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Akyra 2009-11-21 08:43

Wow...that really is surprising. I wonder if they are going to include the red GN Drives gimmicks...

Ardi220288 2009-11-21 09:05


Originally Posted by Saga_CE (Post 2777940)


The next Master Grade Gundam plastic model will be the GN-X. Available in January, 3780 JPY.

Source : Toysdaily

Love it :love: - I wonder if this means that more MG 00 will be roll out in the future :cool:

Extremely busy lately plus tight budget somehow still manage to go to AFA09 (couldn't buy anything though) :heh:

Witness the PG 00 Raiser in flesh and...... damn you Bandai didn't expect it to be that freakin cool looking :twitch:

Spoiler for Some gunpla pic:

pademon 2009-11-21 10:36


Originally Posted by jonli (Post 2777969)
I'm quite surprised at this! Master Grade GNX!? That's great news!
I would assume Flag would be the more popular choice, but GNX is a great design and it does deserve an MG incarnation. This also opens the line to GNXIII and hopefully GNXIV (that looks freaking awesome in the movie lineart).

I pray to see the Flag eventually, with GN Flag customizations like Exia with Repair parts.

there was a gn-x iv? pics pls!
on topic, i would really like it to have the advanced ver. conversion parts

LoweGear 2009-11-21 10:38


Originally Posted by pademon (Post 2778354)
there was a gn-x iv? pics pls!
on topic, i would really like it to have the advanced ver. conversion parts

The GN-XIV was the GN-X design found in the 00 Movie trailer released so far, nothing more than pre-production sketches of it as of yet though.

And yes, MG Advanced GN-X please :nod:

atlans89 2009-11-21 11:55

I'm more interested in the design of GN claws of MG GN-X. The hand design for GN-X is quite complicated so far.

gummybear 2009-11-21 12:09


Originally Posted by saga_ce (Post 2777940)

oh for crying out loud, make the 1:100 gn archer already!

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-11-21 14:15

What....the HELL is that?

Tormenk 2009-11-21 14:47

^ It's supposed to be a prototype 00 iirc. One of the BAKUC finalists' work on display at AFA' 09.

More importantly, can anyone verify this? Or at least what's written on it.

Knight_SV 2009-11-21 14:51


Originally Posted by Tormenk (Post 2778641)
^ It's supposed to be a prototype 00 iirc. One of the BAKUC finalists' work on display at AFA' 09.

More importantly, can anyone verify this? Or at least what's written on it.

this is probably the photoshopped one from MG GN-X News:heh:

calubin_175 2009-11-21 16:39

I am hoping that the GN-X will have double jointed fingers.

X207 2009-11-21 16:59


Originally Posted by Sworra (Post 2777913)
Nice work on your models, Like the orange look on the Gaia, different from the black.. Custom paints jobs rock, but i also like the orginal colors on certain Moble suits eg. Nu Gundam. The colors match so well on it.

thanks all the colours are stock aside from the FG blitz 99% is painted with 3 stickers used. though my models look far from professional ie remains of tabs. i usually go for stock colours. so far the only custom paint i have on my models is the gaddess gn drive. i painted it red but unfortunately it doesnt emit red GN particles :heh:.

Un1ver5e 2009-11-21 18:46


Originally Posted by Ardi220288 (Post 2778233)

Woah :twitch:

Meh, I was looking forward to PG 00 Raiser to be my first PG but the price is putting me off. Guess I'll go forward with either MG Exia / Blue Frame or another build of Celestial Gundam with HW this Dec when my exams end.

X207 2009-11-21 19:19

that chaos mode looks like it can go toe to toe with psycho gundam or destroy gundam O.O.

DarkWarrior 2009-11-21 21:29

Holy crap, a grunt unit that isn't a Zaku variation.. I'm very impressed Bandai. :D

Definitely something to look forward to this January.

Rising Dragon 2009-11-21 21:38


Originally Posted by DarkWarrior (Post 2779147)
Holy crap, a grunt unit that isn't a Zaku variation.. I'm very impressed Bandai. :D

Definitely something to look forward to this January.

There may be hope for Bandai yet.

Okamidum 2009-11-21 22:03


Originally Posted by calubin_175 (Post 2778795)
I am hoping that the GN-X will have double jointed fingers.

That would be awesome. Im really excited about the release. Here's hoping it lives up to my expectations.

Sworra 2009-11-21 22:19


Originally Posted by Un1ver5e (Post 2778944)
Woah :twitch:

Meh, I was looking forward to PG 00 Raiser to be my first PG but the price is putting me off. Guess I'll go forward with either MG Exia / Blue Frame or another build of Celestial Gundam with HW this Dec when my exams end.

Drool. If that is a MG Unicorn, Please tell me where to find the resin kit cause that is crazy. Nothing like a gundam that has more armament then a army itself.

Kelrys 2009-11-22 09:17

Any acrylic paint for dummies guide?

SonicSP 2009-11-22 09:19


Originally Posted by Rising Dragon (Post 2779155)
There may be hope for Bandai yet.

I'll be impressed when I see kit,for all we know Bandai could just be trying to milk the series with another slackjob.

But this is promising news indeed.Glad to hear it and looking forward to it,hope they do a good job.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-11-22 10:49

I wonder why they backtracked to the GN-X, instead of the Advanced GN-X or GN-XIII.

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