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Klashikari 2016-09-12 10:25

Danganronpa 3: Future Arc - Episode 10 Discussion / Poll
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Marina2 2016-09-12 10:54 now what?

Spoiler for Just in case:

Look like Chisa has become just another red herring??? It would be anti-climax and made what Naegi said to Munakata pointless if it is her.

Golden_Witch 2016-09-12 11:04

Friendly reminder than Tengan can bypass his NG.

His NG only says "Answering a question with a lie"

What did he always say?
Munakata: "Then you know who the attacker is?"
Tengan: "Is that a question? Then I must answer it"

Basically: He answered with: "Is that a question?" and he replied to his own question with the truth "Then I must answer it".

Anything said by him afterwards could be a lie.

He cannot lie, but does not want to speak the truth. So he answered his question with another question, since he must respond to that truthfully he chose a specific phrase and anything after that could be a rotten lie.

Marina2 2016-09-12 11:24


Originally Posted by Golden_Witch
Friendly reminder than Tengan can bypass his NG.

His NG only says "Answering a question with a lie"

What did he always say?
Munakata: "Then you know who the attacker is?"
Tengan: "Is that a question? Then I must answer it"

Basically: He answered with: "Is that a question?" and he replied to his own question with the truth "Then I must answer it".

Anything said by him afterwards could be a lie.

He cannot lie, but does not want to speak the truth. So he answered his question with another question, since he must respond to that truthfully he chose a specific phrase and anything after that could be a rotten lie. that's not how it should work.

"Is that a question?" was not the answer to Munakata's question and it can't interpret as lie or true anyway. It was what he told Munakata after he said "Then I must answer it" that was the answer to Munakata question. It doesn't matter if there are new question pop up in between. He need to answer ALL question asked to him with the truth.

Still, when Munakata asked Tengan to confirm if what he said was true or not Tengan didn't answer that question but showed his NG code as answer. He didn't say the answer. That was one way to bypass NG.

DMurphy 2016-09-12 11:27

It could go either way, really, because it depends on how you interpret the linguistic function of 'Is that a question?' If it's a clarification, then it would presumably bypass the NG -- he has not lied, after all. If it's rhetoric, which is what I suspect it was, then it doesn't bypass the NG, because it itself forms part of his answer.

Homura7 2016-09-12 11:27

So as we suspected, Munakata didn't actually know Chisa had fallen into despair.

And now Aoi comes with Kirigiri's notebook and she found out who the real attacker is? Color me interested.

6 survivors. One of them is obviously Kirigiri because of the Cure W that we saw rolling in the previous episode. The other survivor mut be either Juzo or the attacker.

So in the end it was doors, uh? Guess all those "kill yourself" was just a red herring.

omimon 2016-09-12 11:28

Wait, when did Munataka get his hands on that extremely incriminating photo of Chisa? I mean it couldn't have been before the game right?

blitz1/2 2016-09-12 11:30


Originally Posted by omimon (Post 5944015)
Wait, when did Munataka get his hands on that extremely incriminating photo of Chisa? I mean it couldn't have been before the game right?

Maybe it was in Chisa's pocket when he stabbed her.

Kopi 2016-09-12 11:33

Aoi found Kirigiri's book and was able to figure out the attacker but Kirigiri didn't? What did Aoi see these past 10 episodes that allows her to figure it out with the help of the book?

Ahh still hoping that Kirigiri isn't dead since there are now concrete evidence that Naegi loves her such as never denying what Munakata said and the garbage scene from the first game was brought up too.

So there's still 6 people remaining but atm we have Naegi, Aoi, Munakata and Mitarai. Juzou is probably still alive since all he did was just chasing people down and has a low background info exposition going for him. So either Kirigiri is still alive or there's a 6th phantom person. But imo, all non-NG code deaths so far had a red television screen. They probably woke up, saw the screen and committed suicide through hypnotizing and the only one who could do that atm is Mitarai. Tengan also mentioned about everyone being an attacker. The only loophole in this is how did some of them even kill themselves? Such as in Seiko's case where her body was apparently smashed onto the wall and there is also the case of the dagger being stabbed into the heart, etc. Anyway, the 6th phantom person is probably out of the question.

Also, where did the two pictures of Chisa came from? The contents are pretty despairing and there's this coming week's despair arc episode... welp.

stray 2016-09-12 11:57

So... Chisa was kind of a mastermind in a Shirokuma sort of way... I wonder if Juzo knew she was despair. And Asahina is still suspicious but Kirigiri is still dead :upset:

What's up with the after credit boat? Hmm.

Dengar 2016-09-12 12:11

Well, if Tengan is to be believed, all of them are despair.

That being said, there's still a missing piece to this puzzle.

Homura7 2016-09-12 12:12

Well, I'm glad to have confirmation Chisa never recovered from the lobotomization she suffered.

But I would like to remind everybody that all the NG we know so far have at some point played out a role, be it with characters who ended up violating their NG, or characters that didn't but ended up murdered by the killer or died by other circumstances.

All except two: Mitarai and Chisa's.

Tengan answered in a ambiguous way, but he mentioned a few names, and one of those has got to be the killer.

blitz1/2 2016-09-12 12:22

Or....Tengan is really the killer the whole time, despite losing lots of carotid blood in the process.

stray 2016-09-12 12:24


Originally Posted by Dengar (Post 5944055)
Well, if Tengan is to be believed, all of them are despair.

That being said, there's still a missing piece to this puzzle.

Pretty sure he meant that primarily in the UDG context of despair masquerading as hope and not like... Junko brainwashing despair. Except where Chisa is concerned. Although I'm sure some people are going to take it as confirming the 'alternating attacker' theory and I'm going to spend my week facepalming.

blitz1/2 2016-09-12 12:35

Despair Nanami?

SilverSyko 2016-09-12 12:58

I'm pretty sure the "death" that didn't count last episode was robo-Miaya. I'd figure that's pretty obvious considering robots can't really die. :heh:

Kind of expected of Kyoko to figure out the identity of the attacker herself. She wasn't the Ultimate Detective for nothing.~

As for Kazuo's words I'm just interpreting it as the fact that everyone has despair, just varying degrees of it. I mean it's not really something you can completely eliminate without stripping away a person's humanity in the first place. And anyway with two mysterious game participants remaining that might what he means by "there's more than one attacker".

Homura7 2016-09-12 14:13

No, what Tengan did was smart.

His NG only reads "answering a question with a lie". It doesn't say anything about the wording.

AC-Phoenix 2016-09-12 15:48

Not sure if Kyouko is talking about the mastermind now or the killer - if tengan was right my UZombie Joke and the fact that everyone suddenly has Cure W would suddnely turn into somehting not too far from the truth. lol
Assuming they actually mean what the subs said, and thus the killer, someone who is supposed to be dead is still alive, or never counted towards the count to begin with.

Dengar 2016-09-12 15:51

The survivor counter has always been off to begin with. It's just even more off now. The trick behind the counter will probably be revealed pretty soon.

stray 2016-09-12 15:51


Originally Posted by blitz1/2 (Post 5944072)
Despair Nanami?

As amazing as this would be I can't decide if Nanami makes sense anymore... somehow this game seems to be about more than just 'despair'.

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