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Kairin 2013-11-15 22:25

Monogatari Series Second Season - Episode 17 Discussion / Poll (Shinobu Time IV)
Welcome to the discussion thread for Monogatari Series Second Season, Episode 17.

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omimon 2013-11-16 10:24

Only one way to watch this episode.

ultimate_noob 2013-11-16 10:33

Gaen and Ougi looking hot and badass as always. I love it.

Now we now go to Koi and Hana!

shinyaNakagawa 2013-11-16 13:36

Damn feels

Though some zoom out frames were badly drawn...

FelynxTiger 2013-11-16 14:14

That Happy bite/ kaerimichi in instrumental

Daniel Lind 2013-11-16 15:09

Oh... oh dear. I was not ready for this episode.

Altima of the Gates 2013-11-16 15:10

Legitimately choked up for this episode. It was nice to see just how much she meant to Araragi.

Very nice job to the seiyuu here.

DorkingtonPugsly 2013-11-16 15:54

Cried so much, have no heart left...
*feeling soulless*

apr 2013-11-16 17:41

Apparently there are people who watch this dry, but I have no idea what magic they use.

GDB 2013-11-16 19:46

The feels... they hurt...

Also, Ougi definitely seems to be implied as being the darkness in this episode. We've known something was up for a while now, but that seems to be what the ending hinted at.

Snuffle 2013-11-16 20:12

Oh my gosh.... This never happened, I'll pretend this episode doesn't exist! I never expected it to turn out this way, ah crap... I'm all choked up and confused now. >_< Now excuse me while I go find something happy to do and try to laugh again. :sad:

frubam 2013-11-16 21:19

Not even the end of the Hana(Shiro) arc made me tear up this much (T.T)(a bit, but not as much as this ep did). Literally I shed tears from both of my eyes. I'm usually so blinded by general harem tropes, that I tend to forget that Koyomi cares about all of the girls so much, and how each of them is an irreplaceable facet of himself that is impossible to part with. He looked so melancholy in the epilogue, it's really just too much to bear (;_; ).


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 4911034)
The feels... they hurt...

Also, Ougi definitely seems to be implied as being the darkness in this episode. We've known something was up for a while now, but that seems to be what the ending hinted at.

Yeah, that is the obvious impression I got as well. But I wonder, if that's true, then why does this "non-existence" exist as a human existence? Her words have at the very least affected Sengoku, so it seems ridiculous to be called a "non-existence"(least, that was the term used in the translation) when her actions have affected the events of the world. I guess all of that doesn't matter; like a god that enforces the rules of the mortal world to all mortals, because it is not a mortal, does not need to follow its rules >=0\.

_eternal 2013-11-16 21:50

Good sense of drama, but I don't think Mayoi has been interesting enough to make this credible. Turning it into pseudo-romance was kind of unnecessary.

Daisu 2013-11-16 22:15

Mayoi was my favorite character, now she the Aeris of the monogatari world. I am sadgry.

Was a great episode none the less

karuroso 2013-11-16 22:46


Originally Posted by apr (Post 4910929)
Apparently there are people who watch this dry, but I have no idea what magic they use.

More than sad I was angry because They just "killed off" Mayoi D=

ThereminVox 2013-11-16 23:11

Was legit not prepared for Kaerimichi to come back as a leitmotif.

If Ougi's not some aspect of the darkness, she's certainly content to let Koyomi suspect that she could be. It was a nice touch to show that he's no fool, and is already setting up his own little chess gambit by telling her about Mayoi. He wants to at least know what he's dealing with.

Wigwams 2013-11-16 23:53

I was more disappointed at araragi offering to go on a endless journey with mayoi and leaving the others behind. very irresponsible.

also got the feeling that ougi is the darkness entity...

lastly is that job that gaen gave araragi ever detailed in the LN? would we be having that next episode...? if not can someone make a post about it in the LN thread and post a link here? i really wanna know what happened that lead to araragi being so rugged when he came to save hanekawa from the tiger.

dmaxzero 2013-11-17 00:23

.... aw shit.

FlareKnight 2013-11-17 00:36

Well damn....that hurt. Can't say I saw this one coming.

Certainly feels like that Ougi is the darkness if not related. If true, so far she's forced an out onto Mayoi and caused the whole mess with Nadeko...

Yeah, sorry to Nadeko's last boss speech, but I'd rather spend the final episodes beating Ougi up.

Vallen Chaos Valiant 2013-11-17 01:13


Originally Posted by Wigwams (Post 4911282)
I was more disappointed at araragi offering to go on a endless journey with mayoi and leaving the others behind. very irresponsible.

It's actually no different from his usual behaviour of trying to sacrifice his own life to save another, even though there are even more people who need him alive. It was irresponsible, but he was desperate. We say things when we aren't thinking clearly.

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