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monir 2013-11-14 00:24

Valvrave the Liberator 2 - Episode 6 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Valvrave the Liberator 2, Episode 6.

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Renegade334 2013-11-14 11:52

Spoiler for first half:

Hope I won't be interrupted while watching the second half... >_>
Spoiler for second half:

Next ep preview to follow.

MisaoFan 2013-11-14 12:10

Spoiler for Episode 6:

konart 2013-11-14 13:18


Originally Posted by Renegade334 (Post 4908158)
Spoiler for first half:

Hope I won't be interrupted while watching the second half... >_>
Spoiler for second half:

Next ep preview to follow.

Spoiler for Mikhail:

DevilHighDxD 2013-11-14 14:32

No wonder why L-elf landed in Dorssia, so it for his princess the whole time. A-drei x Saki ship sunk as quick as the preview began, L-elf get beaten up in the preview probably by Cain. Also Haruto's dad is pathetic, don't judge the book by cover but this time I was wrong.

Edit: when will Crunchyroll release the damn episode :/, usually when I get right back at home the episode was already released. I hope they know that I only paying because of Valvrave...

Edit: I swear Crunchyroll, if ep 6 isn't released by the time I return from the parent & teacher conferences I'm cancelling my subscription :frustrated:

Fjoergyn 2013-11-14 14:32

We finally reveals real name xD

Haruto's father is another mad scientist of sunrise xD

II Maestro 2013-11-14 14:58

Um~! Haruto's dad is um ... has a screw loose.

So L-elf has now meet with his princess.

kuromitsu 2013-11-14 17:31

Yep, this show is getting more and more epic. :D

Spoiler for ep 6:

And Seki Toshihiko. SEKI TOSHIHIKO. Thank you.

Oh, and that tram/streetcar was so nostalgic. :D Some of its older brothers (fathers?) are still in use today around here...

Cloudedmind 2013-11-14 18:05

Oh E-Elf..I mean Mikhail/Michael you have such a way with words. :blush:

This was a great episode. For once Haruto's talking sense and actually remembering his mission. Sadly, it looks like Haruto's dad turns out to be crazy in the head, or at least egotistical, although I did love his picture of "Haruto". So it looks like the student's or at least many of them were modified, but before they were even born and it looks like the scientist of the VVV project are they're biological parents or again at least for some of them. If it wasn't already confirmed before this letter has been signed, sealed and delivered that JIOR is really no better then Dorssia. At least Dorssia is open about what they do.

So E-Elf helps Jior not just for the Valvraves but to also create a path for Liesolette to escape to.

Also what happened to Raizo and Akira looking for Saki?! I guess it was a bust and they just came back to assist with the infiltration.

kuromitsu 2013-11-14 18:16


Originally Posted by Cloudedmind (Post 4908427)
Oh E-Elf..I mean Mikhail/Michael you have such a way with words. :blush:

Michael (like Michael Schumacher). (Assuming it's supposed to be Germanic because he's Dorssian, but then what's up with the random English...?)

But yes, what a way with words. XD That line was seriously *DOKI*...

DevilHighDxD 2013-11-14 18:49

-So apparently Valvrave as we predicted WAS to used to created a new type of species.

-Haruto's father is... um... is a large son-con! Basically think father as Kyosuke and Haruto as Kirino in OreImo.

-The species that was meant to dominated the Earth & space to even the whole universe.

-The modification to the student was DNA and Runes manipulation.

-Before even Haruto or the other students was born, their parents already give permission to let their son & daughter to be used in the VVV project. Yes, EVEN SHOKO'S PARENT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. JIOR is just keep losting even more sympathy from me -_- and Shoko's father was no better...

Editorial: My Saki is right, ALL ADULTS ARE BASTARD and CAN'T BE TRUSTED in this anime.

Extra: The REAL scientific term for the Kamitsuki is homo sapiens novus. Eating other people's runes is same as we eat pig and chicken, they are being described as the top of the food chain, higher than human AKA ultimate life-form.

Cloudedmind 2013-11-14 19:02


Originally Posted by kuromitsu (Post 4908432)
Michael (like Michael Schumacher). (Assuming it's supposed to be Germanic because he's Dorssian, but then what's up with the random English...?)

But yes, what a way with words. XD That line was seriously *DOKI*...

Technically it's both/either, Michael is the English and German version, where as Mikhail is the Russian version. And the way they're pronouncing it makes me think they're going for the Russian version. Though it's possible that in Japanese they're pronounced the same way.

kuromitsu 2013-11-14 19:19


Originally Posted by Cloudedmind (Post 4908471)
Technically it's both/either, Michael is the English and German version, where as Mikhail is the Russian version. And the way they're pronouncing it makes me think they're going for the Russian version. Though it's possible that in Japanese they're pronounced the same way.

"Michael" is not pronounced the same in English and a German, though, and the characters pronounce it according to the German version. "ミハエル". "Mikhail" is pronounced in a different way.

Cloudedmind 2013-11-14 19:47


Originally Posted by kuromitsu (Post 4908480)
"Michael" is not pronounced the same in English and a German, though, and the characters pronounce it according to the German version. "ミハエル". "Mikhail" is pronounced in a different way.

Hmm, but if I remember correctly the German and Russian versions are pronounced fairly similarly though, in their native languages. It's the English version that deviants a bit more. Personally, I prefer the Russian spelling. The show most likely is going for Michael. In the end they're just variations on the same name, which in the end is technically Hebrew, so clearly E-Elf is Jewish.:heh:

Mad Pierrot 2013-11-14 19:48

Haruto's father is like the second coming of Senator Moses! He is so hilarious. Haruto punching him after six minutes of screentime just solidified how horrible he is. Please more of him!

Also, what's with Adrei's arm? Does he have now one made of glass? XD

On another note, L-Elf finally stopped looking so simple to me. That princess must be the mother of all shipsinkers.

Best episode of the season so far!

LightDragonman 2013-11-14 20:08

Okay, now things are getting good.

What do you know, this show takes the whole cliche of the father abandoning his son to create a mecha and plays around with it, showing that said father obviously isn't exactly of the right mind.

And I just love how A-Drei inadvertently took Saki right back to her Valvrave's location. XD

DuelGundam2099 2013-11-14 20:20

So the JIOR scientists working on VVV were forced (with some being willing) to genetically modify their children before they were born.... That is pretty low. This technically makes JIOR and Dorssia the Earth Alliance and ZAFT, but instead of a major disaster causing the war it was just "because we can!" Even the Vagans from Gundam Age had the excuse of "Mars Rays are giving us cancer!" At least in MSG Zeon had the "fight for independence" excuse. At least the factions in Wing and X didn't resort to human experimentation before there was a friggin' war and didn't go to war for "lol territory expansion!" Hell, at least in Code Geass there was only ONE side doing heinous actions (and even then you can mostly call it "Well the emperor made us do it!"). But Here? There is no legitimate reason either side is doing what they're doing! At all! Giant gap lo- Oh forget it I'll give them until the end to justify all this, but if they don't then this series will ruin whatever chance it had of getting an 8/10 from me. Other note:

-Kreimheld being a royalist? At least that snooping around payed off.
-VVV6 can hijack power lines? Does this mean it can not only control computers, but any machine? How does that work?
-Where is H-Neun?
-Okay, credit to this series for not having the "oh your mech's limb is gone? One episode in the hanger and it'll be good!" shtick.
-Oh hey Saki comes back next episode.
-Hijack a rocket? Why?
-Dorissan has been around for a millennium? Man this takes place very far into the future.
-Looks like Kyuma is getting some screen time which is somewhat good.

mayumi 2013-11-14 20:35

Next episode will surely be interesting to watch with L-Elf and Liselotte / A-Drei and Saki. I don't think A-Drei will shoot her though. He didn't in the first episode either. He will likely want answers.

KleenexGhost 2013-11-14 20:53

This is a step in the right direction for Haruto. At first I was expecting Gendo but Souichi's interactions with Haruto played out well. If only we knew more about him beforehand, then the scene would have had more weight. Oh well.

Destined_Fate 2013-11-14 20:53

L-Elf, why must you set off the death flags for the Princess? At least let her do something awesome before the end.

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