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marvelB 2012-03-21 05:29

One Piece - Chapter 661 [manga]
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Ready for more Punk Hazard action, guys? ;) Credit goes to T for the summary and CCC from AP forums for translation:

Chapter title is "Lake of Bandits". Ministory features Hannyabal, who is now warden of Impel Down in Magellan's place.

-Luffy's group get assaulted by the centaurs. The mutants blast their boat with a bazooka, and Zoro gets attacked by a shark. The centaur boss is revealed to be Brownbeard, who is now a crocodile centaur (former bounty was 80,050,000, BTW). Soon, Brooke appears and freezes the weapons of the enemy centaurs, and a freezing wet Luffy's group emerge from the lake. Luffy wants to take the centaurs' clothes, and Brownbeard finally becomes wary as he now realizes who he's facing against.....

-Back to Law vs. the marines, the warlord sticks their battleship to the island. He then tells Sanji's group that there's no escape, and uses his power on them. He actually manages to switch all 4 Straw-Hats' hearts around. Now Sanji is Nami, Chopper is Sanji, Nami is Franky, Franky is Chopper....

-The marines threaten to report him to the WG, but Law steals their denden phones. Tashigi attempts to take him on but apparently her haki isn't strong enough. Smoker then reveals that Law ate the Ope Ope (operation) fruit, making him a free-mod human. He then takes on the Shichibukai himself.....

Wow, this chapter is insane! So now Law ended up switching some of the crew's bodies around.... boy, the hilarity that will ensue. BTW, props to Aohige for guessing the name of Law's power right (guess I owe you a coke, then). And Brownbeard was the centaur boss after all.... well, at least Hawkins didn't finish him off.

BTW, Hannyabal becoming warden is awesome news as well, IMO. But I wonder what other changes ID went through during the skip. Well either way, I'm eagerly awaiting this chapter's release! :D

aohige 2012-03-21 07:41

Obligatory I-told-you-so :D


Originally Posted by aohige (Post 4052961)
I think ope-ope no mi is more likely.

RRW 2012-03-21 07:51

hmm it seem Magellan is admiral now

C.A. 2012-03-21 07:56

Law is impressive, his ability would work extremely well with observation Haki.

Haki is definitely a measure of power and requirement in the New World.

ninetail1989 2012-03-21 08:25

Sanji become nami....LUCKY BASTARD........then again..he gonna die from nose bleed at this rate....i wont be surprise if Sanji in Nami body ended up hitting a girl...(well nami in franky body)

Stained-Shadow 2012-03-21 08:30

Sanji must be very happy. And brook was awesome :D this was a great chapter

khoa1708 2012-03-21 08:43

we still don't know why law is helping out the SH's right? or if what he's doing is even considered helping...

d' airscapez 2012-03-21 09:09


Originally Posted by ninetail1989 (Post 4064011)
Sanji become nami....LUCKY BASTARD........then again..he gonna die from nose bleed at this rate....i wont be surprise if Sanji in Nami body ended up hitting a girl...(well nami in franky body)

if he dies, he'll end up dying in Nami's body :heh:

Kanon 2012-03-21 09:20

Oh man, Sanji in Nami's body... I can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out :heh:

Law's power is so hax. As long as you're in his operating room (which is pretty damn big now), you're screwed. People without mastery of haki can't even hope to stand up to him.

Saturn Beaver 2012-03-21 09:30


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 4064108)
Oh man, Sanji in Nami's body... I can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out :heh:

Something perverted, no doubt. I'm sure we'll see Nami in Franky's body stopping him from touching herself though. Either that, or he recalls his trauma of spending two years in Okama Island (probably not, this is Nami after all). Although maybe he somehow picked up fighting techniques to be used in this unique occasion?


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 4064108)
Law's power is so hax. As long as you're in his operating room (which is pretty damn big now), you're screwed. People without mastery of haki can't even hope to stand up to him.

Yep, someone better call the cops, because the Law is broken.:heh: But seriously, it's not just because of the massive range of his power, but also his mastery of it. He can do raw power in splitting a huge battleship, finesse in scanning and taking only the Denden Mushi, and even abstract concept like swapping 'hearts'.

Short of a powerful Haki like Smoker said, or a Logia/unique fruit power like Buggy, he may not be lethal but is almost impossible to defeat. He does need to aim and everything first though, maybe if you're faster than his reaction time (like Luffy's post-timeskip Gear 2) you can blitz him before he got the drop on you?

~Yami~ 2012-03-21 09:50

seeing lots of Robin in this chapter.... yay! warm clothes!!! <3

wow! Sanji is really going to die this time... just when Luffy's team can move forward, a new problem has happened in Nami's team... so hilarious

Trafalgar Law is bad ass... that ope ope no mi is awesome... I wonder if his only limitations is his 'room' or his 'sword range'
there should be many things he can modify right?

Randrak42 2012-03-21 10:00

I for some reason don't feel like Law is the big bad of the arc...he's not giving off the evil bastard vibes. I'm betting he has a good reason for keeping the kids there.

randomlex 2012-03-21 10:15

Man, Luffy, Robin and Zoro look freaky in that panel!
"They're swimming through the ocean, killing sharks, trying to dress... So hide yo hats, hide yo coats, hide yo pants, cause they're snatchin' everything out here...":D

Body swapping - now that's gonna be hilarious, too!

Also, Tashigi's sword got cut in two, as well - I wonder if it can be repaired...

SilverSyko 2012-03-21 10:33

It's about time we got a name for Law's devil fruit, or any of the Supernova's devil fruit names really. With that large a range of effect it's a damn powerful ability too. Normally that would be the power's drawback, but not this time.

The body swapping doesn't seem totally necessary, but I guess you can never be too sure. I guess if someone's in a unfamiliar body then they won't be able to fight to the best of their ability?

And Boss and his centaur subordinates are definitely going to get destroyed now. All for the sake of warm clothes. :heh:

marvelB 2012-03-21 10:38

Man, this was a damned awesome chapter (actually, this whole storyline was great so far!). We got to see more badassery from Brooke, Brownbeard is back as a centaur (I still think he has an awesome design, fodder or not), and we finally learn more about Law's DF power. Also, I gotta wonder what the heck Hannyabal was eating to buff up that much in 2 years (unless his girth is actually made up of muscle, not fat). But yeah, that has me convinced more than ever that Magellan transferred to the marines after the whole war incident....


Originally Posted by C.A. (Post 4063965)
Law is impressive, his ability would work extremely well with observation Haki.

Speaking of this, in the last chapter thread I brought up the possibility that Law's CoO haki was weak since he didn't seem to sense the Straw-Hats' presence on PH. But thinking about it now, it probably isn't weak at all, but rather just has a short range (to be more specific, it probably only reaches as far as his "room" will extend). After all, as I mentioned before, keen observation and dexterity should pretty much be second-nature to a powerful pirate who doubles as a surgeon, anyway.....

BTW, as far as the body-swapped Straw-Hats go, I'm honestly more interested in what antics we'll see from Chopper and Nami in their new bodies rather than the inevitable dirty gags we'll see from Sanji in Nami's body. :p

ronin myael 2012-03-21 10:46

ope ope no mi is so damn freaky!!! i like it! :D i hope to see more action from law and smoker in the next chapter.

the exchange of hearts should be pretty interesting. i can't imagine sanji smoking like a chimney using nami's body or the real nami prancing around in franky's body. :heh:

Randrak42 2012-03-21 10:55

Chopper and Franky shouldn't be as useless as the rest of the group. I doubt Sanji is able to do any effective kicking while dying from a nose blee...I mean while using Nami's weak body. Doubt Nami knows how to work Franky's armory (She'll probably be "..." when told to use a certain weapon).

Chopper is in Sanji's body so using he martial arts should only take a few moments to get used to (I have no doubt that Sanji will bitch about him using his hands).
If Franky manages to transform then going into monster point shouldn't hinder his ability to stomp crap.

yakumo-chan 2012-03-21 11:29


Originally Posted by Randrak42 (Post 4064307)
Chopper is in Sanji's body so using he martial arts should only take a few moments to get used to (I have no doubt that Sanji will bitch about him using his hands).
If Franky manages to transform then going into monster point shouldn't hinder his ability to stomp crap.

hey this is getting interesting:D
I wonder if each of them will get used using their current bodies

cj1277 2012-03-21 11:43

Woot ope ope no mi! yes finally some kind of fruit explanation. Gotta love Law guy just always seem so badass and now more than ever.

So smoker said "dnt enter his range, as long as your in this room consider urself a patient." Does this apply to him too? Could it be Law power has a natural way to cancel out Logia abilities? As long as your in his realm ur under his absolute control?

Seems only Haki can be effective in his space which makes sense of course but what doesnt is when Smoker also said "No dnt, your Haki isn't strong enouph." We have only seen differnces in Haki strength only against other Haki users. Since Law was useing his DF powers it shouldn't matter if the haki strength was weak right? DF powers should loss aganist it so Law could've been useing CoA aganist Tashigi. Either that or Oda just threw in another twist and decided that trained DF users can over come basic lvls of Haki...which is a nice twist -evil smile-

Rainbowman 2012-03-21 12:10

Time to review:

Hannybal is now the new warden. What happened to Magellan? We get to see Luffy go up against Brownbeard. And we get to learn Law's fruit: Ope Ope no Mi. I don't like how he switched Nami's heart and body to one of the others. He better have a good explanation for doing that. If Nami's heart is inside Franky's body, at least she could give Law a massive beating with it.

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