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Hiroi Sekai 2011-05-17 05:09

Dead or Alive Dimensions (3DS)

Looks like 3DS owners will have another fighting game on their hands very soon; May 24th to be exact!

If you are unaware of the series, "Dead or Alive" is a fast-paced fighting game that is developed by Team Ninja (Metroid: Other M, Ninja Gaiden, etc.). Dead or Alive games have always moved beautifully, and unlike a few other fighting games, heavy damage doesn't come from overpowered specialty attacks, but instead from chained combos and physically hurling your enemies into other parts within a stage. That's right, much like Street Fighter, each stage has multiple settings to fight in, but only if you combo your opponents off of a bridge will they land in the waters below to fight again.

It appears that this time, Dead or Alive is bringing 20+ characters to the arena, including Ninja Gaiden's own "Ryu Hayabusa"! With this many unique characters to choose from (not to mention all of their alternative costumes), there is a lot of gameplay to master here.

Ask yourself this: "What is one of the worst things about a fighting game?" Answer: overly complex controls that aren't explained. Not only does Dead or Alive Dimensions simplify moves and give you a ton of them to use, but the 3DS' bottom screen will show a moveset during fights, lighting up whatever move you use to indicate you're performing it correctly.

If you haven't played Dead or Alive yet and like fighting games, pick up the 3DS title when it comes out next week. My question is: "Who's buying this game, and who's getting in line to kick my ass online?")

Spoiler for Gameplay Video:

Evil Rick 2011-05-17 15:30

Dead or ALive is sadly one of the sagas that prefer to stick with the same instead of evolve or try new things like the sagas of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat had done (as fas as I can see in the gameplay trailers), hell Hitomi's entrance pose and costume has been the same since DoA3 (Recicling is recicling)

Even more sadly is the fact that the saga'a main atractive is juts the abuse of fanservice and no a more original or atractive gameplay style.

Just like DoA4, this title will mosty pass "invisible" trough this generation of portatil games.

Shiroth 2011-05-17 15:39

The way i see it, the DOA franchise doesn't need to involve. It sticks to the formula that was presented in the first game, and keeps on delivering in each game. It's a lot of fun, though at the same time has plenty of material that has people going back. Sure the games are known for the fanservice, though that's not why i play the games. I love it's arcade fighting system, which can be simple yet complex at the same time.

& with that said, i can't wait for DOA: Dimension's release this Friday.

Evil Rick 2011-05-17 16:13


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 3616076)
The way i see it, the DOA franchise doesn't need to involve.

That's a problem, 'cause, in my case I already have DoA3 for the XBOX, I don't see any need for getting a new one 'cause It'll basically will be the same thing I already have. Just some other costumes (and just some other because overalll they're bringing the same ones they've used since DoA3) some other generic stages and bad endings.

Seriously I would really like to see something fresh and new with this franchside (and no, I don't mean another bolleyball crap), I mean something more atractive in gameplay terms like a more deep story mode, perhaps some new settings on the team tag fights stages not so generic and have characters with more personality.

Hiroi Sekai 2011-05-17 19:34

Solid point, but you have to remember it's a fighting game. A complex story would be badly done in any way because it'd be tons of chatter followed by fight sequences. No matter what they do, it has to lead to the fights, so a deep story would be very difficult to pull off. Look at BlazBlue, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and Soul Calibur. Win tournament. Avenge someone. Acquire powerful weapons.

A few new settings would be welcome, yes. I personally like how DoA doesn't overstep boundaries and sticks to smooth gameplay. Counter moves, throwing people into new areas, and chaining combos just seems more satisfying in DoA for some reason.

Meh, listen to me blab on based on my own opinions though. It's fair to want to pass on this game and your points are valid.:heh:

Asuras 2011-05-17 19:48

Haha. New reason to get the 3DS I suppose!

I loved DOA4, and am very disappointed by the lack of online users to play with. It was such a great game! Grew up with it actually.

The SFX, music, voice overs, and move-sets look/sound identical to DOA4. While I could say, "What's new?" I'm also satisfied anyways with the lack of change. They got those right. Hopefully such powerhouses as Ryu, Hayate, and Kasumi will get nerfed at least slightly.

Ayane player right here. :heh:

Shiroth 2011-05-17 23:35


Originally Posted by papermario13689 (Post 3616318)
It's fair to want to pass on this game and your points are valid.:heh:

I totally agree :). I just wanted to point out that there are plenty of people like ourselves who are happy with the franchise staying the way it is. Though i will admit, i wouldn't mind a bit more content in the story mode. You always get hints towards a much more epic background, though never see it. The closest we ever seen to that was in the third game.

Anyway, do you guys know that this will be the 15th released Dead or Alive game? :heh: Crazy, i know.

Hiroi Sekai 2011-05-18 14:40


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 3616588)
I totally agree :). I just wanted to point out that there are plenty of people like ourselves who are happy with the franchise staying the way it is. Though i will admit, i wouldn't mind a bit more content in the story mode. You always get hints towards a much more epic background, though never see it. The closest we ever seen to that was in the third game.

Anyway, do you guys know that this will be the 15th released Dead or Alive game? :heh: Crazy, i know.

There seems to be a "Chronicle Mode" this time around where you go through a story mode while controlling several different characters. This is a really cool concept and all, but it sounds like the story itself is sloppy. We'll just have to see; I'll be playing online multiplayer most of the time anyways.:heh:

Shiroth 2011-05-18 14:48


Originally Posted by papermario13689 (Post 3617550)
There seems to be a "Chronicle Mode" this time around where you go through a story mode while controlling several different characters. This is a really cool concept and all, but it sounds like the story itself is sloppy. We'll just have to see; I'll be playing online multiplayer most of the time anyways.:heh:

Pretty much the same as Mortal Kombat's story mode. Cool, i can't wait to see it.

Hiroi Sekai 2011-05-18 14:55


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 3617558)
Pretty much the same as Mortal Kombat's story mode. Cool, i can't wait to see it.

I haven't played the new Mortal Kombat yet; the last fighting game I legitimately owned was BlazBlue, and before that it was Super Street Fighter 2. XD

I'm really excited to own a fighting game again.

Shiroth 2011-05-18 15:16


Originally Posted by papermario13689 (Post 3617566)
I haven't played the new Mortal Kombat yet

I highly recommend it. :)

No idea what game shops are doing here these days. The official release for the game is the 20th, though the shops are telling me they won't get copies until next week. /me shakes head

Asuras 2011-05-18 16:27

Oh shit. Anyone else realize you can play as freaking Alpha 152? What kind of messed up shit is that? I've seen clips and her move-set is nearly identical, even in damage dealt. If online becomes a factor for this handheld device, then expect an influx of noobs using her.

Jesus Christ. :uhoh:

Hiroi Sekai 2011-05-18 16:30


Originally Posted by Asuras (Post 3617705)
Oh shit. Anyone else realize you can play as freaking Alpha 152?


Addendum: Are you actually serious? This is the first I've heard of this; oh, we've stepped past the climax and entered the decline towards the denouement of unstructured failure.>.>

Asuras 2011-05-18 16:39

Maybe even worse:

Hiroi Sekai 2011-05-18 16:42

Jeebus, SOMEBODY'S overpowered as shit.

@Shiroth: You can still play with people on your friends list...given they're not assholes who solely play games to dominate...oh shit, never mind. *I for one, am not going to be using Alpha 152 online*

Shiroth 2011-05-18 16:42

Looks like i won't be playing online much. :p

Asuras 2011-05-18 16:46

On another note; English voices suck.

Hiroi Sekai 2011-05-18 16:49


Originally Posted by Asuras (Post 3617736)
On another note; English voices suck.

Now THAT I can take. Trust me, after barely escaping the black hole void known as the Clannad dub (along with most English dubs in general), I can survive such VA since I'm not used to the Japanese ones.

Shiroth 2011-05-18 16:53

Totally forgot about the fact that it'll be dub only.


Hiroi Sekai 2011-05-18 16:54


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 3617754)
Totally forgot about the fact that it'll be dub only.


Slowly losing your optimism, Shiroth? I don't want to lose a potential "fair online fighter" to play against.:heh:

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