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xris 2006-11-22 06:47

Code Geass Episode 8 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Code Geass, Episode 8!

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  • Discuss your expectations of the episode if not aired.
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Sonhex 2006-11-23 12:10

Ep 8 screens.

Renegade334 2006-11-23 12:52

*cracks up at the League of Black Knights and their attire*
*falls on the floor*
*dies of laughter*
Oh Lord.

Anyway, for those who want more screenshots:
Spoiler for 2chan pictures:

The JLF seems to be wielding one hell of a KF-held cannon, though...would've made Big Bertha jealous.

brightman 2006-11-23 13:35


Originally Posted by Renegade334 (Post 747942)
Anyway, for those who want more screenshots:
Spoiler for 2chan pictures:

Hmm...? Apparently next ep is a clip show? (Episode 8.5)

Deathkillz 2006-11-23 13:56

oh flashback to young euphemia? she looks cute ^_^
and rofl at the stereotypical kamikazi jap pilots...its the head bands :heh:

cyoti 2006-11-23 14:24

I'm sure they could further add to the flavor of authenticity by shouting banzai when they committ suicide.

EragonJeriel 2006-11-23 14:41

I apologise to all for saying lelouch fashion sense didnt suck. somewhere on another topic, forgot which.
Edit: lol the males suit.... and horny mecha

Sonhex 2006-11-23 15:23


Originally Posted by Deathkillz (Post 747993)
oh flashback to young euphemia? she looks cute ^_^
and rofl at the stereotypical kamikazi jap pilots...its the head bands :heh:

I'd say such Cornelia character development will be shortly followed by her death in the next ep (or thereafter). Speaking of Her Royal Hotness Cornelia also wins this episode for using a gunblade...

Not much C.C it seems, but I thought meganeko Yuffie was kind of cute :p

CronuZ 2006-11-23 17:08


Originally Posted by EragonJeriel (Post 748038)
I apologise to all for saying lelouch fashion sense didnt suck. somewhere on another topic, forgot which.

now I know why this episode's title is 黒の騎士團XD I wonder whats the present Zero has to offer on next episode *Theres a line in the end during the sponsorship credits*

Shinji103 2006-11-23 17:40

League of Black Knights?

I'm sorry, but that's just too stupid for me to even laugh at...and the way they look doesn't help either...guess every series has to have it's not-so-good points.

metamorphic 2006-11-23 18:33

The episode was superb, another great milestone for Code Geass. Zero's knights have arrived!

Shiroth 2006-11-23 18:54


Originally Posted by Sonhex (Post 748077)
Speaking of Her Royal Hotness Cornelia also wins this episode for using a gunblade...

Since she arrived in the series, she has been winning the episodes for me.. now you've gotta think about how i reacted to this episode. :3

[DOT].L 2006-11-23 19:53

Oh what, an episode without any Pizza Hut ads? Totally unforgivable...:eyespin:

Owaranai Destiny 2006-11-23 20:40

What were those again? Black Knights? :rofl: I'd say they would be more suited to being in a restaurant or a vigilante corps with those uniforms. :p

cyoti 2006-11-23 22:26

Minus the really ugly costumes, I thought this was rather a strong episode almost as strong as #5.

-Strangely enough I think Suzaku and Euphemia kind of resemble Kira and Lacus especially in regards to the character designs for both female characters.

HazardNights 2006-11-23 23:59

Do the other students find out Suzaku is the pilot of Lancelot or is he sperated from the others before piloting? Wonderinc cause it seems Shirly, Milly, etc are in a bunker while he's fighting.

W-General 2006-11-24 02:58

I like where this show is going
It's Kira Yamato vs. Yagami Light (or at least that's the closest guy I can find). And of course Zero / Lelouch is far superior than Light...

I'm going to reserve judgment about the uniform, but this episode was great as ever. But the glasses girl still piss me off. We'd better see some character development /growth for her, or I want to see her dead.

Kimura as usual is making fun (sort of) of Gundam Seed again. It's pretty obvious when you see Suzaku and Euphemia, who are supposed to be analogs of Kira and Lacus, appearing powerless and helpless (especially when Suzaku's trying about not being able to protect...this would never happen to Jesus Kira) while Machiavellian Lelouch achieves his goals. I really got a kick out of that :D

I also noticed the lack of Pizza Hut. That made me really sad.

Also, no new Lelouch next week, that makes me sad too :(

Did anyone see the scan with Lelouch GRAPPLING C^2's great ass? Well done lelouch. This show IS Code GREAT ASS after all...

Li Jianliang 2006-11-24 03:03

Episode 8 was fairly good; I'm impressed to see Lelouch so willing to confront Cornelia again just after his near defeat in the last episode. The climax/resolution of the episode weren't so good, though... It was somewhat of a letdown to see everyone rescued in rafts.

I must say that the uniform for Lelouch's new Black League of Knights (or Black Knight Brigade, depending on translation) looks a lot better than the pseudo-80's getup the original Resistance group had... **shudders at the thought of Ougi's hair** Black is the new hotsexy color, yar~

W-General 2006-11-24 03:09

I thought that part wasn't too bad. He needed to show that he's an 'ally of the weak.' Plus I don't think I'd stand any of them dead. Unless you had in your mind a better way of them being rescued.

Sonhex 2006-11-24 07:50

Well I was impressed by the plot twists in this episode. Unexpected and welcome.

Also seems C.C's airtime is directly proportional to the inclusion of pizza. This is not a good sign. :( :heh:

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