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Klashikari 2016-09-22 12:09

Danganronpa 3: Despair Arc - Episode 11 Discussion [END] / Poll
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Klashikari 2016-09-22 12:16

So they didn't even make any allusion to DR0 (which should have happened after the false reports from Juuzo and Chisa but before Class 77 graduation). Similarly to Future ep11, it was painfully slow and didn't exactly add much...

I'm frankly quite disappointed by despair side in general considering it was pretty bland the moment Junko showed up (which is VERY ironic considering how she was one of the most entertaining part of both games), with barely any character development or perspective aside for Chiaki.
But the biggest issue was Izuru being flat out boring from start to finish. His only reason lurking around Junko was just a blank slate.

Marina2 2016-09-22 12:28

So, Hope arc is coming (as final ep. of despair arc)

Homura7 2016-09-22 15:14


Originally Posted by Marina2 (Post 5949958)
So, Hope arc is coming (as final ep. of despair arc)

Correction: Side:Hope is the final episode of both Despair and Future.

stray 2016-09-22 17:44


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 5949950)
So they didn't even make any allusion to DR0 (which should have happened after the false reports from Juuzo and Chisa but before Class 77 graduation). Similarly to Future ep11, it was painfully slow and didn't exactly add much...

They referenced Zero a bit... Junko is in uniform and has the memory erase tech, Jin makes mention of the fact he had Kyoko investigate... but Despair side as a whole has been all over the place with timeskips so its whatever.

I'm probably in the minority in thinking SDR2 was too campy and kinda overrated so I went from not caring much about Despair to loving every minute when the Despair sisters showed up. I was sort of hoping we'd see at least some of the backstory for the AE's and SDR2 so that was nice. They definitely raced through the canon this episode though.

Nice to see Maizono and Naegi under better circumstances (than earlier in the week, anyway), as well as the rest of 78.

SilverSyko 2016-09-22 17:57

Well that's the end of Despair arc, but it turns out there's gonna be a finale to both arcs and Hope's Peak story as a whole called the Hope Episode next week? What a nice surprise. I wonder if it'll be slightly longer than usual?

I guess the memory erasure explains why Izuru and Nagito didn't recognise each other on the boat to Jabberwock island. Good to see they didn't overlook that detail.

I was hoping to see a cameo from class 78 too and we got it, albeit it was a short one. I guess with Makoto's brand of unpredictable luck it was natural for him to end up as Junko's biggest threat and inevitably defeat her.

Dengar 2016-09-22 18:09

Naegi's luck is really weird. I cancels out a bad thing by making a different bad thing happen.

Re: boring Kamukura. I sort of understand, but I feel the need to point out that that's who he is. Good at everything, challenged by nothing, and with his personality erased. There is just no way for him to be anything other than 'boring'.

Homura7 2016-09-22 18:19

Chisa's last line of dialogue before the credits... that's exactly what Munakata went through for most of Side:Future.

For those who don't know what is she saying there:


'Because Kyosuke may be the one who falls in the greatest despair'.

Dengar 2016-09-22 18:35

We saw the episode, we know what she said.

Harbinger 2016-09-22 22:13

Great despairful ending :)

I'm so slow that it took until the last episode for me to realize that he was the MC from DR2!

Nvis 2016-09-22 22:25

What a 'boring' end....

Stark700 2016-09-22 22:50

Weird finale...a lot of despair in the end. Although I have to admit, Junko is quite amusing to watch in these last few episodes and this one.

bonsobon 2016-09-23 01:31

Granted it was never going to be the focus of the episode considering everything else that happened, but there was nothing indicating Tengan to be the mastermind of the killing game. Instead he was what he appeared to be in that time period; a former headmaster and advisor to the school, nothing more.

Homura7 2016-09-23 02:33

Tengan was a red herring from the beggining, and so is Mitarai.

Dengar 2016-09-23 03:28

I'm not sure about Tengan, but I wouldn't even call Mitarai a red herring. He was never really a suspect. A possible suspect, but never truly a suspect.

Homura7 2016-09-23 03:44


Originally Posted by Dengar (Post 5950333)
I'm not sure about Tengan, but I wouldn't even call Mitarai a red herring. He was never really a suspect. A possible suspect, but never truly a suspect.

True. I only considered him an unwilling accomplice at most. In the end he wasn't even that.

AC-Phoenix 2016-09-23 13:25

So much to say about this..
I am again unsure where the story is actually at timeline wise atm.

Here is how I think it goes (correct me if I am wrong pls)

Year 1:
First part: 77th first year

Year 2:
2nd part: 77th second year + 78th first;
3rd part: 77ths rd year and 78ths early to mid second;77th gets brainwashed; Overseas expansion gets cancelled;

Year 3:
4th part: 3rd year for 77th 2nd year for 78th, DR Zero; Junko erases everyones memories of Izuzru; Most despair inducing incident in the world, School gets sealed;
End of Anime: 77th graduates;

Year 4:
DR 1 Killing Game; 78th 'graduates';

Year 5:
- DR 2
- DR Mirai

Also I think Junko may have given them a brainwashed command, namely to behave completely normal until she is done with her plan while not even remembering anything but 'Chiaki died'.
Chisa's on the other hand was the only one actively remember stuff and her letter also contained a command phrase for the other students to remember and go Junko mode:

Dengar 2016-09-23 14:16

Naegi's class only spent one year at Hope's Peak didn't they? I mean that would be the same year that Komaeda's class graduates.

AC-Phoenix 2016-09-23 14:45


Originally Posted by Dengar (Post 5950698)
Naegi's class only spent one year at Hope's Peak didn't they? I mean that would be the same year that Komaeda's class graduates.

Admittingly I concluded that from a few things - All those time jumps make it hella confusing:

- there must have been enough time for all those class pictures of 77th to be taken, note that some of them include excursions you usually see for 2nd and 3rd years in anime;
- DR 0 has to take place somewhere after Junko brainwashed 77th
- At the time of DR1, they were a class for almost 3 years according to Junko
- The majority of all class pictures seen in DR 1must have been taken before the school closed down. (Except maybe the one at the pool) since the windows weren't barred.
- In Mirai the characters look clearly aged, yet in DR 1 they looked actually like they could still be 3rd years. (Most glaring difference would be Kirigiri, who suddenly looks like an adult in comparison to what she looked like before) - thus 1 or two years have had to pass between the end of DR 1 and Mirai.

DMurphy 2016-09-23 14:49


Hope's Peak Academy students only spend two years there. There is no third year at Hope's Peak. High school in Japan is three years long, and you must already be a high school student to attend -- every student at Hope's Peak has already completed their first year of high school.

Also, we've been told earlier in this very anime that Hope's Peak only has two years in it, if I recall correctly.

The 77th's graduation takes place at the end of their second year at the school, and the end of the 78th's first year, at which point the school is sealed. So no, Dengar's right, the 78th class only spends one year at Hope's Peak.

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