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LifeHowling 2017-04-08 12:58

The Ultimate Evolution

Original Title : 最终进化
Author : Juantu
Status : 1455 Chapters (Complete)

Webnovel :

Translation : NU

Wiki :

Spoiler for Introductory:

Review vilovito

Unpredictable, witty, descriptive, clear fight scenes, slightly slow pace but still interesting, calculated risk.

Ultimate Evolution is definitely a great read. There may be certain questionable facts at time, but which novel doesn't have that? Volume 1 is the entire long prologue, and volume 2 is sort of introduction into the scene and building up the fundamental knowledge, so there's loads of explaining which is understandable given the mysterious place he is in. The story starts to show its brilliance from volume 3 onwards, which is amazing, you have to read it yourself.

Anyway, don't judge merely based on 1 volume, which is the prologue. Lmao if all novels are judged on its prologue then bad novels can count as good, and good novels can be utter shit.
Spoiler for Spoiler for FAQ::

It is like a mix of Gantz and The King's avatar, the real life and game alternate between each other. Movies are like games with a lot of quests and NPCs, rather than linear plot like in Terror Infinity.

wuhugm 2017-04-08 13:06

^You put a review and the link to that review but not the synopsis and the novel link :heh:

This is the NU's synopsis btw :


I traverse along the pathway of darkness and imagination…

Entering the realm born by human imaginations…

Challenging Harry Potter’s magic, commanding the great Pirates of the Caribbean

Terminating the Terminator’s strength, tearing apart the Matrix’s Hallucination

Virus is my slave

Endurance my inheritance

Growing and hunting in the boundless universe

Breaking through boundaries in a mysterious space

Desiring evil, conspiracy and betrayer. Who can redeem what was already lost

In a battle of demons who can leave an immortal legacy

A declining Trump card, Final evolution!

I’m… on a journey!

We are one!
It's too profound, I don't understand a thing :heh:

NU uses Prototype's image as the cover, is MC's ability a shapeshifter like Alex Mercer?

But what's with China's tendency in using real life contemporary works?

LifeHowling 2017-04-08 13:59


Originally Posted by wuhugm (Post 6067291)
^You put a review and the link to that review but not the synopsis and the novel link :heh:

fix.. I just do not understand this description .. and it repels


Originally Posted by wuhugm (Post 6067291)

NU uses Prototype's image as the cover, is MC's ability a shapeshifter like Alex Mercer?

I don't know :V. For me, this name means nothing. Read an article about him. Both heroes have a difficult childhood. Both grew strong and cunning.


Originally Posted by wuhugm (Post 6067291)
But what's with China's tendency in using real life contemporary works?

The Chinese do not worry about intellectual law. The Japanese like to use the Lovecraft universe, Arab and other legends, D&D.

I take this as

Altina X Overlord Special Collaboration Booklet

LifeHowling 2017-04-08 18:34


It's too profound, I don't understand a thing
It looks like Sword Art Online. The hero is a lone (does not want to become a "Cannon fodder" of someone else's party) + Many girls are enemies (Or get in the way) + More PvP + Many deceivers (including NPC)

Attempt to calculate the size of volumes.

1 volume 7 chapters
2 volume 37 chapters
3 volume 84 chapters
4 volume 81 of the chapter
5 volume 75 chapters
6 volume 56 chapters
7 volume 134 chapters
9 volume 87 chapters
10 volume 99 chapters
11 volume 102 chapters
12 volume 86 chapters

They're big.. Only 17 volumes.

1 fil'm

2 fil'm

3 fil'm

4 fil'm

5 fil'm

6 fil'm


Films provide locations. The action can take place outside the timeline of the film. Films give item, rules, characters, level of complexity..

5 fil'm > 4 fil'm > 3 fil'm > 2 fil'm > 1 fil'm > prolog

With each film, my interest grew. The first film is funny adventures, dangerous battles. The second film - the atmosphere was added. The third film - more role elements have been added. The fourth film - challenged the templates, changed the genre, much of the unexpected. The fifth film is very harsh, the highest complexity of survival, romance.

I did not read the prologue. I've read it since chapter 8 \ volumes 2. I missed the plot in the real world (except for the last translated volumes - there the topic of pumping).

The system can pick up all the improvements. He in the world of the film - can again become an ordinary person. I do not understand - films are still real or not. Or only some of the films are real. In any case - train his "Innate abilities" (In the film, his ability is forcibly awakened .. he needs to awaken in the real world). "Innate ability" - can not be disabled by the system.

LifeHowling 2017-04-09 13:12

I've jumped from the beginning of volume 7 to the beginning of volume 11, because the 11th volume continues the story of "The Lord of the Rings" from Volume 6, which I really like. Spoiler me about what happens in 7-10 volumes please.

Originally Posted by LifeHowling (Post 6067482)
11 volume 102 chapters

The beginning of the arc:

LifeHowling 2017-09-25 07:42

Who reads from Chinese?

p.s. wiki最终进化

LifeHowling 2017-09-26 12:28


Originally Posted by LifeHowling (Post 6142188)
Who reads from Chinese?


一面这样的想着,方森岩一面开始继续将功勋值投资在了“流行性感冒”上,耗费了2点功勋值以后,将之从先前 的L6提升到了LV7。在提升到了LV7这个关键等级以后,自然也出现了四项随机选择的属性。





方森岩选择了抽取,结果获得的选项是A,他看了看继续出现的属性,结果发觉疾病的名称已经改变成了“病毒性 流行性感冒”,而且从LV7再提升到LV8需要耗费整整10点功勋值,就算是除去太阳阶梯的减免50%,也 需要整整5点功勋值。

方森岩想了想,通过梦魇印记,选择了耗费2点功勋值重新将感冒的等级降低到了LV6,然后再次使用2点功勋 值将流行性感冒提升到了LV7,获得了又一次的抽取机会。

是的,方森岩现在意识到了自己团队当中人手匮乏带来的弊端,那就是很难支撑起太久的持续战斗,所以属性C将 发病周期从原来的七分钟降低到了三分钟,这其间额外被减免掉的四分钟甚至可以说是生死攸关,至关重要!所以 方森岩此时才不惜付出额外的四点功勋值的代价来重新抽取,就是冲着C属性而去的。

这一次方森岩还算是赌对了,抽取到的赫然就是C属性,他如释重负的吐出了一口长气,这时候随机抽取的杀戮奖 励也开始分发了下来,方森岩他们干掉了四个家伙,那么就会从这四个家伙身上拥有的装备当中随机抽取一件,然 后再随机奖励给方森岩他们四人。

Did he choose the "A" bonus? He can spend "glasses" again to return to the "SELECTING BONUSES" and get "C", saving "A"?

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