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Calvin329 2009-04-20 19:26

Degenki Hobby June '09 Preview :

Looks like a big and yummy issue. :D

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-04-20 19:39

Robot Damashii Regnant to be a limited release.


StratoSpear 2009-04-20 19:52

Exia R2 and Susanowo on the cover page....? Wow!

Calvin329 2009-04-20 20:31


Originally Posted by StratoSpear (Post 2352834)
Exia R2 and Susanowo on the cover page....? Wow!

Yea, I know.

For once, it's like G00-themed entirely, lol.

Foreshadow 2009-04-20 21:01

I really hope that Condenser on the 0 Gundam is swap-able with a GN drive

Amber.Dawn 2009-04-20 21:05

Wasn't it confirmed that it was swappable?

Calvin329 2009-04-20 21:11


Originally Posted by Foreshadow (Post 2352940)
I really hope that Condenser on the 0 Gundam is swap-able with a GN drive


Originally Posted by Amber.Dawn (Post 2352944)
Wasn't it confirmed that it was swappable?

Yes, it is, for both Robot Damashii AND HG 1/144.

Foreshadow 2009-04-20 21:18


Originally Posted by Calvin329 (Post 2352957)
Yes, it is, for both Robot Damashii AND HG 1/144.

Ah, i had only heard about the Damashii
Thanks for the Info

Calvin329 2009-04-20 21:23


Originally Posted by Foreshadow (Post 2352971)
Ah, i had only heard about the Damashii
Thanks for the Info


And, HG 1/144 0 Gundam has a "beam saber gimmick" too.

From what we can see from the pics Bandai released, the arm can bend back, the hand can hold the beam saber on the backpack, as if 0 Gundam is just about to pull it out :

And this pic (was from a while ago) confirms that the GN Condenser Backpack can be swapped for a GN Drive, at least for the HG model, that is.

Edit : Nope, found the pic!

Dalsim007 2009-04-20 22:11

Here is what I have been up to for some times... Finally getting somewhere with the ugly 1/100 NG of infinite justice...

I think I have started this one like 3 years ago... (notice the special edition stand... lol)

Thanks for the comments you guys left back then. I decided the head was fine as it was (I made it a little bit thicker and extended the neck by 1 mm. I thought those other modded you suggested looked almost like SD... With inflated head and stuff)

I still need to do some touch ups, and panel line + coat it + if I can find some decals to put on... It is a bit messy as it was the first time I actually tried to mod a model... I really messed up the tighs and part of the torso... But if you don't have your face in it... it looks decent... Haha If it was less messy, I would almost say it has the proportions of the MG (but mg's backpack is a lot less massive compared to the NG)

vektar 2009-04-20 22:23


Originally Posted by Dalsim007 (Post 2353041)

so what was the means of which you modded this model? It looks really good for NG Infinite Justice.

Dalsim007 2009-04-20 23:31

Well basically, I used some pla-plates to detail the shoulders, on the arms and scribed some more panel lines on them. I also used styrene to add some detail to the knee area and crotch.

I used some putty to make longer skirts all around the waist to cover the longer legs. And added some lenght to the wings and the head camera cover to give it a more aerodynamic look and to put some depth to the head (which I also deepened)
I also didn't like the short shoulder things, so I made them more like spikes.

I didn't like the hip balls joint at all, and I tried to replicate the way the hip joint is made on the ver 2.0 (no ball joint but one that has a peg to go in the upper tighs and in the crotch piece).

What was also really bad on this kit was the torso. It was way too short. I used the bottom cover as a fake internal display (i just placed it lower). At the same time, It covers the ball joint I placed there. I also tried to make the torso longer (what kind of humanoid robot as a cubic torso eh?) and originally had another ball joint there. But the heavy backpack prooved too much for it too keep a position. So I had to glue it in place. The other thing I did to the torso is reformed the mid section to look less like justice has one big breast in the middle of his chest. So I made the mid block smaller and cut the white part around it.

I think thats pretty much it.

JackRydden224 2009-04-21 02:38


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 2352817)
Robot Damashii Regnant to be a limited release.


I cannot agree more.

Now I need to decide whether my extra monies should go to a metal composite Z-Plus or the Regnant....

Un1ver5e 2009-04-21 02:52

I had some helpful tips from Jaycee a couple of weeks ago on how to build a lightbox. Here's the result of my first photoshoot. Apologies for the amateurish work. I still need to work on how to edit the details on the pictures. :X

More pictures :
They are in a raw state though, I haven't had the time to edit all of them. :heh:

Calvin329 2009-04-21 03:08


Originally Posted by Un1ver5e (Post 2353361)
I had some helpful tips from Jaycee a couple of weeks ago on how to build a lightbox. Here's the result of my first photoshoot. Apologies for the amateurish work. I still need to work on how to edit the details on the pictures. :X

They are in a raw state though, I haven't had the time to edit all of them. :heh:

Meh, who cares about the quality of photos! As long as we can see the model, it's fine!

Anyway, AWESOME mod there, REALLY NICE WORK.


Un1ver5e 2009-04-21 03:23

Heh, thanks. I posted my 'Celestial Gundam' here sometime back, but decided to bring him out again for the lightbox trial.

JayCee 2009-04-21 03:24

Nice start to you're lightbox Un1ver5e. I guess you're having fun with it :). Only thing that I can say that might be helpful is lower you're ISO setting if possible. That's the reason why the pics appear grainy. High ISO settings makes it more sensitive to more light. However in return creates more noise and grainy texture. So find the right balance of ISO on you're camera if that options available.

I'd say lowering the ISO a bit and lower shutter speed at same time. But I forgot what camera you had so not sure if either option is available.

After some work in photoshop to get rid of the cardboard gaps and lines I'm sure it'll look snazzy in no time :)

But all in all a valiant effort coupled with a well done kit *thumbs up*

GundamNanoha 2009-04-21 03:24

wow nice as hell nice combination lol

patnam 2009-04-21 03:48

hope this combination will be used in movie version...

Calvin329 2009-04-21 04:19


Originally Posted by patnam (Post 2353411)
hope this combination will be used in movie version...

Sadly it prolly won't happen, coz I don't think big corps like Bandai are able to recognise the genius of fan ideas and / or USE them in their products.

KaiDamien 2009-04-21 04:49

Nice!!! The Celestial Gundam is back in action !

kai00 2009-04-21 04:52

setloctieljah gundam to be precise

Calvin329 2009-04-21 04:55


Originally Posted by kai00 (Post 2353479)
setloctieljah gundam to be precise

you forgot Marie! D:<

(note the GN Archer 'wings')

Un1ver5e 2009-04-21 05:02


Originally Posted by Calvin329 (Post 2353482)
you forgot Marie! D:<

(note the GN Archer 'wings')

Check out the older pictures on my Flickr. Archer's head is stuck behind the 0 Raiser, lol. Couldn't find anyway to implement the Archer drives so....I used them as weapons instead. :heh:

Calvin329 2009-04-21 05:06


Originally Posted by Un1ver5e (Post 2353486)
Check out the older pictures on my Flickr. Archer's head is stuck behind the 0 Raiser, lol. Couldn't find anyway to implement the Archer drives so....I used them as weapons instead. :heh:

No, I meant it to the guy who used the Meisters' names as the Gundam's name, but forgot Marie even though her Archer is still there.

kai00 2009-04-21 05:09, hg uc 1/144 gundam mark II titans version

Calvin329 2009-04-21 05:16


Originally Posted by kai00 (Post 2353493)
my hg uc 1/144 gundam mark II titans version

Nice, lol.

I'm not exactly in a place to criticise any of these models, because a) i only know heaps about Gundam 00 and b) my models aren't that great themselves ... but.. a question : Are the eyes meant to be like that? The colour isn't so bright, so the eyes aren't really pronounced.

JayCee 2009-04-21 05:52

Another nice finish to another good kit. However this time it doesn't agree with me as much as Nu gundam from before. The colour scheme makes it too "toy like" to me. Although this boils down to different people different taste, although the seams between the thighs and torso should have been ridden of to be honest as it sticks out like a sore thumb. But apart from that very smooth job. Another thumbs up from me :)

Kelrys 2009-04-21 08:38

Great work on the 1/144 scale.

Nightwing(T_T) 2009-04-21 11:11

Kelrys 2009-04-21 11:16

So that 1/100 00 Raiser has the whole package of weapons?

LoweGear 2009-04-21 12:38

Before I go to sleep (damn photobucket)...

Nerroth 2009-04-21 12:38

Oh, nice.

Hopefully HG versions of Gaddess and Gaga will not be too long in coming!

LoweGear 2009-04-21 12:40

Revolutionist 2009-04-21 12:55

If Gaga gets an HG 1/144 version and Ribbons doesn't I'll be pissed...

Nerroth 2009-04-21 12:57

Especially since the Reborn was shown alongside the R2 as being a future HG release...

(That is the suit I'm looking forward to the most!)

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-04-21 14:20

Gee...who is Arche Gundam again?:p

Finally...his Robot Damashii figure is upon us, took long enough. But....the Gaga? That worthless piece of junk Ribbons used as giant manned missiles? You gotta be kidding me....

kakakka 2009-04-21 14:43

Yeah, Gaga... Gadess is there too

Anyway, I was kind of wondering if the lower part of Gaga could fit to other Innovator suits. It looks here they can't.

vektar 2009-04-21 16:09

To everyone who posted pics as of late, id like to say GREAT JOB, everyone has done a really good job, it dont matter if you just build a kit right out of the box or put hours and hours into it to make it one of a kind, they are all done by your own hands and should all be consided works of art. So again great job everyone, i look forward to seeing more pics. Im gonna have to try and build me a light box one of these days.

Subarunyon 2009-04-21 19:22


Originally Posted by kai00 (Post 2353493), hg uc 1/144 gundam mark II titans version

I love this color scheme myself. Inspired by AOZ? Great job =) I miss my HGUC Mk-II... (given to friends when I moved)

And to defend the modeler, that torso seam is part of the design as the rift is pretty deep on the model. The thigh one is debatable but I think it's fine.

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