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RRW 2019-07-31 00:55

Gundam Build Divers Re:RISE - General and Episode Discussions to the discussion thread for Gundam Build Divers Re:RISE|

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On related noted. I don’t think I will do episodic thread form now on due to lack of activity. So any episode discussion will be in here

LoweGear 2019-07-31 01:15


Originally Posted by RRW (Post 6361298)
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On related noted. I don’t think I will do episodic thread form now on due to lack of activity. So any episode discussion will be in here

Better update the thread title to reflect that then, something like "General and Episode Discussion" so there's no confusion.

Chosen_Hero 2019-07-31 02:51

I hope that the game got better and actually competent administrators (the ones from Build Divers laughably useless) and that there is no magical data loli, but I am sure that one blonde girl will fill the role because Gundam series gotta have some sort of princess type character for some reason.:rolleyes:

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2019-07-31 04:15

Let's see...

Director: still the same mixed-bag Shinya Watada

Series Composition: same writer as.... City of Sin? Body Transfer?? Bible Black??? :heh:
To be fair, Yasuyuki Muto also wrote the screenplay for the entire Gundam Unicorn OVAs. That actually gives me a little bit of confidence, but after GBD, my expectation is more-or-less still rock-bottom. I hope that'll help me enjoy Re:Rise later.

Faux Mecha 2019-07-31 08:21

so are we finally going to have a kit for the Walking Dome? but as an HG? as the thing is massive unless they size it down or something.

Wandering Soul 2019-07-31 21:01

I'm honestly not expecting much after Build Divers so it shouldn't take much for this series to impress. Hopefully, it can do more than that I can enjoy it like I enjoyed the first two series.

RRW 2019-08-01 04:01

I just realize Sunrise Beyond (Xebec) is the main studio. Interesting how it goes

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2019-08-01 05:30


Originally Posted by RRW (Post 6361552)
I just realize Sunrise Beyond (Xebec) is the main studio. Interesting how it goes

Is this Xebec's first anime under the "Sunrise Beyond"-label? :confused:

RRW 2019-08-01 22:29


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 6361564)
Is this Xebec's first anime under the "Sunrise Beyond"-label? :confused:

Yes, they only did ibo mobile game movie before.

Kanon 2019-08-07 16:59

Why won't they go back to Build Fighters? :(

Rising Dragon 2019-08-08 05:05

Because rehashing the same thing over and over is a fucking awful idea that will lose them money, and people need to let go of their Reiji-boners.

Chosen_Hero 2019-08-13 09:36

^Because Gundam has never rehashed anything.:rolleyes: I mean, it's not like the Build series is meant to rehash from past Gundam series to sell Gunplas or anything, right?:heh:

Besides, the first Gundam Build is still the best of the Build bunch, Try was just a shitty harem anime disguised as a Gundam anime and single handedly ruined the series to the point where it they had to redo the series with Divers and Divers season 1 is just SAO crap but with Gundams.

It's going to take a miracle for this anime to not only set itself apart from last season but to get out of the writing sinkhole the series has gotten itself into and to erase Gundam Build season 1 from the fans minds.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2019-08-13 10:08


Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero (Post 6363973)
Besides, the first Gundam Build is still the best of the Build bunch, Try was just a shitty harem anime disguised as a Gundam anime and single handedly ruined the series to the point where it they had to redo the series with Divers and Divers season 1 is just SAO crap but with Gundams.

Unless your definition of "single-handedly ruining a series" is selling tons of Gunplas more than the first GBF and giving the franchise a female & little bear mascots to milk like crazy then I don't know what you're talking about. Try was/is a financial success. Try also doesn't have the dreadful Build Knuckle that gets repeated again & again in the show. At least Sekai has variations with his Jigen Hao techniques. Try also doesn't have a mustache-twirling villain like in GBF and goes full-on sport instead which is a relatively good thing & a fresh way to do a sequel. Is Try's writing a slight downhill from GBF? Debatably so, but ruining? Nah....

Also, GBD did not exist as a result of Try failing (because Try didn't fail). It's just, ever since Gundam 00 (and the bitter lesson called AGE), Ban-rise tend to give an AU Gundam series just two seasons (+ a movie, if they want) to wrap up the story so that they can jump to a new AU next. For example, IBO was a big success, but instead of making another season, they made a mobile game instead.

Chosen_Hero 2019-08-13 13:06

^I will admit that I exaggerated a bit there about it ruining the series, but it turned off quite a lot of fans that stay away from the build series and the only they keep tabs for the only thing good about Try, the new Gundam variants and designs which is about the only thing that is actually a success about that show.

As for the existence of Divers, in my personal belief I do think that they just wanted a redo after Try, especially whoever wrote Divers. Try added so much unneeded bs and steered the series from what was established that the writing and characters suffered massively, that there is a failure. At best all you can say about Try is that it sold more Gunpla and it gave the hentai mangakas more girls to draw and not much else.:heh:

IBO not getting a new season is mostly because the story is over and finished the way it was supposed to and is not supposed to have a sequel, and I say this as someone that wants a sequel to IBO.

Rising Dragon 2019-08-13 14:01


Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero (Post 6363973)
^Because Gundam has never rehashed anything.:rolleyes: I mean, it's not like the Build series is meant to rehash from past Gundam series to sell Gunplas or anything, right?:heh:

Please don't try to be witty and biased when you don't know the definition of a term. You don't know what a rehash is, because your example sure as hell isn't that.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2019-08-13 15:59


Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero (Post 6363995)
As for the existence of Divers, in my personal belief I do think that they just wanted a redo after Try, especially whoever wrote Divers. Try added so much unneeded bs and steered the series from what was established that the writing and characters suffered massively, that there is a failure. At best all you can say about Try is that it sold more Gunpla and it gave the hentai mangakas more girls to draw and not much else.:heh:

IBO not getting a new season is mostly because the story is over and finished the way it was supposed to and is not supposed to have a sequel, and I say this as someone that wants a sequel to IBO.

There's a reason why most episodes of GBF: Battlogue (remember those shorts?) took place in Try era: that's because Try is more successful than GBF and Ban-rise was capitalizing on that. If they truly considered Try a fail, then they would've made all Battlogue episodes took place in GBF era like the very last episode. Also, Try gets a movie/OVA treatment (Island Wars) that wraps up the overall GBF story just fine (by showing us Reiji & Aila's daughter as a last-minute reveal). In short, Ban-rise embrace Try but they stick with their "two seasons rule". They did it with 00, GBF & IBO so far.

Rising Dragon 2019-08-13 20:23

Obelisk, you're not going to get anywhere with a close-minded hater.

Roloko vi Britannia 2019-08-22 18:12

I'll still give it a shot even though I dropped the first series halfway through. Going in with low expectations

Chosen_Hero 2019-08-22 20:48


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 6364007)
There's a reason why most episodes of GBF: Battlogue (remember those shorts?) took place in Try era: that's because Try is more successful than GBF and Ban-rise was capitalizing on that. If they truly considered Try a fail, then they would've made all Battlogue episodes took place in GBF era like the very last episode. Also, Try gets a movie/OVA treatment (Island Wars) that wraps up the overall GBF story just fine (by showing us Reiji & Aila's daughter as a last-minute reveal). In short, Ban-rise embrace Try but they stick with their "two seasons rule". They did it with 00, GBF & IBO so far.

From my point of view they look more like the director wanted a second season but was denied that chance so he just decided (or settled) for making shorts about Try. If Try had been as good of a success as you make it then it would have gotten a proper second season, besides, those shorts exist mostly just to show off the new gunpla designs they were trying to sell at the time, pretty sure it had nothing to do with Try supposedly being a success.

But whatever, lets agree to disagree.


Originally Posted by Rising Dragon (Post 6364026)
Obelisk, you're not going to get anywhere with a close-minded hater.

A close minded hater would not have watched the shows in the first place, they would make the same kind of comment as you, without knowledge about the thing they are talking about. Next time don't try and label people close minded haters just because they hold a different opinion because you end up being the close minded one.

RRW 2019-08-25 07:55

More info

Hiroto: Chiaki Kobayashi
Kasami: Masaaki Mizunaka
Mei: Mai Sugami
Palvis: Mayu Minami
Freddy: Ai Kato
Eve: Inori Minase
Mukai Hinata: Shion Wakayama

OP: Rerise (Spira Spica)
ED: MAGIC TIME (Sudanna Yuzuri)

also Captain Zeon

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