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CrowKenobi 2011-11-10 02:55

Penguin Drum - Episode 18 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Penguin Drum, Episode 18.

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Kazu-kun 2011-11-10 12:30

They cut the only scene I really wanted to see. Fuck you Ikuhara. I almost feel like dropping this shit right now.

YayPepsi 2011-11-10 12:39

That was the best episode yet. I had a feeling it would be when I read the novel but oh man, that was awesome! It didn't go down quite the way I pictured it but I loved every second of it. It brought me to tears. Can't wait for the subs.

Kirarakim 2011-11-10 13:21


Originally Posted by Kazu-kun (Post 3851298)
They cut the only scene I really wanted to see. Fuck you Ikuhara. I almost feel like dropping this shit right now.

I am still looking forward to the episode but I have a bad feeling about what scene they cut. :(

faburosumakusu 2011-11-10 13:24


Originally Posted by Kazu-kun (Post 3851298)
They cut the only scene I really wanted to see. Fuck you Ikuhara. I almost feel like dropping this shit right now.

I don't know if we're talking about the same scene but...
Spoiler for -:

Kazu-kun 2011-11-10 13:33


Originally Posted by faburosumakusu (Post 3851366)
I don't know if we're taling about the same scene but...
Spoiler for -:

Yep, we're talking about the same scene.
Spoiler for ep 18:

I hope they'll show the rest of the scene at the beginning of the next episode. They did something like this before. But yeah, really shitty move.

Kirarakim 2011-11-10 15:51

I really enjoyed the episode and yet reading the chapter in the novel first did ruin it for me because so much was lost.


Nina.Wolken 2011-11-10 17:47

Even though I don't like Kanba much, nor do I care much about Himari, this episode had me seated on the edge of my chair the whole time. Loved the art style and some lines delivered by Kanba still echoing in my ears. His VA seems to be new in the business but certainly hope to hear him more in the future :).

Kirarakim 2011-11-10 18:11

Kanba's seiyuu is really good (well except when he has to play a child). :heh: He has a nice deep voice which I really love.

Actually in general I think Penguindrum has a fantastic cast mixing both new and veteran seiyuu to a great affect.

edit On another note this has to be one of the most beautiful shots in the series so far

DragoonKain3 2011-11-10 22:09

Only episode in the series that made cry (unmanly?) tears for much of the latter half.

Why? Because even though I know everyone is gonna be safe (everything so far that had the siblings face had them come out alive what seems to be dire situations), the show really conveyed how Tabuki felt. He was trying to do the 'right' thing and forget about the past, but once he thought Kan has connections to father, his feelings ate him from the inside and urged him to kidnap Himari.

Anger, hatred, the feeling of loss of someone taking your most important person away from you, taking away your (quite literally) reason to live... the anime did the build up beautifully on showing how much Tabuki is bent on taking revenge on the Takakuras.

But in the end? Forgiveness, in the purest sense of the word.

Now that man is a TRUE case of character. In other works of fiction, forgiving the other party feels so cheap and contrived. Heck, even just an episode before, when he said that nothing can be recovered by exacting revenge, it felt just like another line. But his last deed in this epsiode speaks mountains about his character, where he could've done the easy route and release all his pent up feelings by following through with his revenge on the Takakuras, but instead took the high road and stopped it last minute.

Yeah, still can't stop the flow of tears still... T_T

By far... by far AND AWAY, the best episode of the series. Showcased the very worst of humanity, but that doesn't mean we can't overcome it. I salute you Tabuki. I sincerely hope you get a happy ending at the end of this series, as you really deserve it. Just hoping against odds you will find it with Yuri, who despite sharing the same sentiments with you in regards to losing Momok, still seems to hold a candle. Looked odd that despite her knowing all along, she looked so hurt when you said you used her outloud.

Zaresh 2011-11-10 22:15


Originally Posted by Kirarakim (Post 3851691)
edit On another note this has to be one of the most beautiful shots in the series so far

I concur. I was thinking on re-drawing this frame on photoshop just to make a new wallpaper (changing colors and light, maybe).

When I finished this episode, I was wondering... Ringo was somehow the lead for the fist 9 episodes and Kanba for the next 9. So who is next?

mellomarie 2011-11-10 22:21


Originally Posted by Kazu-kun (Post 3851373)
Yep, we're talking about the same scene.
Spoiler for ep 18:

I hope they'll show the rest of the scene at the beginning of the next episode. They did something like this before. But yeah, really shitty move.

i'm hoping the omission of the scene was a stylistic decision as ringo's speech was a beautiful and tragic segue to the title card of the episode. it's definitely a shoma-centric scene that NEEDS to be in the show.

as for the episode, my face was :upset: the entire time

i felt super bad for tabuki and momoka savng him was epic in her innocent way. i'm still confused on how the child broiler works, how momoka knew about it, etc. etc. but this show is surreal so i won't muse too hard.

kanba was amazing this episode. so heartbreaking. i don't think you need to be a fan of him to appreciate his love for his sister.

i'm now starting to think that kanba shares parallels with momoka, though he's definitely more singular and (understandably) selfish with his goals. but his self-sacrifical nature is just as intense as momoka, and i wonder if it's more than just "kanba really, really loves his sister & family" as PoC made a comment about his "soul".

i think himari grew a whole lot in this show but it hasn't been as apparent to me as some other characters. she's been a really passive character and her (tragically) taking charge of her own life and doing her part to save her family was gut wrenching. i'm glad she didn't die, but honestly that scene would've been a beautiful conclusion to her life if it went in that direction.

finally natsume's comment was interesting. she said "i'll crush her" and i initially assumed it was yuri, but then she immediatly said she's going to take kanba away from them. is she referring to himari? either way, i'm looking forward to her and kanba's interactions.

amazing, beautiful, fabulous max, etc. etc. episode.


just wanted to agree one hundred percent with dragoonkain3's comment on tabuki.

i don't think his change of character was rushed either or the buildup felt flat. it was incredibly realistic and i loved how he said "goodbye" to yuri.

faburosumakusu 2011-11-10 23:21


Originally Posted by mellomarie (Post 3851972)
i'm now starting to think that kanba shares parallels with momoka, though he's definitely more singular and (understandably) selfish with his goals. but his self-sacrifical nature is just as intense as momoka, and i wonder if it's more than just "kanba really, really loves his sister & family" as PoC made a comment about his "soul".


I agree. Also, I also saw parallels between Momoka/Tabuki with Ringo/Shoma, especially by the end of the episode when everything she says leads up her pretty much asking Shoma "to just be there for her" just like Momoka asked Tabuki to live for her sake. I just hope Ringo and Shoma don't have a tragic ending though...

Kazu-kun 2011-11-11 00:09


Originally Posted by mellomarie (Post 3851972)
i'm hoping the omission of the scene was a stylistic decision as ringo's speech was a beautiful and tragic segue to the title card of the episode. it's definitely a shoma-centric scene that NEEDS to be in the show.

I agree cutting out those lines was most likely a stylistic choice in order to match Ringo's line with the episode's title. I do get that, but it doesn't change the fact that the rest of the scene is needed for the sake of Shouma's character development. Those lines need to be in the series to make it clear this is a 180º turning point for Shouma.

serenade_beta 2011-11-11 00:51

Acha... Tabuki had the ability to Teleport.
Who would have thought!?

Anyways, pretty disappointed with the idiot. Hoped he was a bit more, but another lunatic bent on revenge on the kids of the parents.
And then he gives up in the end and leaves instead of seeing it all the way. After teleporting to save Himari. He should have just teleported down instead of taking the elevator though. But can't expect common sense from worshippers of the reincarnation of Budd-... I mean, Momoka.
And his parents were crazy too. Oh the impact it had, because I mean, every other parent in this anime was only so normal.

Crontica 2011-11-11 01:02

I just hope Momoka's sacrificial likeness that rubbed off on Kanba doesn't spell a worser fate for him, aka Momoka set up several decoys and red herrings to make sure she wasn't found but that blew up in her face after this incident.

tsunade666 2011-11-11 01:58

WoW Fabulous MAX!!!! episode 10/10 no questions ask!

the cage bird scene, prodigy little brother and the children boiler room :D Momoka is really a hero, a god, everything and their whole world in the eyes of Yuri and Tabuki. The confrontation of Kanba and Tabuki ;_; Kanba took all the punishment and blame for the siblings. Shoma needs to really start standing up and become stronger. He should help Kanba a bit. The ending of the episode with Tabuki saving Himari :( maybe to him Kanba reminds him of Momoka and also the scene with Yuri and Tabuki. Poor Tabuki. I wish for both Yuri and Tabuki to find happiness. They both deserve it.

SoFarGone 2011-11-11 02:00

Shouma better get stronger, the guy has been useless compared to his brother.

vansonbee 2011-11-11 02:12

During the part where Momoka save Tabuki from being grind-up. The man was burning Momoka hand and calling it a "life line" of some sort.

Its like Momoka going to hell and saving Takuki from Death.

Guardian Enzo 2011-11-11 02:38

Wonderful episode. The trend towards linear storytelling and actually answering a few questions is a welcome one, as is the slow warming of the emotional tone. Really caring about the characters has always been the lagging indicator for me, but that's finally catching up to the intellectual interest. The influence of the Casshern Sins posse on the Tabuki flashbacks was also a nice touch.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm getting a seriously bad feeling about Shouma - or rather, I've had one for a long while but the events at the end of the episode (and the preview voiceover) really have "bad flag" written all over them. At some point he has to stop being an observer and become a participant, and he clearly places zero value on his own life.

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