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james0246 2011-04-13 01:50

[Manga] Naruto Chapter 535 Discussion
Welcome to the weekly manga chapter discussion thread. This thread is created early to discuss spoilers and speculation about the upcoming chapter as well as discussion of said chapter once it has been released.

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Remember that the manga is licensed, do not post significant parts of the chapter. This stands for pictures and direct translations. Summaries are ok, crops of pictures are ok as well if you want to illustrate your point but this is it.


Full spoilers released...


-Iruka stops Naruto in his tracks. Still trying to preserve the lie, Iruka tries to convince Naruto that he needs to stay on the island because it experienced a massive earthquake (and he can’t go outside because the beasts are acting up). Naruto, not believing Iruka, asks why he felt the Kyuubi’s chakra, only for Iruka to try and convince Naruto that some of the more dangerous beasts posses some of the Kyuubi’s chakra (which is only bending the truth :)), and if he goes outside he will cause the Kyuubi (and the beasts) to go berserk. Still, Naruto finds this suspicious, and mentions that if Kirabi can tame the creatures, he should be able to as well.

-Suddenly, Naruto uses Sage Mode and makes a dash for the exit. The Konoha-nin attempt to stop him, but Naruto smacks them around quite easily. During the skirmish, Naruto’s head guard/Forehead protector is knocked off, and as he attempts to retrieve it he is captured by a Nara’s Shadow Bind.

-But as the Shadow connects with Naruto, he receives glimpses of what has occurred on the battlefield (apparently his chakra sensing abilities have become so goo he can eve sense what a character’s chakra has done in the past…or something…).

-Iruka, seeing there is no reason to continue lying, tries to convince Naruto to stay hidden due to Madara’s involvement in the war. Iruka tries to explain the importance of keeping the Kyuubi away from Madara, but Naruto is instead shocked that Iruka seems to only be concerned for the Kyuubi.

-Naruto, deciding that he has had enough, uses Rikudou Mode, and effortlessly breaks free of the barriers surrounding him, defeats all of the Konoha-nin (presumably including Iruka), retrieves his head guard, and leaves the area.

-As he leaves the area, Naruto goes to put his forehead protector on only to find a note stashed inside the inner lining. Reading it, Naruto finds a message from Iruka, explaining his actions, and hoping Naruto will return to him alive. Encouraged by his former Sensei's words, Naruto rushes to the battlefield to end the war.

-Next chapter stars Madara...

DeDe 2011-04-13 05:38

Naruto chapter.

Iruka tries to lie to Naruto to keep him from going outside.
Naruto doesn't believe him and pushes his way through Shino's dad and the others.
Naruto use Sennin Mode and then RS Mode
He knocks the two Akimichi away like bowling pins.
When the Nara guy uses the shadow binding on Naruto, he has a vision of his friends fighting from the shadow. Sakura healing people. Kakashi and Gai fighting. Shikamaru now fighting Kakuzu.
Iruka tells him the truth and tries to persuade him to return to Kirabi, but Naruto wants to go to his friends. Iruka uses a barrier jutsu to stop him, but Naruto goes RS and destroys it. No one can stop him. Iruka also wrote Naruto a letter and placed it in his forehead protector.
Naruto has now joined the war and is going to save all his friends and end the war. Even though they are kicking everyone's arse.

The preview for the next chapter is "Madara makes an unexpected move by himself. Next issue: 'Negotiations' (Here comes the plot twist)

Alchemist007 2011-04-13 09:13

Depending on what Madara's move is, Naruto might just be needed. Don't lose tact now boyo!

neshru 2011-04-13 09:22

Whatever the twist is, I hope it doesn't put an end to the war. Things have gone way too smoothly until now.

Alchemist007 2011-04-13 09:29

This is the mofo to end all mofos in this manga, I doubt it will be as simple as kyuubi power charge. I'm expecting great twists, Naruto mindf***ery, etc.

kakakka 2011-04-13 09:31

The end of chap liner seems to say that Madara is going to propose a negotiation.

Alchemist007 2011-04-13 09:42

"Naruto, give yourself up or I'm going to blow everyone up."

kakakka 2011-04-13 09:43

Or it can be about holding the feudal lords hostage.

ntherblast 2011-04-13 10:15


Originally Posted by kakakka (Post 3569309)
Or it can be about holding the feudal lords hostage.

pretty sure zetsu wasn't looking for the feudal lords.

Suika-Esper 2011-04-13 10:16

Why are they trying to have Naruto jump into the war to end everything when they haven't even shown 10% of the fighters (on both sides) in action yet? Let him finish his training and let the other characters get their time in the sun.

On a positive note, it's nice to see that Madara will do something.

Angelmonster 2011-04-13 10:30

I can't see the war ending anytime soon, it just doesn't make any sense unless all of the sudden the enemy pops up on Turtle Island and capture the Hachibi.

They still have too many loose ends; most of the zombie nin still have not had a scene. Gaara and company haven't fought the dead Kage's. Nagato needs to return to screw with Konoha and Sasuke needs to see his brother's body being used, not to mention Sasuke joining the fight as well.

Don't forget we also have Itachi's crown inside of Naruto that will play a part in this battle (possibly). Truth be told I want the rest of them to fight then Madara pull out all the stops, unleash the Bijuu to cause havick THEN have Naruto save the day.

The only thing that might be interesting is if he capture the Hachibi and is willing to give up his plans if they hand ove rnaruto, then it woul dbe Kanoha and the Sand against everyone else (the Sand would be the only other village not willing to give him up because even though Gaara is really logical about Sasuke, he wouldn't do that to Naruto). I still do not see any of them handing Naruto over though because of Madara's moon plan, it would just be idiotic.

kakakka 2011-04-13 10:39


Originally Posted by ntherblast (Post 3569331)
pretty sure zetsu wasn't looking for the feudal lords.

Last time I checked, he was.

kamuinoyume 2011-04-13 11:08

Handing Naruto over? Are you guys seriously considering that? The villagers let Pain annihilate Konoha and still didn't hand Naruto over. I doubt they'd do it now.

Ero-Senn1n 2011-04-13 13:47

If Madara anticipated the alliance's plan then he assumes that both 8 and 9 tails are kept at a secret place, so if he tricks the alliance and finds the place he will be angry that Naruto unexpectedly ruined his plans again :)
And if Madara wants a Sasuke vs Naruto that would mean he will appear at KillerBee's place with Sasuke, knowing that Kabuto is in a safe distance. But his plan fails because Naruto went to fight Kabuto and his zombies and Madara must keep Sasuke away from Kabuto.
The funny part in this scenario would be that Naruto has again done something foolish that turns out to be a good move. In shonen manga authors like when the logical/smart decisions turn out to be failures while the emotional/stupid decisions turn out to be good :D

mrShady 2011-04-13 14:58

No I disagree,
It is too early for this show to end and what you described would be the beginning of the end.
No I think this will be a hard learned lesson for naruto and exactly what madara is after. Remember he (madara) is a master in manipulating people and their actions, he probably knew naruto would lash out eventually and so has everything set up for it.
What seems more troublesome to beat? 1 jinchuuriki or 2?
Thus having them seperated is way more usefull. Also though naruto is powerfull he still has his limits. Draining his stamina would make him easier to beat and fighting a war is pretty draining.

My guess is that kishi wants naruto and the kyuubi split.
We have recently learned that kushina after giving birth and having the fully powered kyuubi extracted was able to stay alive. Thus by default naruto should be able to survive the extraction as well. This would make it possible for him to host the juubi, like the sage of the 6 paths before him (his ancestor).
Also by losing after being overconfident in his own abilities naruto again learns a valuable lesson, you can not do it all on your own.

Atleast this is what I think will happen:).

HayashiTakara 2011-04-13 17:17

Yes Finally!!! Go kick some ass Naruto!

DragoZERO 2011-04-13 17:54

Excellent chapter. I guess Naruto has mastered Sage Mode since he turned it on just by standing and talking. It was awesome how once he stepped out, he sensed every thing. Good stuff.

My complaint is all of a sudden he was using the fox's chakra. I figured there'd be a panel, even a small one, indicating that he is transforming.


Originally Posted by HayashiTakara (Post 3569695)
Yes Finally!!! Go kick some ass Naruto!

Yes, this is going to be fun. Let's hope he stays determined and doesn't get all wishy washy when he sees everyone, those alive and dead.

Fran~ 2011-04-13 17:54

And that's why i like Iruka... that's was a nice move...

Yes... please don't die Naruto.

Kishi pulled a good one too, the way how Naruto sensed everything was awesome, it's like your radar is off and you turned on and a thousand fighters are on your screen.

kitten320 2011-04-13 18:11

I think that scene will look cool on screen in animated version.

Though I really hope that Naruto won't steal all screen time and will get his ass kicked as well at some point.

Luminion Lancer 2011-04-13 18:13

-Ok, this was a nice chapter. Naruto's finally back and putting all of his conviction to the test, whilst smacking some shinobi like flies. Seriously, all he needed was to say "Datte-fuckin'-bayo bitches" on that last panel and he'd have earned himself the title of badass this chapter. Well, let;s see where this goes then.

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