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Pellissier 2007-06-02 13:21

Lucky Star - Episode 09 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Lucky Star, Episode 09.

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Kaioshin Sama 2007-06-02 14:25

Plot predictions for episode 9:

-Konata wins a contest for her fanart submission and gets to have her mug printed in the next issue of Newtype Magazine as well as list of her vital statistics.

-Miyuki gets to model a swimsuit as a result of a chance meeting with a talent scouter. The event is sponsored by Kadokawa Shoten and the logo will appear on her swimsuit. Much nosebleeding will ensue. Miyuki bathing suit goes on sale July 15th in time for the summer season. Girls who wear it will get all the guys.

-Kagami finally takes up boxing and is recruited to fight in a female boxing event sponsored by Bandai.

-Tsukasa become Kagami's Mickey and trains her by forcing her to chase a chicken around a stock yard. Hilarity ensues.

-Kona Pops attends the boxing event that Kagami is a part of and takes many pictures with his extendable lenses, he also has a camera stashed under the ring.

-Yui makes an appearance says something then vanishes

-Teach opens up the latest newtype to see Konata's mug staring back at her and has a panic attack.

-Mystery loli from episode 8 is walking down the street when she trips falls and rolls downhill for about a full minute taking down everyone and everything in her path, before exclaiming "MOOOOOO! Itai Yo!"

Yeah.. I don't actually watch the previews for the next episode in anime, the only time I've ever done it is with Turn A Gundam and Victory Gundam and that's cause the music rocked. Plus in the case of light comedy series it's ten times more fun to go into an episode having absolutely no idea what to expect. That way the jokes are more potent.

vaizard_ruler 2007-06-02 14:53

its going to be another completely random episode that i cant seem to guess from looking at hte 4coma....but theyre gonna be talking about something.....

Sheba 2007-06-02 15:23

Preview of the former episode was random enough. Come on guys, what Miyuki's lesson about the origin of the word "Dreadnought" gonna tell us? Hahah.

Deathkillz 2007-06-02 17:45


Originally Posted by Sheba (Post 974971)
Preview of the former episode was random enough. Come on guys, what Miyuki's lesson about the origin of the word "Dreadnought" gonna tell us? Hahah.

didnt you know she was discribing herself? :p (in the most unsexist way ofc :rolleyes:)

Sheba 2007-06-02 17:50

I didn't think about it.

Claies 2007-06-02 18:59

Bleh...usually I base my predictions on what happened in previous episodes, but they tied off 7 and 8 without anything hanging.

The directors put in this huge Miyuki speech and three girls walking and talking in practically the same way as probably a lighthearted jab at us for even considering a preview in a random comedy series. Something like, "Why the hell are you watching this? We can't be random if we say anything!"

Cheerful 2007-06-02 22:16


Originally Posted by Sheba (Post 974971)
Preview of the former episode was random enough. Come on guys, what Miyuki's lesson about the origin of the word "Dreadnought" gonna tell us? Hahah.

I got lost in the preview, while Miyuki was ranting xD.

Smithj 2007-06-03 02:56

Heh jokes about the Imperial Japanese Navy...

If there's a time for jokes about how much of a phallic symbol Long Lance Torpedoes are, here's the time :rolleyes:

Perhaps an event concerning a British or American Lucky Star Character through the mention of Naval Battles in their World History Class. Or possibly discussion concerning the origins of their school uniform.

Then again, the mention of Super-Dreadnoughts would probably concern Battleships like the Yamtao and Musashi.

Then again anything goes. I'm thinking too much urgh.

Konata-chan 2007-06-03 10:51

Episode 9 screencaps, courtesy of 2ch.

Claies 2007-06-03 11:19


Originally Posted by Konata-chan (Post 976077)

Thank you for the link! Another Konata and Tsukasa centric episode...nothing to say about that.

Kona has my kind of taste in dress...a loose, long jacket and a flat cap. They also seem to give her and Shirashi more dynamic ranges of emotion. Awesome. :)

Vallen Chaos Valiant 2007-06-03 11:39


About the ED this episode, the title is 木枯らしに抱かれて (Kogarashi Ni Dakarete)

The interesting thing is, here is what I assumed to be the original song, out in 1986:

But then here is a newer version, sang by three girls... One of them certainly looked VERY familar.:D

Kaioshin Sama 2007-06-03 11:48


Originally Posted by Claies (Post 976119)
Thank you for the link! Another Konata and Tsukasa centric episode...nothing to say about that.

Kona has my kind of taste in dress...a loose, long jacket and a flat cap. They also seem to give her and Shirashi more dynamic ranges of emotion. Awesome. :)

Hmmmmm, with the recent focus on Tsukasa and Konata, does anyone find the show is having a bit of trouble defining it's comedic style. I mean does it know if it's a slice of life show about a zany otaku and her quirky friends, or if it's a show about girls doing cute things. The thing is, moe is cute, but not necessarily funny and I hope they steer things back towards the 4Koma style comedy over the next few episodes as even though I've been receptive of them, my interest is starting to wane a bit (specifially during the third quarter of each episoe where nothing funny ever seems's to happen, and recently even during the first quarter. It's pretty evenly chopped up). I hope there isn't too much focus on Tsukasa doing moe stuff and seeing her reactions this episde as I think there are. Also we're slowly approaching the halfway point of the series and we've seen no sign of any of the subcharacters other than Konata and Kagami's father, Nanako and Yui. I hope they get things rolling with the sub characters and soon otherwise they aren't going to see a lot of screentime.

Also I swear the characters are getting screentime based on who is popular, but thats not possible since these episodes should have been made a while ago. I hope for the best as maybe the episode isn't what it appears to be based on the screencaps after all.

@Vallen: Seeing the cover I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is a Konata themed ending and there is a possibility that we'll be hearing Aya Hirano's voice instead of Konata's again, possibly even ripped straight from that song. I think this is from when she was in that girl band that lasted about a year. Are they trying to Jump Start a reunion by featuring he song here? For some reason I had this really weird idea yesterday (honest) that something was going to happen to blur the line between Aya Hirano and Konata. I had imagined it being her going to an Aya Hirano concert or seeing her on TV, but this isn't that far off.

Konata-chan 2007-06-03 12:25

If anyone's familiar with (Japanese version of Youtube), the video for episode 9 is already uploaded.
ETA: Moyism posted its raw. I guess the choice now is whether you would like to download or just watch the raw.

moshika 2007-06-03 12:31

Already posted,sorry!:heh:

Mef 2007-06-03 12:33

Kaioshin Sama 2007-06-03 12:41


Originally Posted by Mef (Post 976224)

From what I can tell people didn't like their music much and they kind of folded, but this was also long before Aya Hirano become ultra-popular. If they are planning to try again there's almost no chance of them failing. What I would find actually funny is if it's not actually Konata doing the song, but one of the other girls. Chances are slim though as she has absolutely dominated the ending scenes because honestly people don't care about Katou Emiri, Aya Endo and Kaori Fukuhara sing, they want to hear their goddess (hell half the listings for the opening only credit the song to Aya Hirano).

Ffenix Rising 2007-06-03 12:50


Originally Posted by Kaioshin_Sama (Post 976235)
From what I can tell people didn't like their music much and they kind of folded, but this was also long before Aya Hirano become ultra-popular. If they are planning to try again there's almost no chance of them failing. What I would find actually funny is if it's not actually Konata doing the song, but one of the other girls. Chances are slim though as she has absolutely dominated the ending scenes because honestly people don't care about Katou Emiri, Aya Endo and Kaori Fukuhara sing, they want to here their goddess (hell half the listings for the opening only credit the song to Aya Hirano).

Admit it Kaio-chin, you LOOOOVE Aaya from the bottom of your heart. ;)

Konata-chan 2007-06-03 13:11


Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant (Post 976147)

About the ED this episode, the title is 木枯らしに抱かれて (Kogarashi Ni Dakarete)

The interesting thing is, here is what I assumed to be the original song, out in 1986:

But then here is a newer version, sang by three girls... One of them certainly looked VERY familar.:D

The original version is done by Chiharu Matsuyama done in 1980, yet I can't seem to find a video of it on Youtube.

Hahiru 2007-06-03 13:37

I hope to see some interesting MAD videos using the eye drop scene. :naughty:

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