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wingdarkness 2008-01-17 00:10

Possible character deaths by the end of Gundam 00
Gundam historically has been known for major characters getting the axe when you least expect it...With Gundam 00 past it's mid-point and major characters fighting in large scale battles (if ep 15's preview is any indication), what character or characters' do you see potentially dying? Do you even think this is something that should happen? (To keep the realistic edge the series has somewhat provided)...

Right now my main candidates for this are:

Sergei (Because he seems to be the type to take Mwu impossible-possible death shot for someone)

Ali (Because he's still a mid-boss in my eyes, needed to extract Setsuna's character development with his death being the climax of this character progression)

Lockon (Because he may have a twin brother and seems like the most normal meister there is and normal guys die for idiots)

Allelujah/Hallelujah (Perhaps one side of the personality dies, perhaps literally--In any case he's crazy enuff to die)

Basically I'd like to keep this an open discussion instead of making a poll, and remember this isn't about "ZOMG, I wish he//she dies!!!" so: NO CAMPAIGNING!!! Let's DISCUSS who might be dying, the philosophy of taking this approach in a Gundam series and whether it's a good or bad thing and the possible effects it might have on the story (If a main character were to die before Season 1 comes to an end)...

BTW While I am stressing main characters, NAMED characters are definatley up for grabs if you have a theory or feeling about one...

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  • No campaigning!No "hate" or "xyz must die" posts. Please provide reasons instead of using this thread to express your dislike towards certain characters.
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Papaya 2008-01-17 02:58

There's a very, very low chance for Lockon to die. Just because he has a twin doesn't mean he'll die--that's too edgy, and it's not very Gundam. Lockon's twin dynamic will likely play out with each brother taking the mother's death very differently--Lockon is obviously the one that took it to violent extremes. His backstory will likely explore the brotherhood dynamic, as well as the costs and pressures of war on siblings. That's probably why when Lockon is putting flowers on his mother's grave, he's surprised there's already flowers--because he believes that only by fighting terrorism will he do his mother right, and that his twin lacks the courage to do so.

Sergei will not die either. Sergei is currently the face of the HRL. He will not die, simply because if he does, the HRL not only lose their lead character, but there are zero other characters to take his place. Again, the good characters dying are a stereotype, but it's not going to happen that easily in 00. Soma cannot carry the HRL by herself, and the writers won't let her.

Ali I can see happening, though I highly doubt this too. Unless Setsuna is going to be making big strides towards his growth, and unless there are more clear-cut badguys introduced, Ali will not be dying. Ali represents a very personal side of Setsuna, and if he is eliminated, Setsuna's entire backstory may as well be complete.

As for Allelujah/Hallelujah... doubt this one too! As long as he is piloting Kyrios, he will have dual personalities. Unless he is changing Gundams anytime soon, they will not rid him of this duality. Of course, what could easily happen is that Allelujah gains more control over himself, and may eventually reign his own emotions in, but again, I doubt this will happen fully until the end of the series.

Either way, I don't see any main characters dying until the end of the show.
It's basically Gundam Wing all over again, right down to how the personality characteristics--and looks--match to their "code numbers".

RisArk 2008-01-17 03:14

I'd say Sergei is the unfortunate best chance of death. He's a big level-up for Soma development, especially his death. It will either make Soma join the Gundams due to some Throne-related mission probably, or make her Sergei junior and carry on the HRL name. He seems the sacrificial type. I mean, if he's willing to let one of his best men die despite his beliefs, he's ready to let death come for the greater good.

Soma definitely has major character depth potential if the writers don't screw up. Hopefully Sergei, if he dies, dies after she gets a personality. Otherwise it'll be "For Sergei you must die" on the last dozen episodes. :(

The only thing that can kill Lockon is Haro. Period.

Allelujah has way, way too much backstory and freaky stuff to cover. Super soldier remnants, possibly a few episodes dedicated to the split personality thing, super-saiyan/Hollow Ichigo type of stuff going on.

Yeah, Ali's going to die. Once we get a whole flashback on what happened back then, Ali better pray for a miracle to stay alive. Mercenaries that aren't funny/gay/incest with their brother tend to die fast in this series.

Kaioshin Sama 2008-01-17 04:27

I think Louise's Mama is going to die. The way she just left in Episode 14, Louise acting like it's the last time she'll ever see her, and Setsuna's coldness towards her saying that at least her mother isn't dead almost seems like circumstances are begging for it to come true. Not to mention Louise looking cuddled up in a ball in the new ending in tears.

I could also see both Darryl Dutch and Howard Mason biting it before the season is up.

Also up for a death certificate is Sergei Smirnov. He's that old soldier type they just love to kill off, and given how he isn' t even in the second opening, but Soma is makes me think he isn't going to make it.

Off the top of my head those are the most likely candidates for death right now.

Terra 2008-01-17 07:18

I just don't see Allelujah dying at all (of course this could be wishful thinking on my part since he's my favorite character :P). But I feel that he has to live and overcome everything about himself. His origins, his split personality. I just think it would be cheap for him to die after overcoming all that since he does have (at least that we know of atm) the most screwed up past of everyone.

Sergei does have the death certificate look to him, but it would be nice for an older guy to survive for once. Plus I see him being Soma's ticket to becoming something more. And I see it happening more with him alive than dead.

Ali will die, it's bound to happen, it's just when it'll happen. Ep 14 suddenly added another side to this guy and what he does, so the chances of him lasting to the end increased.

Someone in those Flags has to die. They're introducing too many now. Plus even if they're only bit parts, we need a few more named character deaths. Otherwise you just won't get the impact with a no name with the viewer.

Tangerine 2008-01-17 10:19

Gundam 00 Ending 2,

- 4 Gundam meisters: in Japan the number four is considered inauspicious because it is pronounced the same as the word for death (shi). Therefore, one should not make presents that consist of four pieces, etc. In some hotels and hospitals the room number four is skipped. (Nadleeh, 004)

- Allelujah, broken glass: It is said that breaking a mirror would bring you 7 years of bad luck because the mirror reflects you and your life. Breaking it would destroy the reflection of the good/positive things you have in your life. (The glasses of Tieria also are broken? broken eyeglass: bilndness)

Lockon and Setsuna, open scissors (bad luck, treason): sharp objects like swords, knives or scissors,. These send harsh energy to the receiver and are said to sever the friendship. If you receive one, the remedy for the bad luck from this type of gift is to immediately give the giver a coin to symbolize that you "bought" the gift from them. If not, according to superstition, your relationship may end or you may stop talking to each other.
"Scissors and sharp objects cut your good luck in two if used incorrectly. Dropped scissors incorrectly recovered is an invitation to order your funeral outfit so make out your will quickly. Also don’t leave the scissors open like that."

Demongod86 2008-01-17 10:58

Before the season's end? Marina seems like a prime candidate. Ali I think has a very *low* chance of death due to his selfishness. He always has HIMSELF in mind.

Mr. Selfless Sergei probably will eat it in some form or another.

I doubt any Meister will get taken down too soon though. Hallelujah always comes up when Allelujah is in trouble.

Papaya 2008-01-17 14:44

I very much doubt that Marina will ever die in this series. Aside from the obvious Relena parallels, she plays an integral role in the way Setsuna develops positively. Let's face it--Setsuna, before the show started, was already at his worst possible state of mind. As Gundam 00 has been progressing, Setsuna is already beginning to rediscover himself and even, with Ali in the picture, confront his past.
Marina dying would go completely contrary to the path the show is going.

SoldierOfDarkness 2008-01-17 15:17

None. All of the characters so far represent a face in each faction. If they go the faction goes as well.

Terra 2008-01-17 15:30

This is why I feel that the introduction of the new aces in the Union will serve as named cannon fodder in the future. So far it's too early to really kill off any of the named characters because they are the faces of their respective countries.

Morgun 2008-01-17 15:51

Marina will die only when the writing staff finally admits that her character sucks. I don't see it happening. I think the new Flag pilots will die, but do they even qualify as more than named super-grunts?

Terra 2008-01-17 15:53

It's too early to tell on that front. Depends on how long the writers want to develop them, or whether they'll kill off the either/both of the 2 pilots that Graham's had from the start.

wingdarkness 2008-01-17 16:38

Remember this is the same director who killed off:

Spoiler for FMA:

Combine that with Gundam lore and I think it's sweeping to dismiss a character death based on just faction heads or prescribed plotlines....Mizushima has already proved he isn't soley reliant on Main-characters to tell this story...

Sir Dearka 2008-01-17 16:48

Wow, the director of Gundam 00 was also the director of Full Metal Alchemist? :twitch: THAT, I didn't know.

wingdarkness 2008-01-17 16:52


Originally Posted by Sir Dearka (Post 1347921)
Wow, the director of Gundam 00 was also the director of Full Metal Alchemist? :twitch: THAT, I didn't know.

LOL, Somebody please open up his cockpit :p...

Terrestrial Dream 2008-01-17 17:04


Originally Posted by wingdarkness (Post 1347905)
Remember this is the same director who killed off:

Spoiler for FMA:

Combine that with Gundam lore and I think it's sweeping to dismiss a character death based on just faction heads or prescribed plotlines....Mizushima has already proved he isn't soley reliant on Main-characters to tell this story...

Yeah but that was base on a manga, so I don't know. Well the character that I believe that will die is Graham's two lackey, and well possibly death of Lockon. Sergei I don't really see him dying, like Papaya said Sergei is the face of HRL. I could see Ali dying like this, he kills Marina (the reason? who knows, later on maybe there will be event that will lead to this) and Setsuna kills Ali.

Shiroth 2008-01-17 18:03


Originally Posted by Kaioshin_Sama (Post 1347220)
Also up for a death certificate is Sergei Smirnov. He's that old soldier type they just love to kill off, and given how he isn' t even in the second opening, but Soma is makes me think he isn't going to make it.

Sergei dies while protecting Soma?

I think so.

Sir Dearka 2008-01-17 18:05


Originally Posted by wingdarkness (Post 1347930)
LOL, Somebody please open up his cockpit :p...

You already did it, wiseboy.

I wonder if the director would have enough guts to kill Setsuna before season 2 :P

fuzzles 2008-01-17 18:20


Originally Posted by Sir Dearka (Post 1348043)

I wonder if the director would have enough guts to kill Setsuna before season 2 :P

Now that is something I definitely would love to see, the main guy needs to bite the dust especially when he's as annoying as Setsunna. maybe Saji can take his place he needs to have some part in this story.

Sir Dearka 2008-01-17 18:35

I do find Setsuna annoying. Especially after watching last episodes. To me he is just a stuck up b*tch who acts all cool and wise but in fact is a murderer and hypocrite. Interesting. I hope he dies ;) This'd be a big surprise.

But I have a feeling that it is Lockon - my favorite character who'll die... Or maybe they are intentionally making him to be a cliche cool-nice-kind-elder-brother guy NOT to be killed during the anime show. That'd be a surprise, too :D

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