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RRW 2016-12-11 02:44

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Irenesharda 2016-12-11 04:11

Oh my...
( I feel like I say that every week :p)

So Hashmal is on the loose and he and his bug army are taking down everything in their way. All of Tekkadan's armed forces are amassing to stop it and Orga is going to take active command.

McGillis is also going to lend a hand, of course giving them plenty of exposition about what it is they're fighting.
Iok SOMEHOW survives. His men sacrificing themselves for him. But I think he's gone a little crazy what with everything that's happened. I think despite Julietta coming in, that he's going to still get himself killed (and rightly so :rolleyes:).

It was pretty cool seeing everyone try their best but be unable to even slow the MA down! And the most tense moment of the episode has to go to Ride. I thought for sure that kid was dead, only to get saved at the last minute by Mika the Glorious in the Barbatos.
Oh, and in an amazing show of power, we see that MS armor is impervious to beam weapons! Well, I guess the warriors of the Calamity War did take countermeasures after all and everyone just forgot about it. :p

Vidar came down to Mars sooner than I thought, and it's the first time he's met with McGillis since this story began. I fear for Isurugi at this point more than McGillis as we are left with quite a cliffhanger as the Barbatos, the Gusion, and the newly revealed Flauros will have to battle against their natural enemy in Hashmal. :uhoh:

This is gonna be great! :D

tdx 2016-12-11 05:31

Now this is an intense battle/tactics episode with great pacing. The MA is presented as properly epic, the evil General of its own army that's not dumb enough to chase every single MS in sight but instead prioritizes killing as many people as possible by heading to the places of humans' concentration, that is cities... And those plumas stealing oil and fuel and reparing the MA and reproducing inside the MA indefinitely as long as there's time and material is sick. How the MA destroyed the people on that plant that Ride tried to protect with its beam was brutal.

The impressed Mika doing Ooooh was hilarious :D His view of the MA as "beautiful" makes one again question just how much he might enjoy battle and live for fighting. Also, his position of the Commando unit leader apparently gives him full freedom to act, even without telling Orga.

Kudelia is resolute as ever, refusing to evacuate because the shelter can't accommodate the whole of Chryse populace. That raises the stakes for Tekkadan: she's trusting them completely to protect Chryse and her life, and failure is not an option thanks to that. Mika is not surprised but Orga can't help facepalming at that recklessness (he had quite a few such wtf moments last season, but this is the first time this season, right?)

Iok on the other hand... he shows us new levels of stupidity just when I thought it was impossible. Julietta, despite being a lot more savvy, seems to underestimate the MA, too (wanting to take it down and earn that 7 star medal for Rustal). Macky wants that medal, too, now that he was reminded of it.

GaliVidar and McGillis meet... now, this was wholly unexpected, and the preview has no hints where the meeting might go, but I feel for now even GaliVidar might prioritize dealing with the MA.

Oh, Flauros finally debuting next episode, with Shino and Yamagi as pilots. I still can't get over its pink color though :upset:

Azurial 2016-12-11 06:19

Hahah the nanolaminate armor thing is definitely stronger than PS armor XD PS armor cant do shit against beam weapon but Nanolaminate armor just tank it like a boss

B214 2016-12-11 06:31


Originally Posted by Azurial (Post 5995014)
Hahah the nanolaminate armor thing is definitely stronger than PS armor XD PS armor cant do shit against beam weapon but Nanolaminate armor just tank it like a boss

But nano-laminate armor is useless against physical weapons while PS armor is. A hybrid of both would be better.

Azurial 2016-12-11 06:33


Originally Posted by B214 (Post 5995023)
But nano-laminate armor is useless against physical weapons while PS armor is. A hybrid of both would be better.

But PS armor still like a butter when it comes to beam weapon :/ and anti-beam coating still didnt do shit against beam weapon :/ they still exploded in one hit and PS is good against physical combat but 99% of the MS and Gundam use beam weapon XD

ShinoXYamagi confirm :P

Orga is piloting a MS now, that is something I was hoping for since season one. I Just rewatch the preview he didnt it was a mobile worker :/ aw man

RES-01 Perses Gundam 2016-12-11 06:47

Iok deserves to die. He epitomises the degeneracy of hereditary organisations like Gjallahorn, and why placing people in positions of power solely based on blood is courting trouble.

How does the mobile armour actually detect human life though? Starting to wonder if it's possible during the Calamity War retreating forces and governments threw desolate segments of their populations to the jaws of death, while may explain why slavery and indentured labour still exist in that day and age. Was it an experiment gone awry? Or maybe it's just nature restoring the balance by willing the creation of man-hunting machines :heh:

Zantetsuken 2016-12-11 06:50


Originally Posted by B214 (Post 5995023)
But nano-laminate armor is useless against physical weapons while PS armor is. A hybrid of both would be better.

Useless? Do we watch the same anime? Have you seen how fucking big the weapons are in IBO? There has been almost no armor that has been cut, only bashed by huge melee weapons, huge gun, or chipped away by small arms?

Also, Iok dies when? He needs to die a painful death soon

Azurial 2016-12-11 06:56

Now I know why Barbatos and maybe Flauros cockpit disappeared the cockpit was destroy by MA

Chaos2Frozen 2016-12-11 07:00

I wanted Hashmal to lose it's shit the moment it saw Barbatos, like seeing your hated arch nemesis.


And goes off the rail.

ReddyRedWolf 2016-12-11 07:12

Let it be known that Iok Kujan's alias is That Stupid Idiot on account McGillis, Akahiro and Jullieta calling him that.

Goes to show McGillis is a big picture guy. His immediate concern is awakening the giant mass producing death bot called an Angel killing everyone on the planet and beyond that he forgot the whole kill one get a medal and rank up. Since That Stupid Idiot awoke it he now has no choice but to put it down himself and earn that medal. But it looks like Vidar will get in the way despite needing all hand on deck putting down the Mobile Armor Hashmal.

And Nano-laminate paint is Anti Beam Coating all along. Ride tried to do the self sacrifice thing but the beam bounced off him killing those behind him. That sucks.

Still I don't like Flauros paint job. Hashmal is probably going to wonder why Flauros looks like that since their last tango.

Kudelia stays for those who couldn't evacuate. So does Atra.

I have to say Rustal isn't a good study himself else he would know Mobile Suits would wake up the MA. Making McGillis the foremost expert on them in the current era. Goes to show how the Seven Stars has fallen through the centuries.

Oh Mika was awed by that MA.

StratoSpear 2016-12-11 07:13

My thoughts on this episode:

Iok just upped his hate-meter by screwing up not once, but twice and costing other people their lives for it. There's just so much deaths indirectly caused by his actions and probably many more to come.

Ride came close to his time, I was so certain the beam shot was going to be the final nail but turns out weapons weren't the only things developed to be anti-MA. Shame about the people at the agricultural plant though... (Again, it adds to Iok's tabs)

IMO, Nano-Laminate armor is actually somewhat step-up from just about all the preceding Gundam armors, including Cosmic Era's Phase Shift Armor because of the following:
  • Does not require additional power to function.
  • Anti-Beam properties
  • Projectiles don't do much damage unless fired up close.
  • Economical - Used for all mobile suits, not just Gundams.

Now all that's left is to see how it handles against the one thing every mobile suits in preceding Gundam-verses have fallen to - a beam saber :heh:

charles883 2016-12-11 07:23

Awesome ep and it highlight why Gundam IBO no longer use beam weapon.

Due nano-laminate armor and Ahab reactor, beam weapon are completely useless against those armor those people reuse back Bullet based weapon and physical weapons as they are better in armor piercing. Also Beam weapon are expensive to produce while Bullet based weapon and physical weapons are cheaper and more effective as well cause less collateral damage.

My theory why MA develop was similar to some Air force plan to replace pilot to UCAV, people behind MA is to create weapon with no human error as well not use human soldier anymore as they do not want to sacrifice soldier life in battlefield. However it backfired as for some reason MA A.I went Skynet mode and decide kill all human as most likely they concluded no matter which side they on, all of them are human those make no different those cause even more death

tsunade666 2016-12-11 07:38

max hype for next week.

Faux Mecha 2016-12-11 07:39

due to Iok's stupidity he just caused all those people on that agricultural plant to get killed by the Hashmal, despite Ride trying to block its Beam canon shot with his Suit which thanks to the Nanolaminate armor has no damaging effects at all on the Suit, its sad really, i can feel Ride's pain when he failed to save all those people, then the Pluma's hounding up on him before Mika saved him,

what's weird is that the Hashmal & Plumas didn't seem to react to Akihiro's team attacking them despite their Mobile Suits, along with the Gundam Gusion's twin Ahab reactors should have them getting chased by the MA's,

also Gaelio, this is not the time to have a fight with McGillis, the lives of innocent civilians are at stake here.

darkone45 2016-12-11 07:50

That was an awesome fight Hashmel is indeed very powerful, my only issue is Mika should be a little more cooperative to his fellow Tekkadan fam who just want to help out because then it kinda gives the impression his just an asshole and I like to think his only like that with Gjallarhorn or anyone outside of Tekkadan but other then that Great episode ;)

Skye629 2016-12-11 07:58


Originally Posted by darkone45 (Post 5995058)
That was an awesome fight Hashmel is indeed very powerful, my only issue is Mika should be a little more cooperative to his fellow Tekkadan fam who just want to help out because then it kinda gives the impression his just an asshole and I like to think his only like that with Gjallarhorn or anyone outside of Tekkadan but other then that Great episode ;)

Its already been established in the previous battle with the Dawn group that Mika is sorta an independent unit

He should however look after Hush, as he personally took him under his wing, thus making him his responsibility (then again he's probably still regrets that decision due to how annoying the last few months with him has been)

akumaten 2016-12-11 08:01

Iok, you're pissing me da fuck off!!
Damn. Ride got extremely the cost of the plant...
Should had used a heated blade, McGillis.

darkone45 2016-12-11 08:03


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 5995062)
Its already been established in the previous battle with the Dawn group that Mika is sorta an independent unit

He should however look after Hush, as he personally took him under his wing, thus making him his responsibility (then again he's probably still regrets that decision due to how annoying the last few months with him has been)

the show already established few episodes ago when Mika says things their not his true feelings ( takaki episodes ) when he says hush is "annoying" his more annoyed with the fact he throws his game off and worries he might get soft ( I guess I kinda answered my own question there )

Fireminer 2016-12-11 08:09

So, now we have Metal Gear RAY. What is next?

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