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Stark700 2015-07-03 01:15

Classicaloid (S1 & S2) Anticipation

A new original title called 'Classicaloid' has been announced from the NHK channel. It will premiere in year 2016.

Director: Yoichi Fujita
Character Design: Makoto Tsuchibayashi

Here's the official site for it:
The studio is Sunrise.

ANN source:

Marcus H. 2015-07-03 01:57

音楽で町おこしをする地方都市に住む高校生・歌苗(かなえ)と奏助(そうすけ)の前にベートーヴェンとモー ツァルトがあらわれた!
“クラシカロイド”を名乗る、このあやしいふたりが奏でる音楽“ムジーク”には奇妙な力が・・・。星が降っ たり、巨大ロボがあらわれたりと、毎日大騒ぎ!
バッハ、ショパン、シューベルトと次々あらわれるクラシカロイド。彼らの力に秘められた大いなる謎とは?ク ラシカロイドは人類の敵か味方かそれとも・・・?!

In a rural town undergoing revival through music, two high school students living in the area named Kanae and Sousuke meet none other than Beethoven and Mozart!
Calling themselves "Classicaloids", this mysterious duo creates a strange power through the "music" they play. One night, stars fall from the sky and gigantic robots appear, causing trouble every single day!
Bach, Chopin, Schubert also appear as Classicaloids. What is the mystery behind the powers they possess? Are they humanity's friend or foe?

Stark700 2016-03-24 21:44

Latest key visual:

Stark700 2016-03-28 10:36

HQ version of the PV:

The music actually sounds pretty fun to listen to after awhile :D

LG-MAX 2.o 2016-06-09 17:32

The official website for Sunrise's Classicaloid musical action-comedy television anime announced the first two cast members on Thursday. The anime will star:

Mikako Komatsu (Aldnoah.Zero's Inko Amifumi, Maria the Virgin Witch's Priapos) as Kanae, a level-headed high school first-year who works as a landlady.

Nobunaga Shimazaki (Kiznaiver's Tsuguhito Yuta, My Love Story!!'s Makoto Sunakawa) as Sōsuke, Kanae's excitable childhood friend.

The website also announced that a special program will stream on June 29. Komatsu and Shimazaki will appear in the program and announce additional cast members.

Stark700 2016-06-29 10:01

New Preview

Stark700 2016-09-09 05:26

Official site updated. It has a new animated key visual!

CrowKenobi 2016-09-29 21:38

Licensed by Sentai Filmworks to be released digitally and on home video. Premieres October 8.

Stark700 2016-10-06 13:36

Crunchyroll will stream it

Stark700 2016-10-08 07:06

Episode 1:

Pretty fun start, even the OP song has a classical feel to it.

The humor is pretty amusing, a lot of segments that are quite overexaggerated. In the meantime, we meet the main characters as well. I find Beethoven to stand out the most of out of the main characters.

Good start so far. The music is very catchy with the classical style.

Dop 2016-10-08 08:32

That was very very silly, but quite entertaining. Even managed a moment or two of poignancy.

Don't mess with Beethoven's gyoza!

Chichiryuushintei 2016-10-08 08:49

Who needs drugs when you have anime?

Seriously, I loved this way too much. Sugita hamming it up and going Super Saiyan about gyoza was hilarious.

Gan_HOPE326 2016-10-08 08:55


Originally Posted by Stark700 (Post 5960565)
Episode 1:

Pretty fun start, even the OP song has a classical feel to it.

I don't know enough to recognise it, but I'm pretty sure it has to be a remix of some actual classical piece, like... pretty much all the rest of the music of the show. Possibly it's a medley. The ED on the other hand is obviously Beethoven's 6th, which they mention during the episode as well.

Oh, and is it just me or they dropped a couple Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy references in there? The tablet robot makes me think of the Guide, the email was sent 42 days earlier, and the entire story kicks in with a demolition and wrecking balls in front of the protagonist's house.

Flower 2016-10-08 15:40

Ep 01



That is all!


Okay, not quite that, but I must admit that the first episode was extraordinarily silly, but enjoyable. I laughed, and laughed a lot.

At the moment I am kinda wondering how they are going to turn this utterly bizarre premise into a two cour series - it seems like it would do well for a 5-6 OVA series or a one hour at best....

Well, that's just a first impression, of course, but I will be willing to give the next ep a try.

kuromitsu 2016-10-08 18:26


Originally Posted by Gan_HOPE326 (Post 5960844)
Oh, and is it just me or they dropped a couple Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy references in there? The tablet robot makes me think of the Guide, the email was sent 42 days earlier, and the entire story kicks in with a demolition and wrecking balls in front of the protagonist's house.

Complete with the demolition workers going "you've had enough time to prepare", although in this case Otowa was aware of the fact. I don't know if it was on purpose or not (I vote yes), but it made me laugh.

I didn't know what to expect from this show aside of what I've seen in the PVs, and at this point... I still don't really know what to expect. :heh: Like, I thought I was keeping it together, I thought "I'm okay, I've got this" even when Beethoven did his thing, but the dancing mechs still took me by surprise. You got me, show - I'll be back for more.

The cast is doing fine (Shimazaki Nobunaga continues being one of my favorite not-new-at-all-but-still-newish faces), although I really would have preferred someone else playing Beethoven, because Sugita is pretty much doing Sugita here, but eh, I'll survive.

Dextro 2016-10-08 19:11

Hum... The episode wasn't as insane as I was expecting. Also "Beethoven" reminds me a lot of Gintoki from Gintama. Not just the voice but the strange obliviousness as well.

Also glad to see I wasn't the only one drawing the guide comparisons. They really laid them on thick :heh:

OkamiNoKaze 2016-10-08 20:22

I wonder if his hearing issues, is why he yells, besides being voiced by Sugita. I hope this will be addressed at some point

Yamada II 2016-10-09 03:50

Episode 1
Based on the preview material, I expected this to be crazy. And I am not disappointed. Lol Beethoven cooking food and Mozart roller skating in the house and then swinging like Tarzan in the house. I seriously doubt Mozart was this crazy lol. And poor Kanae has to deal with these retards. And there are more classical music dudes with Bach supposedly being the big villain. This shit was crazy and I like it.

Seihai 2016-10-09 10:25

I have mixed feelings on this one. On the one hand, this feels so retarded I want to drop it. On the other hand, this feel so retarded that I want to keep watching for exactly that. It'll be a 50/50 depending on my mood. I see the appeal in this one, but half of me doesn't actually find it appealing. Will give it a few more episodes, I might just get used to it. For now, it is a weird but fun ride for what's it worth.

Celes 2016-10-09 21:00


Originally Posted by Seihai (Post 5961439)
I have mixed feelings on this one. On the one hand, this feels so retarded I want to drop it. On the other hand, this feel so retarded that I want to keep watching for exactly that.

Ditto. Wasn't sure what I expected (hadn't watched the PVs), but I couldn't have come up with this even if I'd tried.

I'll give it the old 3-episode trial and we'll see.

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