Yes, Heero came out of the torso, from what I remember. |
http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h5...0610112207.jpg After WZC fired off all three shots of the TBR, the carcass of whatever's left fell to the ground. The torso fell back to the ground flat on it's back. How Heero exited is by climbing up, out of the cockpit, not crawling out. This proves that the cockpit's hatch is mounted vertically when upright, the door's placement favouring a lower abodomen cockpit placing. Secondly with the all round view cockpit of the WZC, the location you claim does not allow it to be fitted as such, needing an additional hatch on the top of the sphere. Only a cockpit located in the lower torso has the space nessecary to hold such a cockpit. Evidence 2 (screenshots) This is a screenshot of the cockpit seconds before Heero exits. Notice the lack of machine cannon housings and the presence of the vents and red coloured portions. http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h5...0610110951.jpg Now compare it to this picture of the WZC spreading it's signature wings. Note the lack of the red coloured parts and presense of machine cannon housings where you claim the cockpit to be. http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h5...0610111832.jpg Now, where's the only portion of the torso where you see the red coloured parts? http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h5...0610112426.jpg Why it was changed in the models kits could be due to the 'green ball thingy' blockin easy access to the cockpit. Thus having to change the location of the cockpit in the kits. |
winner:rolleyes: |
Haha. I discredited that sweeping, so-full-of-confidence statement of yours and you claim I'm giving you attitude. Common sense is also known as logic, ever heard of it?
Even if you disregarded that point because of the way I've so bluntly put it across (tonality is an actual word, but wrong context [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonality], Tex), I've still proved you wrong with my second piece of evidence. |
but in mahq..... http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/w/l...w0-cockpit.jpg http://www.dalong.net/review/pg/p05/p/p05_im0005.JPG taken frm Dalong , PG Wing Zero http://www.dalong.net/review/pg/p05/p/p05_08.jpg MG Wing Zero http://www.dalong.net/review/mg/m75/p/m75_10.jpg another 1 frm 1999.co.jp PG Wing Zero http://www.1999.co.jp/dbimages/user/.../10012734b.jpg so ..all along they have made mistake by not follwoing the anime lineart? i am confuse........ so my qn is the anime shown is it a cockpit hatch or...escape hatch? so...GOD, who is right or wrong? i need your ans for clarification, GOD? |
Why not? Kits have been to compromise accuracy for the sake of model-ification due to anime physics. And certain errors in kits have cause people to the actual MS is such due to their larger exposure to the kits. So the error carried on to the MG kit.
And escape hatches on an MS? That's a new one. |
i thought they are suppose to conform to the anime? then why wing ver ka also have the same cockpit opening as mg wing zero custom? it shld be below also right?
http://www.dalong.net/review/mg/m69/p/m69_36.jpg sorry eh...my absorption rate is kinda slow...can enlighten me somemore? how abt the orignal wing zero? |
Like I said, not everything that is possible in the anime can be done when it comes to turning said subject model. IE Original MG Zeta's head couldn't be retracted into the torso when going into Waverider mode. Until the Ver 2.0 came along.
Heero Yuy. Standing. Location. Background. Self Destruct. 'Nuff said. |
:confused: |
Not to add fuel to this fire or anything, but why DOESN'T a MS have an escape hatch in case of emergencies or something?
I mean, in the case of the aforementioned WZC, the cockpit literally blew apart in Heero's face so I imagined the cockpit controls would cease to work. There's gotta be a manual override somewhere right? Or a hatch blows open if there is one? :confused: And if I recall correctly, in Gundam X, X had sort of a manual override to its cockpit too didn't it? When Jamil manually opened The X's cockpit from OUTSIDE (hello security oversight). I'd think that would be the escape hatch or something similar right? Anyways, MS's need escape hatches :p |
how bout ejection seats? :)
Just a question regarding the MG Wing Zero Custom. Does anyone own it? How is it? WHat are the flaws?
I'm considering buying that. I know it got a 96 from Dalong which is great, but I need the details on why it lost the 4 points. |
honestly, i dont read korean so i dont know why it lost 4 points, but i own one and i dont have any complaints about it. it has great posability, although i really hate that it only has 2 weapons...:(, the saber and the cannon. and its relatively easy to build. i painted my wing zero jet black with silver trim
There are some inconsistencies in joint strength in the wings. For my kit, some joints on the left or right side were weaker than their opposite counterparts, and it wasn't because I built it poorly. Some supposedly symmetrical pieces are actually off by about a hair, which affects joint rigidity. However, I find this to be a minor issue. You can easily make joints more rigid by padding the connection point (I used the plastic from the bags holding the part trees, lol). Thankfully, the arms and legs on my kit were adequately stiff. It can hold the beam rifles 90 degrees straight forward with ease. The hands are still the old MG 3 digit hands, and while firmer than others I've seen, I would have preferred several different unmovable hands for holding weapons and posing. Overall, the final piece is some real eye candy. The small gripes do not detract from it too much. |
Well, it looks like I will be getting it then.
Thanks Fome for a detailed (but not necessary) report, and also, thanks to phreak as well. |
since were on the topic of askin for suggestions i might as well join. In the near future i will be able to get another kit and i am undecided between the Nu and the Hi-Nu. while i like the simple design and the old-school feel of Nu, i cant deny how nice the Hi-Nu looks either, so can anyone give me suggestions to the pros and cons of the kits? i would just use dalong, but i cant read Korean. besides their only difference is 2points
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