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monir 2013-03-21 23:07

Shin Sekai Yori - Episode 25 [End] Discussion / Poll
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NoemiChan 2013-03-21 23:18

Will he live or will he die??
Will Saki save him?

deadsea 2013-03-22 12:44

crying ;_;

kuromitsu 2013-03-22 14:18

They... they actually did a good job. A mostly great job. WOW. This episode pretty much went against my expections in many aspects, and that is a Very Good Thing. (And it followed my expectations in some other things which isn't very good, but well, at this point that's neither here nor there.)

I'll write a proper reaction post, but until then:

NAMIKAWA DAISUKE. The guy should get an award for this series. GIVE HIM ONE.
And while we're at it, give awards to Taneda Risa and Kaji Yuuki, too, they were both ridiculously awesome.

Also, I'll just leave this here (spoilery, but no main characters or anything)...

Spoiler for screenshot from last episode, duh:

Kirarakim 2013-03-22 15:23


Originally Posted by kuromitsu (Post 4601374)
They... they actually did a good job. A mostly great job. WOW. This episode pretty much went against my expections in many aspects, and that is a Very Good Thing. (And it followed my expectations in some other things which isn't very good, but well, at this point that's neither here nor there.)

I had to quickly erase the spoiler so I don't see it but this makes me really happy to hear. I was really worried they would have to rush through the ending but I am glad at least one of the novel readers was satisfied. :)

kuromitsu 2013-03-22 18:56

So! Last episode... what a ride it has been. Warning, this is going to be long. :heh: (I'm tempted to use the tl;dr tag...)

The OK, the good and the great, in no particular order...

Spoiler for YESSS:

The grumbling, or rather, stuff I just don't get...
Spoiler for the "akki":

Spoiler for the usual:

Spoiler for Shun and the last part:

About the overall tone of the episode...
Spoiler for novel comparison, I guess:


Before the subs come out and the thread eventually descends into chaos XD;; I'd just like to say that as much as I groused about some changes in the last arc, I think this was, hands down, one the strongest anime I've ever seen, even with its flaws. It's quite unlike anything I've seen before - sure, much of that is due to the source material. But there's also:
- the visuals - sure, it was made on a very tight budget but even so there are some striking visuals in this show (quite a number of them in this last episode), and there was of course the first ending sequence that was simply awesome. There were also some nice camera angles, visual ideas, etc.
- the designs - I've heard people hating on the character designs, but I think they worked well, and the character designer should get into fashion stat.
Spoiler for last part of the episode:

And I really loved how they designed the various creatures in the world - the minoshiro, the fujouneko, etc.
- the music - everyone loves that haunting bgm that plays during key scenes, but the rest is pretty nice, too - not flashy, but it does what a BGM needs to do. The first ending, Wareta ringo that was simply awesome. (Let's just forget about the second ED.)
- the seiyuu - the voice acting was brilliant. Namikawa Daisuke is the star here, sure, but Taneda Risa, Kaji Yuuki, and the rest of the cast also did a fantastic job. (This fall/winter season seems to have the theme of "voice actors doing something I wouldn't have expected them to be good at" - Namikawa Daisuke as Squealer, Fukuyama Jun as Marian in Ixion Saga, and Suwabe Junichi as Inaba in Cuticle Detective Inaba.)

All in all, I'm happy that I met this anime. I'm glad the sponsors were willing to invest money in this, even though they must have known that it wouldn't be much of a success (or at all, as the case might be), and that despite everything the production team seemed to do their best at all times in spite of the budget, the time and the difficult to adapt source material. In the end, Shinsekai yori had flaws, including questionable writing/directorial decisions, but it was a powerful show, and it will stay with me for a long time.

Oh! and one more thing.
I'd like to take the opportunity to give a shout-out to the person who, during all these months, faithfully kept copying my Shinsekai yori posts and posting them as their own at the MAL forums. Hi, plagiarist! ^o^)/

creb 2013-03-22 19:13

*sniff* Probably at least another 3 hours before us non-Japanese literate people can watch. :heh:

So, this is the last episode, and kuromitsu is happy. Ah, the speculations. :p

At the very least, my dream ending of Squealer x Saki BDSM is probably out of the picture. :upset:

kuromitsu 2013-03-22 19:48


Originally Posted by creb (Post 4601667)
At the very least, my dream ending of Squealer x Saki BDSM is probably out of the picture. :upset:

There's always doujinshi... :heh: (I mean, people are already drawing Kiroumaru x Inui stuff.)

Kirarakim 2013-03-22 19:54

You don't know how hard it is for me to not open those spoiler boxes. And yeah I know I probably should not be in this thread. :heh:

roon 2013-03-22 21:59

Just finished the episode and my immediate incoherency is making me think nothing but THESE TEARS ( ;∀;)

Spoiler for music:


Originally Posted by kuromitsu (Post 4601655)
The grumbling, or rather, stuff I just don't get...
Spoiler for the "akki":

Spoiler for Akki stuff:

Spoiler for Epilogue:

This show is probably the first ever where I've not wanted to punch a Kaji Yuuki character for constantly yelling or just straight up overdoing it. If he's capable of acting like this, it makes me sad that his other stuff I've heard him in tends to all sound the same and with very little acting involved (off the top of my head: Guilty Crown, Accel World, Magi, some other random shows that were so terrible I didn't finish them and don't remember their names). Thus, I applaud the voice acting director of the show for keeping him in line with the atmosphere :heh:

I've some gripes with some bits of the storytelling and characterizations, but the overarching story itself and its themes are very powerful.

All in all, a great ending to what has been a fantastic show throughout its entire run. I'm very glad to have discovered such a work and overall find its conclusion quite satisfying. I'll really miss having SSY to look forward to every Friday.

Excorsism 2013-03-23 05:30

I wish other series would take a hint and do epilogues with time skips like this episode. Gives you more satisfaction with the end. Needless to say, I'm glad Saki and Satoru finally got together. It's a shame they didn't show more of their interaction but anime.

I found it particularly funny that Satoru was the one blushing and not Saki. Silly boy.

kuromitsu 2013-03-23 06:16


Originally Posted by roon (Post 4601859)
Spoiler for music:

Spoiler for flashback:


Originally Posted by roon (Post 4601859)
Spoiler for Epilogue:

Spoiler for epilogue:


Originally Posted by roon (Post 4601859)
This show is probably the first ever where I've not wanted to punch a Kaji Yuuki character for constantly yelling or just straight up overdoing it. If he's capable of acting like this, it makes me sad that his other stuff I've heard him in tends to all sound the same and with very little acting involved

I guess it's the nature of the anime and the character? :heh: I personally don't have a problem with Kaji, but he really needs more variation in his roles where he has a chance to show his range.

DmonHiro 2013-03-23 06:24

And so ends Shin Sekai Yori, otherwise called "Humans are bastards - The anime".

Kheve 2013-03-23 07:10


Originally Posted by DmonHiro (Post 4602226)
And so ends Shin Sekai Yori, otherwise called "Humans are bastards - The anime".

Not at all. The message was that the peace loving scientist were far crueler in their science, than the authoritarian emperors who just wanted benefits without care for their brethen.

All in all superb, the twist at the end was bleaker than the anime made it to be. We were made to feel cheated that we are actually the poor bakenezumi just becoz we had no powers and that the heros and heroines are actually jes privileged class abusing their powers.

frubam 2013-03-23 07:11

Even though I HATED Squealer throughout the series for his constant betrayals(but LOVED his cunning), and couldn't wait to see a horrible, HORRIBLE punishment finally befall him, I must admit, that speech he gave at the trial MOVED me. I mean, I actually sympathized with what he said, even agreed to it. It almost felt like the humans, laughing and making fun of him, were the ones that were evil. To see our protagonists go through all of this because of the ideals of one 'man', hating that one 'man', yet still is able to give him a both logical and emotional reason for his actions to make me sympathize with him is simply amazing.

In hindsight, many stories harbor characters such as Squealer to be the protagonist, leading the rise against an completely oppressive power(whether gods, or otherwise) that enslaves them. I can't even call his actions "evil" anymore. It isn't anymore evil than what Kiroumaru was planning. Immoral? Yes. Evil? Only if you're on the opposing side.

Jimmy C 2013-03-23 07:20

I'm disappointed we didn't find out if they ever recovered all the newborns that were abducted.

brocko 2013-03-23 07:33

They must've if they were going around eradicating all the non-sparred colonies.

Kazu-kun 2013-03-23 07:36


Originally Posted by frubam (Post 4602247)
It almost felt like the humans, laughing and making fun of him, were the ones that were evil.

Almost? They were evil. Just because they had heavy losses during this war doesn't mean they're not. They fucked up the human race, they killed their own children, they enslaved the bakenezumi. They did all this and more, and in the end they learned nothing.

Now that I think about it, this is a bit of a Psyco-path ending. "Humans are retards (and even bigger retards if they have psychic powers)" must be the overall message.

Haak 2013-03-23 07:42

I actually ended up sympathising with Squealer myself. When they actually showed the punishment he was getting, my insides were actually recoiling from the horror.

Kirarakim 2013-03-23 07:54

In general I was quite happy with this but let me get it out of the way what I disliked the most:

The humans got off way too easy. Yeah I realize a lot of them died and a lot of loved ones were lost. But they are still at the top and (with the exception of Saki and Satoru) they seemed to learn absolutely nothing.

Everyone here knows I was pretty anti-Squealer (well not as a character but as human...) but I was so angry when they laughed at him. And I didn't think he deserved that horrible fate (I was glad that Saki ended it). The story actually leaves it a bit open if Squealer just wanted power or really cared about his people (perhaps I will admit it was a little bit of both). I did like Saki's last line that he always was a liar. Oddly enough the only thing he probably didn't lie about was the "we are humans" line. It seems ironically fitting.

Speaking of which I am really proud of myself that I guessed exactly what the monster rats were. Well I wasn't entirely sure if it happened naturally or experimentally but I did guess the scientist group was involved and I even mentioned the scene that Saki flashed back to of Shun asking the library what happened to the other groups.

The Akki battle was quick but for some reason I think that was for the better. I much rather get the aftermath the way we did.

Anyways the series actually didn't turn out to be a tragedy like I expected. I have mixed feelings about that because I think it might have been stronger if it was a true blue tragedy but I can't say I didn't love that Saki and Satoru got a happy ending. Even if the PK users didn't grow or learn anything, I think Saki and Satoru did grow a lot. I think it is up to Saki and Satoru to create a better outcome for both monster rat/human relationships and for what is happening with the children.

It's not just fanservice that Saki and Satoru are expecting their first child. They are happy and not fearful. This to me is a testament to the fact that Saki and Satoru believe in change and are moving forward with it. Their child will have a full life and they will make that happen. Even though Saki is writing to the future, I could also see her writing to her own child. I also loved the last written line. "The power of imagination changes everything". It's a really beautiful sentiment that Tomiko didn't make a mistake to give group 1 free will.

Finally I know this series might not have had the biggest budget but I think what they did with the limited budget was highly impressive. I thought this series looked creatively beautiful, and some of the background shots in this last episode were absolutely lovely. Quite honestly I would rather watch a series with a small budget and a creative look then one with a high budget but that looks like every other anime out there.

So yeah overall I leave this series with very good feelings

On another note fansubs state the fiend was a girl. I know this was the opposite of the book but did the fansubs get it wrong or did the anime just change the gender?

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