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monir 2008-09-17 17:16

Welcome to the discussion thread for Macross Frontier, Episode 24.

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P.S. Premature voting is equivalent to premature eja... uhm... Do not vote in the poll without actually watching the episode. Since the poll is public, all of us can see who those premature voters are.

golthin 2008-09-17 17:20

countdown check! Anyone?

Joachim 2008-09-17 17:21

so.. another 15 something hour?

Tsuchiro 2008-09-17 17:23

18hr 2min....

Wesley84 2008-09-17 17:28

Ranka better kickass.

musouka 2008-09-17 17:34


Originally Posted by Wesley84 (Post 1909133)
Ranka better kickass.

Yes, just like last episode, right?

Wesley84 2008-09-17 17:50


Originally Posted by musouka (Post 1909145)
Yes, just like last episode, right?

She was fine then. She underestimated Vajra a bit, and things went a bit awry, but she was alright. Now, if she wallows in self-pity, just like the last time she was captured, she deserves everything anyone has to say about her. She's different from before, she knows things about herself, and Vajra, and even if it's not a complete picture, she still has power.

So she'd better use it, even if she can't save anyone.

musouka 2008-09-17 17:57

Gee, I'm surprised you didn't launch into a spiel about how it was Brera's fault she got captured for not tying her to the seat, anticipating her every move, and making sure she was wrapped in the gossamer threads made of angel wings and stored away from bright light to prevent fading.

Don't get me wrong, I want Ranka to save everyone's neck too, and to show everyone what she's made of and why I love her. However, last episode was just...

Well, Grace looks pissed off. That's a good sign at least.

Tabris 2008-09-17 18:03

Potential mecha porn and Sheryl on stage?

This episode has to be good.

Wesley84 2008-09-17 18:05

Bresra's made it clear that he's following Ranka's wishes. He's responsible for protecting her, but he's not going to put her in a cage.

Reason I have doubts that Ranka will be allowed to show some growth is because Sheryl's still alive, and has her own part to play in the finale. Considering how things have been up to now, Sheryl's been set up for some self-sacrifice, and she and Ranka will end things together on an even footing.

Really, there's no way they can both come out of this looking good...

Tabris 2008-09-17 18:33

Kawamori was really joking about the 25th anniversary series being 25 episodes. 24 is actually the suprise ending.

monir 2008-09-17 18:36


Originally Posted by Tabris (Post 1909282)
Kawamori was really joking about the 25th anniversary series being 25 episodes. 24 is actually the suprise ending.

Any documented facts to support the above?

KiNA 2008-09-17 18:51

You actually believe him?

Darial 2008-09-17 19:04

LOL. Can't wait!!! :D

Wesley84 2008-09-17 19:07

Guess I'll watch the raw for this one. I don't think they could say anything that'd surprise me, and I want to know if Ranka actually does anything or if the battle will actually be special compared to the previous ones. Which sucked.

NaweG 2008-09-17 19:38

If one used the Keyhole, what would be the station to select, and the corresponding US Central time to watch?

justinstrife 2008-09-17 20:01


Originally Posted by monir (Post 1909287)
Any documented facts to support the above?

-whispers- Sarcasm Monir sarcasm. :uhoh:

monir 2008-09-17 20:13


Originally Posted by justinstrife (Post 1909484)
-whispers- Sarcasm Monir sarcasm. :uhoh:

Totally flew over my head. I suppose Tabris needs more practice at sarcasm. :)


Originally Posted by Tsuchiro (Post 1909127)
18hr 2min....


Originally Posted by NaweG (Post 1909444)
If one used the Keyhole, what would be the station to select, and the corresponding US Central time to watch?

Calculating from the given time by Tsuchiro, and the time stamp on his post, the corresponding US Central Time should be 09:25 AM. Don't hold me to it though.. :heh:

MaiHikari 2008-09-17 20:45


Originally Posted by monir (Post 1909501)
Calculating from the given time by Tsuchiro, and the time stamp on his post, the corresponding US Central Time should be 09:25 AM. Don't hold me to it though.. :heh:

I think 9:25AM is PST. So US central time should be 11:25?

NaweG 2008-09-17 21:09

See, that's the problem I keep having, figuring out the correct time change. Also not clear which channel I should be selecting given that the interface (reasonably) is in Japanese and my reading skills still need much work :D

So, help with both is appreciated...

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