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Kairin 2013-01-24 04:15

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai NEXT - Episode 3 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai NEXT, Episode 3.

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Mura 2013-01-24 13:07

The end card featuring....

Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread)

Yusei Fudo 2013-01-24 17:20

more Kodaka x Sena PLEASE 8D

Silverwyrm 2013-01-24 17:59

oh boy next ep is the one I've been waiting for

SilverSyko 2013-01-24 18:16

*sigh* So much for downplayed romance. With an almost-kiss and a ship tease with Kodaka and Sena, it doesn't seem like the major focus on friendship is going to last much longer, if at all. I loved how the first season made it the central focus so this is a bit of a disappointment.

Not much to say about the first half of the episode. I guess it just goes on to show though that Kobato and Maria have a somewhat unorthodox friendship.

The show does deserve a point for the Lupin reference though. Classy.~

Kanon 2013-01-24 18:30

The first half was amusing. Kobato and Maria's quarrels never fail to amuse me. These two sure are a handful when they're together, props to Kodaka for being able to deal with them so calmly.

The second half was okay, but too predictable. It was the kind of stuff I've already seen a million times. Figured they'd chicken out on showing a kiss.

potchip 2013-01-24 18:38

you mean chickened out of a possible murder scene?

Miraluka 2013-01-24 19:11

Nnn. A possible murder attempt from Yozora if that ever happened.

The funny thin is, she set it up herself and then, backslash! :heh:

Rising Dragon 2013-01-24 19:13

Well you know what they say, no plan ever survives first contact with the enemy.

DXMichael 2013-01-24 19:36

The first half of the episode had so much Maria screentime, I was so happy :D That scene where she's on the sofa kicking her legs up and down would make a nice gif avatar, i'll have to request that at some point or wait to see if anyone gives it out as a freebie :p

But yeah, the first half with Maria pretty much made the episode for me, i'm one of the few Maria fans because she's awesome :p

The whole king game was great too lol Holy hell Kobato was wearing such.....divine clothing! :heh: And Maria muttering those words, poor child lol but at least she didn't realise or care what she was reading :heh:

Lol at the "Mine are bigger" comment made my Maria when Kodaka showed his chest.

Chaos2Frozen 2013-01-24 20:57


Originally Posted by Wilfriback (Post 4526534)
Nnn. A possible murder attempt from Yozora if that ever happened.

The funny thin is, she set it up herself and then, backslash! :heh:

Same thing happened to Sena and Kobato :heh: Too bad they didn't have her wear it the whole time as intended :heh:

Nvis 2013-01-24 21:48

Maria = future beauty ( even more than Kate)

Lexxus 2013-01-24 21:50

Seriously. Maria is so innocent :heh:

AC-Phoenix 2013-01-24 21:56

1st part:
Why did I expect Maria to say Kate brought her?

2nd part:

The idea to write the orders there in advance was good, though he oversaw the possibility they would mark the sheets (as yozora did).
Still it stopped a greater disaster.

Btw did anyone else see the (uninteded) Stein's gate parody there?

End Part:
Pegasus-san.. you are... AWESOME
Yozora and kobato are getting trolled hard with this rofl.
Well I have to say that it somehow serves her right.

It would be awesome if they went through with this though.

Yozora trolled: not much to say about this, other than that she would be highly upset.

Kobato: A scene were Sena tells her to call her 'Onee-sama' would be extremely funny rofl

Too bad its most likely not going to happen. Still good trolling there Pegasus... good trolling.

D-KLAC 2013-01-24 22:55

so maria spend night in kodaka's house & yet maria vs kobato whole night with kate keep calling like is a siscon?

club meet so do a party to play king game which from kobato in a "outfit", maria saying some "yikes", meat calling to ask for LUPIN, & etc to final game a kiss with meat & kodaka?

give yozora bit no on it so alternate drink meat's cup like a kiss all good til kodaka's dad call about his son getting married?

Newprimus 2013-01-24 23:37


Originally Posted by SilverSyko (Post 4526454)
*sigh* So much for downplayed romance. With an almost-kiss and a ship tease with Kodaka and Sena, it doesn't seem like the major focus on friendship is going to last much longer, if at all. I loved how the first season made it the central focus so this is a bit of a disappointment.

Not much to say about the first half of the episode. I guess it just goes on to show though that Kobato and Maria have a somewhat unorthodox friendship.

The show does deserve a point for the Lupin reference though. Classy.~

If you think this ship tease came out of nowhere for Kodaka and Sena, they've already done that in the first season with the first pool ep, then with the dinner at Sena's, and then the beach trip. So this is nothing new, and Kodaka x Sena's been in the making for a long time.

SilverSyko 2013-01-25 00:11


Originally Posted by Shinova (Post 4526862)
If you think this ship tease came out of nowhere for Kodaka and Sena, they've already done that in the first season with the first pool ep, then with the dinner at Sena's, and then the beach trip. So this is nothing new, and Kodaka x Sena's been in the making for a long time.

Coming out of nowhere isn't really the problem. The difference is that the ship teases in season 1 were subtle. While they could be taken in a romantic way by some, that's not necessarily what they meant.

Here we have them almost kissing on the lips and then Sena's father calling Kodaka up and saying they're engaged. There's quite a difference.

I feel when you start implementing romance in a show that does not need it, it becomes something along the lines of a parasite, slowly killing it's host while nourishing itself. That's why I very much prefer romance in a non-romantic show to be subtle.

Rakshasa 2013-01-25 00:59


Originally Posted by SilverSyko (Post 4526894)
Here we have them almost kissing on the lips and then Sena's father calling Kodaka up and saying they're engaged. There's quite a difference.

Sena's father?

SilverSyko 2013-01-25 01:04


Originally Posted by Rakshasa (Post 4526926)
Sena's father?

Wasn't it? As far as I know he's the only dad character who we've seen. I know Kodaka mentioned his dad last season but protagonist parents rarely show up in these kinds of shows.

Unless I missed something.

Kirayuki 2013-01-25 01:08

It's Kodaka's father who give a call in the last scene.

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