. Ka will be Tallgeese?

vektar 2010-03-29 08:32

I like the tallgeese because its a uniqe design and the pilot is required to have skillz in order to pilot it well. Unlike most gundams where the pilots depend on the toughness of the MS. But id love it if they made a MG tallgeese that would be really epic. I dont see them doing that though if anything i think they would make a Epyon before tallgesse.

RAVNEN 2010-03-29 08:42

As Vektar said,Tallgeese is a unique design,that why i like it a lot. I even bought the Endless Walz version long ago. :D MG Epyon would be epic,...indeed. Ver.Ka just spell "falling off parts"...:P

GundamMeisterLockon 2010-03-29 08:49


Originally Posted by vektar (Post 2978009)
I like the tallgeese because its a uniqe design and the pilot is required to have skillz in order to pilot it well. Unlike most gundams where the pilots depend on the toughness of the MS. But id love it if they made a MG tallgeese that would be really epic. I dont see them doing that though if anything i think they would make a Epyon before tallgesse.

Piloting tallgeese was like trying to ride a raging bull

you have to spend some time trying tame and master it

it was fascinating to see a pilot spending time working on his skills piloting tallgeese and at the same time studying the gundams that he would once face. I love the tallgease moments in wing, at first it could barely kill a squad of leos because it was so damn hard to pilot but eventually as the pilots skill grew it was able to fight gundams. I would most certainly buy one MG of it.

duotiga 2010-03-29 09:02

Astrea boxart is totally unexpected...was expecting the full weapons pose 1...nevertheless gonna get that 1 ^^

SonicSP 2010-03-29 10:35

I've got an important question,has anyone have some trouble with HG Arios's right arm joint being "loose" before?I'm talking about the joint that connects the torso to the right arm,basically [C8+PC1].

Now see,mine got loose so it can no longer hold the arm in a high position anymore[IE Arios canno raise its arm because the joint cannot hold it,not enough friction].

So,I basically I removed the joint [Part C8+PC1],and replaced it from the one in my unbuilt GNHW Arios kit.Not only that,I actually replaced the orange plated shoulder armor as well.I only took Arios's Beam Shield and the white arm from my original part.

Amazingly............the problem still persists.How is that even possible?How can a totally new out of the box shoulder plate and joint cause the exact same problem?My Arios's left arm never gives me the slightest hint of weakness but I open up some new parts for the right arm and it faces the EXACT same problem?There's nothing wrong with the arm and the beam shield either,their not even involved in the connection process,and their certainly not unnaturally heavy.I'm just so puzzled on why the problem still persists..........never replaced a part from a new box to have the exact same problem before.The joint being weak from wear and tear,thats understandable,but to have a new one totally fail you and give you the same problem,its a bit weird.I've also made sure the whole thing is super tight as it can be,not helping much.

Appreciate any additive or insight that can be given on the matter.Its slightly unsettling really.Also for the record,replacing the specific PC1 joint does not help[The joint is fully completed by combining the C8 part from the dark grey runner runner and the P1 rubber component,which is very common],each kit have like 5 or 6 of those each new one I tried seems to be causing the same problem.

There must be something I'm off here......its too coincidential.

With this problem,my Arios's right arm is literally dangling off a broken's person arm.And if replacing the shoulder and the joints didnt fix it problem........

Also,its not the torso slot either.I've tested the arm while the holding the shoulder to torso joint and the problem persists,so its not due to lack of cohesion of the torso slot.The left arm passes all the tests nicely.

And no,I made sure I didn't accidentally put the old joint and shoulder plates by mistake.I labeled them accordingly.

Tormenk 2010-03-29 12:27

^ I don't have an Arios but in regards to joint loosening, sometimes it's due to the joint the PC is hugging. The left shoulder joint of my HG Sazabi had a deformity which wore out the PC part on it. The right shoulder join was fine so I put it down to a problem with the mold itself. Might be the same with the Arios. Check if there's any and remove it if you find it will enlarge the PC over time. Otherwise I would suggest cutting out a piece of plastic bag to fit over the joint the PC hugs. It's one way to extend the life of loose PC parts.

Not all PC parts are made perfect for their purpose anyway. I had to trim down quite abit of the PC for the MG Astray's upper arm because it was too big and left little space for the adjacent armor to squeeze in.

Dynamite 2010-03-29 13:43

Now, I do have a HG Arios. Its actually always on my desk.
I checked both left and right joints when I built it and just now, and they are very much solid. In fact, I can even say they are perfect.

The points of articulation for this arm is the ball-socket shoulder joint, the "PC-in-part" joint (I guess you can call it that) and the shoulder joint.

Several things might have gone wrong.

Firstly, shoulder joint problem. A) ball is too small/socket is too large. Very common problem. OR B) the socket isn't placed correctly. The socket can go inside the torso and face outwards instead of upwards.

Secondly, "PC-in-part" problem. Couple of problems here. A) PC pieces is too small. OR B) should armor has too big a hole. How to solve this. Take a PC1 part, drop a small amount of superglue on each side. Let it dry. Reassemble shoulder part. Test.

Either way, just lift the arm up to a straight position and drop it steadily. See what part it isn't holding.

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