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X207 2009-11-04 20:49


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 2749766)
The Long-Range Cannon I think has been released. 1/144 scale I believe, no Fantong though.

thanks, im not sure if id get one yet but it still needs to contend with 5000 other nicer MS ie seraphim gundam, strike rouge, strike noir to name a few.

SonicSP 2009-11-04 20:52


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 2749766)
The Long-Range Cannon I think has been released. 1/144 scale I believe, no Fantong though.

Wait,there's a Tieren Long Range type of a HG 1/144 out there....?

Funny,I'd thought I was imaging things when I head something like that a while ago.

Would be nice to own one as well,I like the nose.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-11-04 21:03

My bad, it wasn't a kit, just a HCM Pro figure.

LoweGear 2009-11-05 02:00

For those worrying about the poseability of the upcoming MG Victory Gundam:

From Ngeekhiong

bio9205 2009-11-05 05:19

Anyone with the Cherudim GNHW/R? Is it any good?

thiangtm 2009-11-05 06:40


Originally Posted by bio9205 (Post 2750467)
Anyone with the Cherudim GNHW/R? Is it any good?

Err. Its not that great. The rifle bits falls off really easily. I used blue tac to fixed them though. But I think you're better off getthing the Seravee GNHW.

darkstrife 2009-11-05 07:03

if anyone got excited about the idea of getting a MG gundam with free clear parts (see previous page), you would be bitterly dissapointed. some pics have been released (see NK blog) and apparently the clear parts only cover a fraction of the kit (i.e just left side arm and leg), not the whole kit itself... WHAT THE HELL BANDAI??????????? what is the point of releasing clear parts for like 1/4 of the kit??????

on the other hand, the kits dont cost any extra than their original kits, so if any1 is interested in displaying a MG force impulse, with only its left leg having clear parts.... be my guest lol, looks like i'm sticking to my purchase of MG blue astray

also someone asked if its a good kit or not, check, it has detailed pics of most of its poses, so you should be able to judge yourself whether its good or not, i think its the best MG kit released this year

vektar 2009-11-05 09:23

I like the idea of not having the full kit in clear parts that way you can see what it looks like with normal armor on. That was how i was thinking of displaying the kits anyways.

BioRanger 2009-11-05 09:57


Originally Posted by darkstrife (Post 2750582)
also someone asked if its a good kit or not, check, it has detailed pics of most of its poses, so you should be able to judge yourself whether its good or not, i think its the best MG kit released this year

It looks great, but I was more of asking about technical pros and cons, not visual.

justsomeguy 2009-11-05 10:45

LMAO at the clear parts. With the tiny areas exposed, it looks horrible and you would be better leaving the armor off entirely if you want to show off the inner frame. I was thinking that half of the total armor would be clear, but this sucks!

The_Marshal_AEB 2009-11-05 15:36

it been a long time since i posted something here...and a 3yrs since this project begun

1/144 scale diorama of my best scene from gundam seed destiny.
Spoiler for G-SEED:

Completed project after 3 years of holding it down.
Project stones:
june2006 by completing impulse gundam, and a week later freedom gundam was completed.
Sep2006 decided to modify freedom into correct scale as appeared in front of impulse in "gundam seed destiny"
The modifications include cutting all the parts and extending it (torso, legs, arms, sholders, wings, and weapons)... Read More
Weeks later all the paint, clay, silicon, wooden base, etc requirement for diorama was purchased and started applying damage effects on both models.

Nov2006 diorama was on hold in following sitution: wooden base masked with steel wires holding the models with white clay water effect unpainted.

3yrs later silicon was applied after a dark blue base coat, and paint bruching all the shades of blue, and finaly glass marbels with white dry paint for finishing

Project hours(unknown) smaller project previously completed cost calculated 60hours

more pictures of inprogress and other shots in my album feel free to browse it

Amber.Dawn 2009-11-05 16:47


Originally Posted by justsomeguy (Post 2750811)
LMAO at the clear parts. With the tiny areas exposed, it looks horrible and you would be better leaving the armor off entirely if you want to show off the inner frame. I was thinking that half of the total armor would be clear, but this sucks!

I agree. It'd look better if the armor were just taken off. The couple extra clear pieces aren't very tempting.

darkstrife 2009-11-05 18:30


Originally Posted by BioRanger (Post 2750741)
It looks great, but I was more of asking about technical pros and cons, not visual.

i think the pics imply the technical aspect of the gundam, it got the highest rating in Dalong for MGs (i think). the sword is very heavy and unless ur using the actual gundam itself as support, you would need to use the provided base as support for more dramatic poses.

not too much cons, its leg articulation is very good as well. i'm getting one myself as i'm in love with the sword (imagine strike freedom wielding the tactical arms = pwnage gundam lol :D)

bio9205 2009-11-05 21:56

Are there any 00 S2 HG 1/144 kits that are actually playable? I'm thinking of getting one for my cousin :)

GrahamAker 2009-11-06 00:10


Originally Posted by bio9205 (Post 2751996)
Are there any 00 S2 HG 1/144 kits that are actually playable? I'm thinking of getting one for my cousin :)

get robot damashi :)

bio9205 2009-11-06 00:16


Originally Posted by bhus12 (Post 2752219)
get robot damashi :)

Well, I have a few, but they're way too expensive. Anyone?

SonicSP 2009-11-06 01:19


Originally Posted by bio9205 (Post 2751996)
Are there any 00 S2 HG 1/144 kits that are actually playable? I'm thinking of getting one for my cousin :)

I dunnow whether its "playable" but HG 00 Gundam is a blast for me to hold.I mean,model kits arent made for this type of things so dont expect a throwable,smashable toy or anything but it doesn "feel" like its that vulnerable.

Note,I say 00 Gundam not 00 Raiser.0 Raiser part drops easily.Maybe the sword and shield too but I think it shoulndt do too bad.

But "playing"?I dunno,models are made for showcasing primaryline.The problem with laying is that it involves alot of......thwroing dropping,etc.and model kits arent made like that.

But yeah,the action figures like MSIA and HCM Pro are expensive here in Malaysia too and I'm sure it goes for Singapore as well since we get our supply primaryly from there first I think.

Question:How old is your cousin again?

muffinkevin 2009-11-06 01:40


Originally Posted by The_Marshal_AEB (Post 2751325)
it been a long time since i posted something here...and a 3yrs since this project begun

1/144 scale diorama of my best scene from gundam seed destiny.
Spoiler for G-SEED:

Completed project after 3 years of holding it down.
Project stones:
june2006 by completing impulse gundam, and a week later freedom gundam was completed.
Sep2006 decided to modify freedom into correct scale as appeared in front of impulse in "gundam seed destiny"
The modifications include cutting all the parts and extending it (torso, legs, arms, sholders, wings, and weapons)... Read More
Weeks later all the paint, clay, silicon, wooden base, etc requirement for diorama was purchased and started applying damage effects on both models.

Nov2006 diorama was on hold in following sitution: wooden base masked with steel wires holding the models with white clay water effect unpainted.

3yrs later silicon was applied after a dark blue base coat, and paint bruching all the shades of blue, and finaly glass marbels with white dry paint for finishing

Project hours(unknown) smaller project previously completed cost calculated 60hours

more pictures of inprogress and other shots in my album feel free to browse it

Would be better if Freedom's beam sabre was going through Impulse's head as well.

SonicSP 2009-11-06 02:52

My old question:


Originally Posted by SonicSP (Post 2716032)
I was wondering if continued exposure to yellow light will hurt my Gunpla in the long run?I have some that are almost directly unerneath a yellow light source,due to the way my cabinet is designed.I mean I turn it off when I'm not in the room but I keep it almost on all the time when I'm in the room except sleeping time.

Is it really that bad?The long term effect exposure?

One answer:

Originally Posted by Dynamite (Post 2716203)
Well, lets put it this way. The reason white plastic turns yellow or other colors of plastic lose their color is because they're getting baked. If you put a kit in an oven, its gong to be the same results, except faster.

I remember this incident where I was over at a friends house. We were playing cards and the room was dark, so she turned on this big strong lightbulb. Then after about two hours, I smelled something like burning plastic. Turns out the bulb burnt a hole through a hula hoop...over two hours. And yes, the areas around the hole was yellow.

So check if your lightbulb is producing any significant amounts of heat after your usual amount of time you have it on. If not, then don't worry about it. If so, then don't turn it on or put some kits you don't care about up there.

Well,sort of a follow up to my question above,I sort of want to get the opinion of the users here by showing off the pictures of the location I'm talking about,so some may give their opinion:

Spoiler for Light Distance [On]:

Spoiler for Light Distance [Off],Room Light still on:

I almost keep it on all the time when I'm in the room.I switch it off if I'm not using the desk or the computer,sleeping or not in the room.

This isnt the room's main source of light,that comes from the opposing wall.

So,what are your opinions?Is this type of setup dangerous for the long term health of my gunplas?

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-11-06 03:04

That's a pretty cool set up you have.

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