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beanieboy007 2003-11-04 11:05

Onegai Twins
one of my favorites (especially since its got Mizuho).

I know all through ep 12 are out,...

how did others feel about the series?

Did you feel a little bit of a let-down when it didnt focus enough on Mizuho & Kei-kun?

Did you want the sister to be Karen or Mina (I'm happy with that outcome)?

Where should it go from here for ep 13?

flohtingPoint 2003-11-04 14:47

I thought the first couple episodes were pretty good, but after about the 1000th time I heard "We may be related, we may not" I decided I had enough =/ The whole gay guy arc was decent, but the story on the whole left me wishing for those minutes of my life back. Music was good tho =)

[Titan] 2003-11-04 17:42

OT was fun, and I like the ending the way it was (I expected them to be triplets actually). I'm not expecting much of eps 13, guess it won't really add something to the story.

Ether 2003-11-04 17:53

When I began to watch this series I really enjoyed it. I was literally hooked on it, checking back everyday to see if another episode had come out. As the series went on the inital enjoyment waned a bit, but it was still very interesting. I liked the flow of the story and enjoyed the little subplots involving the other characters love interests.

In regards to Mizuho and Kei, I wasn't all that disappointed to find out it didn't focus on them. It was nice they had cameos in this series (since I wasn't expecting to see them at all) but if you notice Kei never speaks a word. Did the seiyuu who did his voice in Onegai Teacher not come back to do it again? Who knows...

I'm perfectly fine with the outcome, I can't really think of another way it could be done **Spoiler (highlight to read) since Karen really does seem like more of a younger sister even from the start.** With the end of the 12th episode I was happy but I wanted to see a bit more.

Now I'm not sure but I thought it ended at the 12th ep. If they did in fact make another ep it would be nice to see what a day in the life is for them now that they all know. I figure it would be interesting since all you saw were little snip-its of their day while the ending credits rolled.

You know it didn't even bother me when they started out every episode with "We may be related, we may not" since a lot of the anime I watch normally has a lot of recurring openings
i.e. Berserk, Green Green

eMpTy265 2003-11-04 17:53

Honestly, I was wishing that either that they'd find out that nobody's related.

(and hence they both pursue Maiku... and since they don't have to tell anyone, they can both stay in the house...

then again... I don't want to have anymore harem type animes...)

Or, that they realize that they're triplets... which would be sad for everyone... but I'm sure they can somehow work it out.

But the ending... ARGH... I want the hours of my life back...

Wolfwood2970 2003-11-04 19:49

Onegai Twins was a great series... In my opinion i liked Onegai Twins better than Onegai Teacher in many ways.....

anyways im sad to see Onegai Twins end off and that episode 13will be coming out in like 5 months will be a bummer to wait for.... In episode 13 I hope they find out more about their parents and about themselves and also to show how the relationship between the girls and Maiku are like.... maybe it will kinda be like the OVA for Onegai Teacher ;).... I do feel that a lot of questions are still there and they can do so much with the 13th episode... They could even make more episodes in order to patch in the holes that didnt even get answered

anyways I hope they make a 3rd installment of the Onegai Series because i feel as if the Onegai Series thing is done very well and I wonder what kind of crazy idea they will come up next

usagijen 2003-11-05 02:32

Please tell me with what happened in the last episode! I watched all the episodes in Wowow except this one... had to stay at school to make our project... grrr...

Kindly PM me if you don't other people to be spoiled. Still wondering what happened after episode 11..

SG Mustadio 2003-11-27 03:36

I enjoyed the series, but I like Onegai Teacher better.

**SPOILERS BELOW....sorry....I have to ask some questions**

I liked the outcome, because honestly, I was expecting them to do something like make them al three be related or not, so it was actually a surprise. I also like how they did not focus on the the relationship developed in the first series, but rather, use it as a backdrop (little disappointed that Kei's seiyuu would not even appear for a single line though....whatever that's about).

However, I'm still a little confused about some things. I'm pretty slow at these things, so don't flame me for it (I'd appreciate it if you could give me an answer or point me to a specific place in the series that explans it).

At the very end, Maiku explains that Mina was lying down in the picture, does this mean they were childhood friends? Also, if they're not related, why does Mina have the same eyes as Maiku (I'm willing to believe it's pure coincidence)?

I'm sorry if these seem like stupid questions, but they sorta bug me. Thanks for helping me. :)

JacobM5727 2003-11-27 07:58

i really enjoyed the series
i didnt care it wasnt about mizuho and kei, since it wasnt supposed to be - i felt onegai teacher resolved all major issues


im upset that it was karen, because she was way cuter then miina


At the very end, Maiku explains that Mina was lying down in the picture, does this mean they were childhood friends? Also, if they're not related, why does Mina have the same eyes as Maiku (I'm willing to believe it's pure coincidence)?
its maiku and miina in the picture, karen was sleeping, but karen is the sister

LiQuid|J 2003-11-27 09:17


The whole gay guy arc was decent
Haha, 2 episodes out of a 12 episode show gets to be considered an "arc", Too bad nothing else of any value happened during the show. I complained enough about it back when it ended, but to say the least I thought it would have worked a LOT better as a 3 episode OVA instead. The middle episodes were largely vapid. The ending was not exciting at all. And where exactly was the tie in with OTeacher?! Sure Mizuho and Kei were there, but how in the HELL does animenfo justify putting a "science-fiction" tag on this show?! Marie?! Just because WE know Mizho is an alien, that makes the show sci-fi, regardless of the fact that it's not stated once during the entire series?

Ugh. Here I go ranting again. I'm just gonna stop now.

Thumbs down.


Tomomi 2003-11-27 09:21

Seen the whole series. Can't say I like it though. Same as some of you guys here, I got sick for the 'are we related' line.

[NoiR]Kirika 2003-11-27 13:19

I thought that they were triplets, since all the three has the same eyecolor. Well... my big doubt is: how on earth does Miina has the same eyes, if she is no related to them?

[NoiR]Kirika 2003-11-27 13:21

I thought that they were triplets, since all the three has the same eyecolor. Well... my big doubt is: how on earth does Miina has the same eyes, if she is not related to them? If you say it's a coincidense, I think that it is too much of a coincidense, don't you think?

Weirdanzeige 2003-11-27 15:15


Originally Posted by beanieboy007
one of my favorites (especially since its got Mizuho).

I know all through ep 12 are out,...

how did others feel about the series?

Did you feel a little bit of a let-down when it didnt focus enough on Mizuho & Kei-kun?

Did you want the sister to be Karen or Mina (I'm happy with that outcome)?

Where should it go from here for ep 13?

if you ask me, eps 4-9 were kinda...useless

aquilus 2003-11-27 17:38


Originally Posted by [NoiR]Kirika
I thought that they were triplets, since all the three has the same eyecolor. Well... my big doubt is: how on earth does Miina has the same eyes, if she is no related to them?

I know a person who has practically (well, I couldnīt see the difference from 50cm or so range...) the same eye color as I do. Does that make us related to each other?

EDIT: Well, I met him once ;P

Racheal 2003-12-08 12:43

Comments on Onegai Twins.
One word;


bOcyOgl 2003-12-08 12:59


Originally Posted by Racheal
One word;


nice avatar

kazusa 2003-12-08 13:15

It was an awesome series. I liked how it all fit into 12 episodes. I would've died if it took any longer than that. *haha* I loved it. Didn't like Karen much but I really liked Miina ^^
And ofcourse, Marie!

ky_khor 2003-12-12 07:03

weird both girl can reach the house on the same day after they saw the tv scene HALF a year ago......

well i know there must be an coincident to start the anime.....

and lastly the answer was discovered by the know-nothing, shy, "yew...." little green hair girl...............

maiku baka???

Keitaro 2003-12-12 07:13

To me this whole series was a huge let down, cause it had nothing to do with aliens like Onegai Sensei.

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