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Kytherno 2009-09-19 10:55

Irrational fears?
Anyone got some crazy irrational fears? I fear i might be the only one (LOLPUN) who does on the forums

I have the fear of being sucked into the sky. There's no word for it, yet, but the closest word to it would be uranophobia (Fear of the Sky)

Siddyus 2009-09-19 11:13

I am suffering from altophobia. I cannot tolerate heights as high as 30 feet and up. Though, strangely enough... I can somehow tolerate heights when im on an airplane. lol

Oh, before I forget I also have Insectophobia(but it is limited to cockroaches and spiders. So yeah im kind of a sissy. lol) and a minor Agoraphobia.

Chaho-Chi 2009-09-19 11:35

I for some reason have a fear for some middle aged adults. ._.''
It not like I run away from them it just I get really nervous around them. The only ones I'm not afraid of are my teachers and my parents.

risingstar3110 2009-09-19 11:42

I used to have an irrational fear of being shot (then i would start to image how the bullet will go through me and cause such and such pains.....). It was several years before i could get rid of it completely (around 3 years ago). I did that by convincing myself that human's not God and can't choose nor avoid unexpected circumstances (much like Rika in Higurashi)

Another one: when i am in year 11, there's one time when i stayed at home alone at night just like i always did. I remembered that i was playing a kiddy game, before suddenly a great fear run down my spine as i start to image how a ghost or a demon could appear next to me . I started to hide myself in a corner with a blanket around me, and was too scared to even look at myself in the reflection of glass windows. It was a troublesome experience, so I "cured" it by whenever i feel that fear again, I will challenge whatever i am afraid to come out and face me.

I had a similar experience, and it was the first time that i see sky extended all over my POV (was laying on the rooftop). First it feel like the sky gonna collapse on me since there's nothing above my head to protect me. Then i start to fear that i will be sucked into it. Such experiences are rare so i don't think much about it

I still fear two more things: snake/worms (i didn't when i was younger) and having really dirty things on my skin. Trying to cure both of them, except it's hard to encounter these.... :heh:

Kafriel 2009-09-19 11:57

I have the fear of living in a dream and being unable to wake up (matrix anyone?), I'm afraid of walking alone in an empty city at midnight (had to walk an hour to get home, not a soul around but lots of crossroads with potential muggers nearby) and...I'm afraid that my external HDD might blow up at any given time because it's old and makes funny noises:D

Theowne 2009-09-19 12:01

I don't know if it's irrational or not, but I have a fear of driving. I simply do not trust the hundreds of other drivers who have the power to accidentally end my life while on that road.

klowny 2009-09-19 12:24

I fear every new day :uhoh:

Renegade334 2009-09-19 12:41

Hmmm...for me, it'd be:

- Small case of acrophobia, although it's more than likely gephyrophobia: I can tolerate being close to a modest-sized cliff, but very high/narrow bridges or high places make me quite nervous. It makes me feel like I'm ropewalking.

- Mild entomophobia; amusingly enough, I'm completely immune - and even fond of them - to ladybugs; they're quite handy when it comes to keeping your garden clean from parasites. What's more serious, though, would be my case of arachnophobia (that's usually when I request a HAZMAT suit or a MJOLNIR armor).

- Phasmophobia/scotophobia - I no longer have it, but a decade ago I had that fear of ghosts lurking in dark places. I believe it stemmed from my relatives' habit to share ghost stories, which did nothing to comfort me. :heh:

Zu Ra 2009-09-19 12:43

Mine would be DejaVu dread that and Railings / Ledges on Buildings falling off . These two morbid fears are always on back of my mind .

Misuzu 2009-09-19 12:50

When I'm in the shower and have the curtain shut all the way, I'm always afraid that someone is waiting outside the curtain. It's gotten me to take quicker showers at least!

Akeii 2009-09-19 13:02

Leeches. I've never had one on me but can imagine myself walking through a stream, looking down, and seeing my foot trail a cloud of red in the water. I've seen others bitten by leeches - the slimy, pulsating monsters will slowly creep towards you even though you're several feet away. If you sit down and forget about them they'll still follow, and you'll never know you were bitten until you randomly brush your hand over the area and feel a wet, wriggling thing latched on to your blood-encrusted skin...

Oh, and of accidentally impaling my eyes on every next sharp object I see. Don't know why.

Zu Ra 2009-09-19 13:10


Originally Posted by Akeii (Post 2653710)
Oh, and of accidentally impaling my eyes on every next sharp object I see. Don't know why.

Touche I don't like holding tip of Scissors or any sharp object close to my eyes .


Originally Posted by Renegade334 (Post 2653678)
- Phasmophobia/scotophobia - I no longer have it, but a decade ago I had that fear of ghosts lurking in dark places. I believe it stemmed from my relatives' habit to share ghost stories, which did nothing to comfort me. :heh:

I dont believe in after-life but I do believe the above and thats quite strange :heh:

Vampire 2009-09-19 13:30


Originally Posted by Theowne (Post 2653647)
I don't know if it's irrational or not, but I have a fear of driving. I simply do not trust the hundreds of other drivers who have the power to accidentally end my life while on that road.

Understandable, especially when one has a psychotic sister with road rage.

I fear for any small, fast and harmful creatures, mainly centipedes, just imagine them crawling all over your body and eating away everything inside you like maggots. Just plain disgusting.

Slice of Life 2009-09-19 13:54

Heights. Famous photographs like this one are sufficient to make me shiver. Also darkness, but in that case I wouldn't even know if its' worse than for the average person.

I'd wish I had less mundane phobias, like Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia but no such luck.

Renegade334 2009-09-19 14:31


Originally Posted by Zu Ra (Post 2653719)
I dont believe in after-life but I do believe the above and thats quite strange :heh:

Well, in regards to current theories about ghosts and whatnot, it does make sense - an entity that's believed to be an energetic imprint left behind by a deceased individual doesn't necessarily prove there is an afterlife, just that you can leave something behind after you breathe your last...whatever it could be (a soul or a non-sentient, semi-physical manifestation).

Speaking of which, one veeery old fear I had - although it was more philosophical than anything else - was that of death. I just couldn't envision what happened to one's consciousness to the point that it could prevent me from falling sleeping, as the idea of ending up nowhere - zap, just like the flash of a TV screen killed by a remote - made me quite anxious. But then again, I was ten or so. Now, I'm perhaps a little more blasé/serene towards the entire idea of leaving this plane of existence, but back then, it certainly invited a much greater amount of anxiety.

Vicious108 2009-09-19 14:46

Insects, especially cockroaches. Argh.

NettoSaito 2009-09-19 15:09

I have a bad phobia of people missing parts. When ever I see someone like that I lock up and cant move.... Really I've had this prob since I was like 2. Heck it even keeps me from watching some shows, playing some games, and even watching some animes.
Spoiler for Gundam 00:

But yeah It's pretty bad. However some thing's dont bug me. Such as Ragna in Blazblue. He doesn't bug me since you don't see it, and the fact that his new arm is attached to his body and not just a fake one.

Miko Miko 2009-09-19 16:15

hm.. To be honest I have a fear of wet cigarettes.. whenever it's been raining and I see a cigarette end on the floor I have to walk atleast 2 or 3 metres away..

I don't look at the floor so much when I walk these days, as to avoid being scared.

Tsuyoshi 2009-09-19 16:22

Only thing I've ever really been scared of are bees and wasps. It's not completely irrational tho because bee stings or wasps could actually hurt you. I realize they'd only do that if they feel threatened, especially bees since it's a last resort for them. Still, if I ever see either one, I'm already running for my life.

Akeii 2009-09-19 16:29

Oh, I forgot another one: smacking my head/any other limbs against the gravelly side of a swimming pool. Either that, or slipping on tiles in the locker room and bleeding all over the floor.

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