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RRW 2017-04-01 20:56

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n0m@n 2017-04-01 22:27

Wait, is this really the final episode...?
Can they really fill the holes in 24 minutes?

Fairy Water 2017-04-01 23:04

Just kill them all so their bodied fill in the hole.

SonicSP 2017-04-01 23:06

It's been a fun journey of IBO for me (mostly), time for the end.

Go 300 on them, battle team.

n0m@n 2017-04-02 00:21

So we might have a chance to get "everyone(Tekkadan) dies" route? Tomino would be proud lol.

SonicSP 2017-04-02 00:25

Probabaly not. Given by what the producers have said in interviews I'm fairly certain Atra, Kudelia, and a lot from the tunnel will likely survive. There's not going to be an "everybody dies" ending.

That said, things look very grim for the battle team and Mika in particular. Barbatos won't fit in that tunnel and Mika won't be able to escape on his own due to his paralysis. Most if not all of the battle team won't survive I think.

Also not confident they can wrap things up nicely with this one episode. Personally I think they needed another episode at least to have enough time make a proper epilogue. But we'll find out in a few hours I guess how they execute it with the time they have.

Olengie 2017-04-02 01:29

Maybe an OVA like Final Plus

TheDoctor324 2017-04-02 02:36

i just hope to see the both of them go full tilt before they die....

Skaddix 2017-04-02 02:57


Originally Posted by SonicSP (Post 6060841)
Probabaly not. Given by what the producers have said in interviews I'm fairly certain Atra, Kudelia, and a lot from the tunnel will likely survive. There's not going to be an "everybody dies" ending.

That said, things look very grim for the battle team and Mika in particular. Barbatos won't fit in that tunnel and Mika won't be able to escape on his own due to his paralysis. Most if not all of the battle team won't survive I think.

Also not confident they can wrap things up nicely with this one episode. Personally I think they needed another episode at least to have enough time make a proper epilogue. But we'll find out in a few hours I guess how they execute it with the time they have.

Meh Epilogue was only really needed if Tekkadan and McGillis won. To cover the reorganization of the government and stuff like that.

At the rate we are going most of Tekkadan will be dead.
And will either have no real reform or Gali being the filthy hypocrite that he is shooting Rustal dead.

Oh god my hatred burns like a 1000 Suns.

Spoiler for Live Watch Spoilers:

Irenesharda 2017-04-02 03:26

Mika and Akihiro are dead. :T_T:

They went down fighting! Rustal got away with everything and took over Gjallerhorn while Kudelia took over the Mars government. Gali is stuck in wheelchair. Iok is dead. I repeat IOK IS DEAD. Akihiro put the squeeze on him.

All the rest of Tekkadan escaped and got new lives on Earth and on Mars. Kudelia now does deals with Rustal.
Ride assassinated Nobliss.

Atra had a boy, and his name is Akatsuki. So in the end, everyone did get a new life and a future like Orga wanted. Even though none of our main characters got to see it.

Knight_SV 2017-04-02 03:29

dang! Rustal escaped and not pay the price for everything he done.
so rustal, and jullietta are the real main chara then lol

Skaddix 2017-04-02 03:31

Well I used spoilers. But since your not I guess I can speak normally.

An absolute **** ending if you ask me.

Rustal gets all the power. Julietta gets to win over Mika. And walk off into the sunset with Gali who only pays with a wheelchair. Honestly Julietta holding the Barbatos head in the air while making a speech made by blood boil. The ***** is only alive thanks to amazing Plot Armor.

Kudelia decides to make her self useful so late its laughable.
Shino, Orga, Hush, Mika and Akhiro All Dead. I mean sheesh the top 3 Tekkadan Members all dead.

And the only ones who paid are Iok and Nobliss. While Rustal, Julietta and Gali get away scott free.

If we do get an OVA. It better be Ride assassinating Rustal, Julietta and Galieo.

Irenesharda 2017-04-02 03:32


Originally Posted by Knight_SV (Post 6060886)
dang! Rustal escaped and not pay the price for everything he done.
so rustal, and jullietta are the real main chara then lol

I don't think you understand the definition of main character. They are characters that the story is about, the protagonist, the ones who move the story. This season, that would have been Mika, Orga, and McGillis. Rustal and Julietta went against them, making them antagonists. Rustal would be the main antagonist with Julietta as a side stooge.


Originally Posted by Skaddix (Post 6060890)
Well I used spoilers. But since your not I guess I can speak normally.

An absolute **** ending if you ask me.

Rustal gets all the power. Julietta gets to win over Mika. And walk off into the sunset with Gali who only pays with a wheelchair. Honestly Julietta holding the Barbatos head in the air while making a speech made by blood boil. The ***** is only alive thanks to amazing Plot Armor.

Kudelia decides to make her self useful so late its laughable.
Shino, Orga, Hush, Mika and Akhiro All Dead. I mean sheesh the top 3 Tekkadan Members all dead.

And the only ones who paid are Iok and Nobliss. While Rustal, Julietta and Gali get away scott free.

If we do get an OVA. It better be Ride assassinating Rustal, Julietta and Galieo.

Oh sorry :blush:

I could put it in spoilers, but I thought it was going to get out eventually anyway. And the episode has officially already aired. No report of any continuation. And it didn't really suggest one.

Honestly, I'm not mad, but yeah, it was disappointing. And yes, Julietta lifting Barbatos head like that pissed me off too. I mean, Rustal basically takes supreme control of Gjallerhorn and gets nothing for all the horrible things he's done. Kudelia shaking hands with him really pissed me off, but I can see such an idea coming out of Japan.

Gali, Juli, Rustal all get away with everything with only Idiok getting his just desserts. I like Kudelia's new look, but like you said she's too little too late. Atra's cute as a woman, and her son is adorable. It's his desk that the pictures from the ED are from.

I'm honestly tired, this series tired me out. It's done. I'm going to move on to new things now. If they return to the world, I guess I'll come back, but right now, I think I'll just keep to the first season. The second one floundered in the end.

Skaddix 2017-04-02 03:35

He is making a joke.

Based on the fact that Rustal, Julietta and Gali got everything they wanted. They won straight up. The had better plot armor. And the series ends with Rustal having all the power. Julietta getting Gali and winning over Mika making a speech with Barbies Head on her sword. Honestly, one of the most rage inducing scenes I have watched any Gundam Series.

Mika at least got a kid. Orga didn't get ****. And Kudelia was only useful in the Epilogue Sense.

Like I said the only thing I want an OVA is Ride putting a bullet through Rustal, Julietta and Galieo's Heads.

Knight_SV 2017-04-02 03:41


Originally Posted by Irenesharda (Post 6060893)
I don't think you understand the definition of main character. They are characters that the story is about, the protagonist, the ones who move the story. This season, that would have been Mika, Orga, and McGillis. Rustal and Julietta went against them, making them antagonists. Rustal would be the main antagonist with Julietta as a side stooge.

i understand very well dude and i making a joke just like skaddix said. thank you

Skaddix 2017-04-02 03:43

Your Welcome. 1/10 isn't low enough for me to rate this episode.

As I said Julietta with Barbatos Head on her sword making a speech. Made me wanna rage and toss a beer through my computer screen. She should be dead in space. BS PLOT ARMOR.

Irenesharda 2017-04-02 03:44


Originally Posted by Knight_SV (Post 6060899)
i understand very well dude and i making a joke just like skaddix said. thank you

:p Sorry, I travel around the interwebs and you can never be sure about comments. Some people would have actually said that seriously thinking the person who won was the person who is the main character. :heh:

Skaddix 2017-04-02 03:50

Who loves this series and usually defends it?

Where is Good Old Rising Dragon I can wait to hear their full throttled support of this ending.

I don't see how the Mobile Armors were a problem though....surely a Barrage of Dansliefs should have mopped up the problems long before the Mobile Armor got around to killing off Half of Humanity.

DmonHiro 2017-04-02 03:53

Seriously.... this is just piss poor writing. What the hell was up with Rustal?

Irenesharda 2017-04-02 03:53

Oh yeah, I forgot, someone asked awhile ago about Rustal using Daisleifs against the planet? Well guess how he does his coup de grace against Tekkadan? :rolleyes:

Gaelio didn't even do anything but show up at the end in a wheelchair. That piece of trash can join Julietta and Rustal in hell for all I care. Iok is waiting for 'em.

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