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marvelB 2012-11-28 02:49

One Piece - Chapter 690 [manga]
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Spoiler's here! Credit goes to Aohige and redon from AP forums:

-Chapter title is "SAD". The ministory features Caribou being saved by an old woman.

-Luffy vs. CC resumes. It seems that the scientist is capable of firing beams from his mouth, but that still doesn't save him from getting smashed into a pulp.

-Meanwhile, focus briefly switches back the other Straw-Hats scrambling around the lab, then back to another battle in progress: Smoker vs. Vergo in the SAD room. It looks like despite his impressive display from earlier, Smoker loses the fight. However, his loss was intentional, as Law used this opportunity to regain his heart...!!

-Law calls out Doflamingo through Vergo's denden mushi, telling him that he'll lose his most valuable people and assets. Vergo is ready to strike him with his haki-infused body, but..... Law slices him AND THE ENTIRE LAB in half! He then tells his old boss that things have changed since Whitebeard's era, and that there's no turning back the inevitable tsunami now. Doflamingo gets most displeased by this sudden turn of events...!!!!

Veeery nice chapter. :D And I believe I even predicted that Law would use Smoker's fight as a way to get his heart back, as well. I'm a bit unsure if Vergo's down for the count just yet, though..... even if he was sliced in half, Law's power doesn't immediately kill his enemies, so the VA may still have some tricks up his sleeve....

Anyway, looks like Dofla's going to be our first major NW enemy at this point. Now that Law attracted his wrath, it's only a matter of time before the veteran warlord takes matters to his own hands (though I still doubt he'll go to PH himself.... I'm guessing that the Luffy/Law alliance would take the fight to his base at Dresrosa). Man, it really sucks to know that the next few chapters are going to be released in-between holiday breaks, considering what's at stake here now..... :(

SOGESNAKE 2012-11-28 02:53

Hmmm... wouldn't have thought Smoker would have lost. Figured Law would'a got his heart back, and they would'a double teamed him. Well.... now that Vergo's in half, I do wonder what Smoker will do with him now.... unless Smoker's actually unconcious. :heh:

marvelB 2012-11-28 02:57

^Smoker lost, but that was because he basically jobbed to Vergo intentionally. For all we know, he could have taken care of him as quickly as Law did if he weren't holding back....

ronin myael 2012-11-28 03:19

oh wow, the spoilers seem very interesting. can't wait to read the chapter!

~Yami~ 2012-11-28 04:24

great chapter I must say...

Law is back and kicking Vergo.... Luffy is also kicking Caesar!
the new era will really begin... Vergo and Caesar used to be famous in the past but these two new pirates has kicked them out

II Maestro 2012-11-28 04:26

Okay Vergo lost to law after covering his whole body with haki.

andy 2012-11-28 04:43

kiki san you should edit your post .
Doing that is a NO NO here

Also this chapter was awesome .
Law being a bad ass was great can't wait for things to get crazy .

Poetic Justice 2012-11-28 06:13

I think this is the first time in the series that we've seen Doflo frowning.

aohige 2012-11-28 06:35

Considering the fact Big Mam is randomly shown when Law is making the speech about knocking oiut a cogwheel, it's much more likely now that Dofla's business partner Yonkou is her.

kiak666 2012-11-28 08:00

This perfectly described how I feel about Law this chapter:

:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

And Luffy's "Extreme Makeover" on Caesar's face is one of the other highlights of this chapter for me. I wonder if Caesar's face would remain like that for the rest of the fight. :D

paradox13 2012-11-28 08:00

Law is a badass.

I guess Vergo wasn't top tier.. as we saw in the war, top tiers have insane durability and do not get taken out in one shot (Marco, Akainu, etc.. although Jozu may be an exception).

I wonder how much of a fight Smoker would've given Vergo if he was fighting seriously to win.. somehow I see him being able to force a win, although it would've been a huge struggle.. maybe something like Luffy's win against Lucci.

james0246 2012-11-28 08:10

Dieragof!!! Fwagabah!!! Pogabebwah!!!

Fun Fun Fun chapter. Good bit o' fighting, lots of funny bits, and we finally get to see Usopp and Brook again...though Frankie is still hiding (probably waiting to defeat the Shinokuni in one blow).

ronin myael 2012-11-28 08:55

awesome chapter! law is back to his badass self! i never would have thought that law and smoker would do such a good tag team against vergo. pissing off doffy is not a good idea but if this means that we'll finally get to see the bird man in action then i'm all for it! :D

Libros 2012-11-28 09:27

when I first read the chapter, I sort of didn't expect Law to 1 shot(?) Vergo. Don't get me wrong, Law seemed strong pre-timeskip but I don't know,..he just didn't seem powerful enough to defeat someone like Vergo in one shot, let alone do what he did to the Island. Either way, where's the Panda and the rest of Law's crew?:confused: Either way, this chapter was badass, and so was Law. I didn't really know someone could harden their entire body with Haki though.

james0246 2012-11-28 09:48

^Law has one of the most powerful devil fruits we have seen in the series. He can control almost anything in his 'rooms' so long as he can surpass their Haki. The only reason Law has suffered so far has been because his heart was being controlled by Vergo. Once he had his heart back, and he could equal or surpass Vergo's Haki, it is not surprising that he could defeat Vergo (though I agree the entire mountain being 'cut' was also surprising.

andy 2012-11-28 09:56


Originally Posted by Libros (Post 4454265)
when I first read the chapter, I sort of didn't expect Law to 1 shot(?) Vergo. Don't get me wrong, Law seemed strong pre-timeskip but I don't know,..he just didn't seem powerful enough to defeat someone like Vergo in one shot, let alone do what he did to the Island. Either way, where's the Panda and the rest of Law's crew?:confused: Either way, this chapter was badass, and so was Law. I didn't really know someone could harden their entire body with Haki though.


Originally Posted by paradox13 (Post 4454210)
Law is a badass.

I guess Vergo wasn't top tier.. as we saw in the war, top tiers have insane durability and do not get taken out in one shot (Marco, Akainu, etc.. although Jozu may be an exception).

I wonder how much of a fight Smoker would've given Vergo if he was fighting seriously to win.. somehow I see him being able to force a win, although it would've been a huge struggle.. maybe something like Luffy's win against Lucci.

I would say Vergo is still top tier ( or at least fairly strong ) but both he and Donflamingo underestimated Law .
They both thought Law was a punk that Vergo could unfair him like they old days and he was below them .
Vergo ran at him thinking there was nothing he could do instead of playing it smart and he pay the price for it .

Which is why Law said to Donflamingo he was just sitting on his ass thinking he going to remain on top but new generation are about the come for the old one .

marvelB 2012-11-28 10:12

Oh god, Caesar's face. :p Well, if he manages to survive this whole mess, the dude's pretty much going to have to wear a mask for the rest of his life like Spandam! :heh:

Anyway, don't have much else to say about the chapter. Though I do also find it curious that Franky's been absent for a while now.....


Originally Posted by aohige (Post 4454155)
Considering the fact Big Mam is randomly shown when Law is making the speech about knocking oiut a cogwheel, it's much more likely now that Dofla's business partner Yonkou is her.

Yeah, looks like Big Mama being the one with the zoan army has a bit more merit now, I admit. I'm still sticking with the idea of Kaidou being the target of the Straw-Hearts alliance, though....


Originally Posted by andy (Post 4454284)
I would say Vergo is still top tier ( or at least fairly strong ) but both he and Donflamingo underestimated Law .
They both thought Law was a punk that Vergo could unfair him like they old days and he was below them .
Vergo ran at him thinking there was nothing he could do instead of playing it smart and he pay the price for it .

Which is why Law said to Donflamingo he was just sitting on his ass thinking he going to remain on top but new generation are about the come for the old one .

Yeah, I pretty much agree with everything here. Dofla and Vergo were just too cocky and underestimated Law. And again, it's not like Vergo is out of the picture yet, anyway (he got sliced in half, but he's obviously still alive due to Law's "Room" being in effect).

BTW, it looks like it's been pretty much confirmed that Vergo is Dofla's right-hand man, I think. I mean, Law referred to him as his "most valuable" subordinate. And one must certainly admit that the bamboo demon proved himself a more reliable underling than a certain dachshund hyena.....

paradox13 2012-11-28 10:29

So what is the relationship between Doflamingo and Mihawk?

II Maestro 2012-11-28 10:46

Zoro & Tashigi is being chase by the gas, Though I know that Zoro's lost.

Kanon 2012-11-28 10:47

I'm impressed Law managed to cut through Vergo's armament haki (which has been hyped a lot) so easily. He is definitely worthy of the rank of Shichibukai. His DF combined with his strong haki makes him a frightening opponent. Luffy was right to forge an alliance with him.

Caesar's face is hilarious. I hope he'll remain that way forever :p
I've got to hand it to him, he is damn resilient. It's only a matter of time before he gets defeated though. Luffy is completely overwhelming him.

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