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CrowKenobi 2012-05-26 03:53

Fate/Zero - Episode 21 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Fate/Zero, Episode 21.

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Sheba 2012-05-26 10:43

Watching the stream right now: Saber on her pimping bike, bitches. *hornsign*

EDIT: Gen Urobuchi. Giving the osananajimi trope a bitchslap.

Aesthetic Shampoo 2012-05-26 11:07

Kariya :T_T:

And saber on that bike was overkill :p

DakkerDB 2012-05-26 11:14

First of all... everything in this episode involving Saber and that bike... simply glorious. I lack the proper words to describe just how incredible it was.

I find it interesting how Rider just outright refuses to use his reality marble against Saber. I wonder what the exact reason is.

As for Kariya... well, let's just say I spent most of the church scene shouting "No, Kariya! No!" at the screen.
I feel like I should be angry at him, but I only feel pity and sadness. Don't think he should've really snapped there, but then again, emotional outbursts and insanity aren't really things that one can control.

Next episode title is so damn ominous. I mean, just by itself, it already sounds bad. But to people familiar with Fate/Stay Night, those words should be all too familiar. Can't wait to see what horrible things happen. (Oh god, I'm starting to sound like Kirei)

zRyuu 2012-05-26 11:16


Originally Posted by DakkerDB (Post 4177201)
I find it interesting how Rider just outright refuses to use his reality marble against Saber. I wonder what the exact reason is.

In episode 20, Rider said that he could only use Ioniai Hetairo only one more time and that it should be saved for Archer.

Alaya 2012-05-26 11:23

Being Fate/Zero's character is suffering (unless you are Gilgamesh or Kotomine Kirei).

DakkerDB 2012-05-26 11:26


Originally Posted by zRyuu (Post 4177203)
In episode 20, Rider said that he could only use Ioniai Hetairo only one more time and that it should be saved for Archer.

Well, true. But in the situation he and Waver were in, I don't think saving it for Archer would've done them any good, had Saber not simply left them there. If she had continued the fight, there isn't much he would've been able to do against Saber, don't you think?

Miraluka 2012-05-26 11:32


And what is more sad is... his pain just started.


Originally Posted by Alaya (Post 4177217)
Being Fate/Zero's character is suffering (unless you are Gilgamesh or Kotomine Kirei).

Or that old bastard Matou.

jeroz 2012-05-26 11:36

the best part about the Urobuchi tragedy, everything just flows on so natural and you can't help but to start silently at how everything just crumbles down by itself.

so yeah, hopefully after this ep no one will ask "why didn't Kariya just go kill Zouken?"

Kokukirin 2012-05-26 11:36

I recall in the LN, the Rider v Saber fight was a split-second difference. In this episode it didn't look that close to me.

But minor point aside, this is yet another superb episode even by F/Z's high standard. Saber on bike ^_^

zRyuu 2012-05-26 11:43


Originally Posted by DakkerDB (Post 4177223)
Well, true. But in the situation he and Waver were in, I don't think saving it for Archer would've done them any good, had Saber not simply left them there. If she had continued the fight, there isn't much he would've been able to do against Saber, don't you think?

It doesn't matter since that's not what happened. It would still be a bad move to use it since Rider would have nothing left to fight Archer. Either way Rider lost one of his NP, but at least he didn't waste his strongest NP yet so he is not out of this war yet.

jeroz 2012-05-26 11:48

it's either gamble and win, or go out second place.

don't think Rider would like to settle for a second.

kk2extreme 2012-05-26 11:53

Rider is now interested in a bike now :)

LunarMoon 2012-05-26 12:00

It seems like they were really hammering in the rape imagery and metaphors, with Kariya's feelings for Aoi. He straddled her.

DakkerDB 2012-05-26 12:01


Originally Posted by zRyuu (Post 4177241)
It doesn't matter since that's not what happened. It would still be a bad move to use it since Rider would have nothing left to fight Archer. Either way Rider lost one of his NP, but at least he didn't waste his strongest NP yet so he is not out of this war yet.

Well, he would've been potentially out of the war had Saber defeated him there and then.
But you're right, Saber didn't continue the fight, so there was no need to waste Ionian Hetairoi. It's possible, had he been forced into a corner, he would have no other choice, but that's useless speculation, as you've said.

Eragon 2012-05-26 12:05

The "race" between Saber and Rider was simply superb!! That darn bike's too lucky.

Kariya, Kariya..............I wasn't expecting Aoi to be there. Although I don't like it but I will agree that her seeing him "kill" Tokiomi was the the second best method to inflict as much pain and misery on Kariya:sad: Too bad for you Kariya that the second most cunning person in the show planned this.

Don't ask me what the best method was, ask Zouken. (although it must be pretty obvious)

jeroz 2012-05-26 12:10

I wonder if this is done on purpose.....

Spoiler for gif:

Edit: someone is having too much fun here
Spoiler for lolol:

Eragon 2012-05-26 12:11


Originally Posted by jeroz (Post 4177279)
I wonder if this is done on purpose.....

Spoiler for gif:

I think you are the one doing it on purpose :p

LunarMoon 2012-05-26 12:18


Originally Posted by jeroz (Post 4177279)
I wonder if this is done on purpose.....

Spoiler for gif:

Edit: someone is having too much fun here
Spoiler for lolol:

As I mentioned with the imagery, I really think it was.

Methuselah 2012-05-26 12:22


Originally Posted by jeroz (Post 4177279)

Edit: someone is having too much fun here
Spoiler for lolol:


I was actually eating while watching that scene! XD

Ham Chowder with Shell Macroni + Chicken Breasts

Drank down with Orange Juice.


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