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stretch87 2006-05-19 20:24

Anime Dos and Don'ts
lets hear what everyone has learned about watching anime ,or just anime in general, over the years. i'll start...

don't ever finish off two different "sad" anime series on the same day if you have a soft spot for those types of shows. doing so may cause extreme dehydration hehehe

OutPhase 2006-05-19 21:47

Do watch an original series with likable characters and a gripping storyline.

Don't watch Japanimation based off of dating games.

Nightbat® 2006-05-19 22:26

Do yourself a favor and don't let a Hentai Tentacle Anime be the first
you show your friends:D

MarcusG 2006-05-19 23:54

Do something constructive like drawing your own anime character or maybe a good flash movie

Do not lie to your friend and give him a fake anime and replace it with hentai. He might get a terrible addiction. Trust me I did this to a friend and its my fault he doest get out often. I told him LA Night Nurse was a great anime, but I thought of it as a funny joke. It backfired.

stretch87 2006-05-20 00:59

Don't search for wallpapers of an anime that you haven't completed because there's a good chance they will spoil something for you. seriously, this has happened to me a few times

raphaël 2006-05-20 02:32


Do whatever you want with anime but don't spend too much time on the forums.:heh:
I'm the one to talk.

Circular Logic 2006-05-20 04:56

Do watch anime based on games.
Don't watch shounen.

lavielove 2006-05-20 05:09

Do discuss about animation quality after watching the anime from itube.

Don't watch karaoke and skip everytime when you watch the anime.

Ending 2006-05-20 07:08

Do think about the positive sides too.
Don't write a review only about them, though ("10/10!! AWESOME!!!1")

Chiibi 2006-05-20 12:22

Do watch anime even if its genre is something you're not into. You never know how well it's done-it could change your mind about that type of show!

Don't watch anime with tragic endings and go out in public right afterwards-you may need to take a time-out to cry in a bathroom. O_o;

Radiosity 2006-05-20 15:39


Originally Posted by Chibi
Do watch anime even if its genre is something you're not into. You never know how well it's done-it could change your mind about that type of show!

Very true, Nanoha totally changed my perception of Mahou Shoujo anime for example. Shame it's not all as good as Nanoha though.

Don't marathon a 52+ episode series in one sitting and expect to retain 100% of your sanity.

suwayya 2006-05-20 16:23

Don't surf the net for anime at school. Hentai pops up when you least expect it to... :upset:

sorvani 2006-05-20 20:25

Don't just watch anime.
Do pay attention to the point of the story. They are not all serious deep meanings, but every anime is telling some kind of story.

yamikage 2006-05-20 21:42

Do be fan of certain anime/s. Praise its strengths, critique on its faults, analyze the characters, have intelligent discussions, have a seed ratio of at least 1:1 , etc. If you want, make images, create Flash movies (funny ones, especially), write fanfictions that are faithful to the plot or the characters' personalities so to make that anime popular.

Don't be a fanboy/fangirl. Chances are you are one if you: "typ lyk dis, lol" or go "<insert title here> is teh best anime EVAR" when you praise a certain anime, flame someone if he disagrees (esp. when he writes an intelligent criticism), write dumb fanfictions (e.g. those where x has s3ckz with y when it's not even yaoi and x and y are both straight males, just so you can fulfill your disgusting fantasies). I hate you people. You make my blood boil, and you ruin the fandom's image with your actions. :frustrated:

Chiibi 2006-05-20 22:18


Don't be a fanboy/fangirl. Chances are you are one if you: "typ lyk dis, lol" or go "<insert title here> is teh best anime EVAR" when you praise a certain anime, flame someone if he disagrees (esp. when he writes an intelligent criticism), write dumb fanfictions (e.g. those where x has s3ckz with y when it's not even yaoi and x and y are both straight males, just so you can fulfill your disgusting fantasies). I hate you people. You make my blood boil, and you ruin the fandom's image with your actions.

I am a fangirl but I'm a sane one.-_-

I'm a grammar nazti unless I'm kidding around and fanfiction really scares me unless it's supposed to be funny or a parody. (I've never written anything except a tragic one about Sailor Moon when I was 14) I don't make anime pairings that don't make sense and if I tell someone a show is good, I give legitimate reasons.

Don't automatically assume fangirls/boys are ALL mindless idiots-I assure you, we're not. Your post could really offend some people here. It offended me somewhat so it'd be best for you to watch what you type. You're at an anime forum fer cryin' out loud!

jedinat 2006-05-20 22:49

Do watch anime in a well lit room, a safe distance from the screen. (I've never done this. Is it bad for your eyes or something? :p)

Don't watch and get addicted to Naruto and other disgusting shounen fluff.

Chiibi 2006-05-20 22:54


Do watch anime in a well lit room, a safe distance from the screen. (I've never done this. Is it bad for your eyes or something? )
I don't know the details but it seems a while back Japanese children went into seizures during Pokemon so every anime posts that notice now. O_o


Don't watch and get addicted to Naruto and other disgusting shounen fluff.
Too late for that.:heh:

yamikage 2006-05-20 23:53


Originally Posted by Chiibi
I am a fangirl but I'm a sane one.-_-

I'm a grammar nazti unless I'm kidding around and fanfiction really scares me unless it's supposed to be funny or a parody. (I've never written anything except a tragic one about Sailor Moon when I was 14) I don't make anime pairings that don't make sense and if I tell someone a show is good, I give legitimate reasons.

Don't automatically assume fangirls/boys are ALL mindless idiots-I assure you, we're not. Your post could really offend some people here. It offended me somewhat so it'd be best for you to watch what you type. You're at an anime forum fer cryin' out loud!

:heh: You're right and I apologize for sounding a bit too arrogant.

It's just that I just learned to stereotype some anime fans after they ruined a lot of anime, Gundam Wing specifically, for me with their (shudder) yaoi fanfictions and scary . They made us decent Gundam Wing fans hide for our lives in fears of being grouped with them (I was a fan of GW before it hit the US). While their numbers increased, GW discussions degenerated into something like, "OMG, Trowa is such a hawttie!!!" and "Quatre is such a whiny b**ch!!!" They forgot that was more to the characters than just their looks alone, and that made the whole GW fandom seem shallow. I'm usually okay with a lot of people's relaxed way of writing, but when a whole board is clearly using moonspeak... :uhoh: Even worse, the grammar speaks for the content itself.

Besides, the term "fanboy/fangirl" carries a negative connotation. Most people use this term to label the type of people who I described in my previous post. I thought it was safe to assume that there was no way anyone would seriously label themselves as fanboys/fangirls. Nobody seemed to, anyway. :heh:

Orchunter226 2006-05-21 00:24

Don't watch anime until you pass out at the computer (key marks on your face suck).

post well thought out responses to the anime you have just watched whether you liked it or not.

Dragnfly@Gamefaqs 2006-05-21 02:41

DO yell the name of your attack as loudly and proudly as you can, with passion and heart

DON'T think for one second that the little girl is powerless.

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