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Kairin 2011-01-16 17:22

Madoka Magica - Episode 01 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Madoka Magica, Episode 01.

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rocket 2011-01-17 12:03

9/10 - Only because the labyrinth scenes have a low framerate!

Miyuki-ism 2011-01-17 15:25

I like those scenes.


Cream 2011-01-17 15:53

High enough to have me check out the next episode , not really a fan of having it be so fastpace . They should of gave us more information about the characters before we jump into the magical girl duties.

Hooves 2011-01-17 16:50

A pretty good introduction episode to the series with a good pace going.

TooPurePureBoy 2011-01-18 01:58

Did I just watch an anime, or was that an acid flashback? :eyespin:

Himeji 2011-01-18 23:28


Originally Posted by Hooves (Post 3442921)
A pretty good introduction episode to the series with a good pace going.

Same here.
Backgrounds are very well done, but I don't like the pancake faces of the characters :heh:
No real complaints otherwise.

Godly_senselessness 2011-01-27 09:30

I didn't like it,i usually check out the animes that are popular but this one seemed really generic and boring.

totoum 2011-01-27 09:35


Originally Posted by Godly_senselessness (Post 3458267)
I didn't like it,i usually check out the animes that are popular but this one seemed really generic and boring.

I can understand that after 1 episode but I doubt you could say it's generic after watching episode 3,though you could still find it boring ;)

Godly_senselessness 2011-01-27 11:01


Originally Posted by totoum (Post 3458270)
I can understand that after 1 episode but I doubt you could say it's generic after watching episode 3,though you could still find it boring ;)

I guess i will watch up to ep 3 then before i drop it,thanks for the info :cool:

zato_1one 2011-01-27 11:07

When I watched episode 1, I personally didn't think that this show was generic at all. The story might look exactly like classic Mahou Shoujo. But the foreshadow in the opening scene, the witch dimension and the music (not OP) made me believe that there was something different in this show.

hinakatbklyn 2011-01-28 13:37

9/10 Wasn't planning on this series before the season started, but I thought I would find out for myself if this series was good or not.
Very nice with the background, the monsters and the action sequence. The buzz got me interested, looks like the series will keep me interested.

Himeji 2011-01-28 22:29


Originally Posted by hinakatbklyn (Post 3460051)
9/10 Wasn't planning on this series before the season started, but I thought I would find out for myself if this series was good or not.
Very nice with the background, the monsters and the action sequence. The buzz got me interested, looks like the series will keep me interested.

Let's see what you'll say after you watched the third episode ;)

Joachim 2011-01-28 22:44

anyone know what was those things actually saying in episode 1? i read this statement in tvtrope that if you understand what those things are saying, it makes the whole scene alot more disturbing scratch that , found it : )

Saber Cherry 2011-01-28 22:54

Graphing the number of responses to each "Episode N Discussion / Poll" is rather interesting. I was hooked from episode 1, but like many others, didn't really feel compelled to type until later.

@Joachim. I'm not sure specifically what you are referring to, but I understand that ep. 1 has text quotes from Goethe's Faust about selling one's soul to the devil.

@TooPurePureBoy. I was a bit dismayed by the seeming overuse of surrealism, initially (considering that in all other anime I have seen with surrealism / trippy art, it actively detracted from the show), but it's actually quite effective in Madoka.

Sol Falling 2011-01-31 01:46

Nah, Joachim was talking about the mustache ball things talking in German when they surrounded Madoka/Sayaka. "They are roses unknown to me." "Let us offer them to our queen." Stuff like that. Check out the Puella Magi wiki for more.

Anyway, the actual reason episode 1's responses are so low is 'cause episode 1 aired before Madoka got its own subforum. Quite a lot of discussion/impressions on the first episode can be found over in the 'General' Madoka thread.

MrSandman 2011-03-21 14:14

Well...better late then never I say. So heres a newb's two cents on this episode. :p

To me, the first half of the episode wasn't all that spectaular...typical cutesy magical girl setup dripping with lolipops and "tee hee boys" Not bad, but nothing special or epic.

....and then the animation crew took a smack of acid and suddenly girls are accosted by men with hand signs, prop art and....cotten ball's with mustaches on butterf.......*head implodes*

....Ok....definatly watching this anime.

9/10 ^^

totoum 2011-03-21 14:18


Originally Posted by MrSandman (Post 3539767)
Well...better late then never I say. So heres a newb's two cents on this episode. :p

To me, the first half of the episode wasn't all that spectaular...typical cutesy magical girl setup dripping with lolipops and "tee hee boys" Not bad, but nothing special or epic.

....and then the animatoon crew took a smack of acid and suddenly girls are accosted by men with hand signs, prop art and....cotten ball's with mustaches on butterf.......*head implodes*

....Ok....definatly watching this anime.

9/10 ^^

I'd definatly apreciate impressions after each episode,it's kind of of fun watching the reactions of someone marathoning this.

MrSandman 2011-03-21 14:26


Originally Posted by totoum (Post 3539773)
I'd definatly apreciate impressions after each episode,it's kind of of fun watching the reactions of someone marathoning this.

I'll provide what I can then....thought I warn I have a rather particular view.

*creepy music* Some would consider it......Unnatural.

delirium 2011-03-24 02:54

I just finished watching the first episode! What can I say about it? Well, cotton balls with empty eye sockets, mustaches, and teeth are actually very creepy! I never thought I would say that, but it brings my distaste for cotton balls to a whole new level! Indeed, I will never be able to look at a cotton ball the same way ever again! I thought the first scene was extremely beautiful if not a little dark, and all the characters seem pretty cool while we're at it.

Homura seems like a bitch though, to be completely honest. I gave this episode a 10/10 because it was a refreshing departure from what I usually watch.

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