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4Tran 2008-04-04 10:25

Macross Frontier - Episode 1 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Macross Frontier, Episode 1. Please note that this thread is really for the episode aired on 3rd April 2008 at 25:25PM (4th April 1:25AM), a preview of which was aired on 23rd December 2007 as part of a Macross 25th Anniversary Special.

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ChronoReverse 2008-04-04 11:17

Sweet, a forum now.

Anyways, the OP is alright but not terribly great. Perhaps my expectations were too high but it's not very catchy. Might grow on me like other OP's have though.

deffusse 2008-04-04 11:49

indeed, the OP song is great and the animation too. But I have to replay it about 4 times, before I like it so much.... so it's a bit hard song for first listening, you have to get used to it's mellody;)

The deculture ep. was for 10 points for me, this new one "only" for 9:D

nujaves 2008-04-04 12:48

Just watched ep 1 and I still can't believe this anime for mid-night TV series.....I dun know about chara-design and music stuf but the animation quality is too faaaakin high.

BigGimp77 2008-04-04 12:55

Yea I just finished watching the episode... and Wow... The animation was pretty damn good. Usually when animes use CGI it doesn't look so hawt, but the CGI in ep1 was solid. The action was intense. Can't wait for episode two.

ssfsx17 2008-04-04 13:06

Blah, the Deculture edition was much better. Oh well, at least now we know how it might be possible that Alto could feel something other than total apathy for a girl who is actually his own size.

Onizuka-GTO 2008-04-04 14:53

YEs i agree. deculture FTW.

Westlo 2008-04-04 15:03


Originally Posted by ssfsx17 (Post 1510189)
Blah, the Deculture edition was much better. Oh well, at least now we know how it might be possible that Alto could feel something other than total apathy for a girl who is actually his own size.

We're going to get a lot more action scenes that will make the removed one look like crap in comparison. The included scene here actually makes Alto's bitching at Sheryl make sense and gives them a "proper" first meeting. Might make a weaker first episode in some peoples eyes but it's giving the series (or at least the love triangle) a stronger foundation imo.

deffusse 2008-04-04 15:21

and do not forget, that actualy we have seen this episode in december,,, and there wasn't any great differences between them.... So the first watch is allways gona be the best one. That's why, it's not a fair comparison deculture VS actual:rolleyes:

Var 2008-04-04 15:41


Originally Posted by Westlo (Post 1510353)
We're going to get a lot more action scenes that will make the removed one look like crap in comparison. The included scene here actually makes Alto's bitching at Sheryl make sense and gives them a "proper" first meeting. Might make a weaker first episode in some peoples eyes but it's giving the series (or at least the love triangle) a stronger foundation imo.

The only thing I have against the new edition is the lack of the very amazing sync between Sheryl's song and the fight. Other than that, though, the episode was very solid and did add things that felt forgotten in the Deculture. Nyan!

Onizuka-GTO 2008-04-04 15:43

Okay here are some close up shots of one of the cannon fodder "alien" i was amused by the "Outlaw Star" grappling weapon.

it has a tail!!!

look at the underside, has to be a space crab. must hit for maximum damage, im sure. :D

FLCL 2008-04-04 16:02

freaking awesome

deculture was better, but what do you expect

im following this one all the way through

Onizuka-GTO 2008-04-04 17:39

im almost convinced they are an organic life form, the aliens.

the form of the interceptor/cannon fodder is like a shark, it's arms are folded back.

its like it's designed for gravity locomotion, or multi-tasking purpose, legs or something folded. the "engine" seems to be just added to the end, at the rear at leased the "missiles" seem to slot into some sort of enclave.

I bet these creatures are operating on the same sort of basic principles that the Zentradi formed.
Adapted a spacesuit, armour it, bolt on weapons and an engine and send it out, its just not designed for its purpose.

No bets, but i think whatever are piloting them, look the way they do.

Unless the Macross team just going to throw my logic out the window and we all find out the pilots are human sized female humanoid that are genetically compatible.


OoFuri 2008-04-04 20:05

Gorgeous Delicious Deculture:)

orion 2008-04-04 23:02


Originally Posted by ssfsx17 (Post 1510189)
Blah, the Deculture edition was much better. Oh well, at least now we know how it might be possible that Alto could feel something other than total apathy for a girl who is actually his own size.

Lanka still held his attention even at a distance. Sheryl had to physically turn his face towards her. :heh:

So the enemy is possibly a sentient crustacean species? This is different.

Skane 2008-04-05 00:31


Originally Posted by orion (Post 1511146)
~ So the enemy is possibly a sentient crustacean species? This is different.

Getting shades of Invid here. :heh:

Yes, I know that's from Robotech.


Astrana 2008-04-05 01:45

I actually watched it last year, it was very interesting

ssfsx17 2008-04-05 16:35


Originally Posted by orion (Post 1511146)
Lanka still held his attention even at a distance. Sheryl had to physically turn his face towards her. :heh:

So the enemy is possibly a sentient crustacean species? This is different.

Yeah, Alto was probably thinking something like, "Hmm, girls who are my same height actually have stuff to grab a hold of. Maybe I'll consider it."

Jazzrat 2008-04-05 17:02

ummm did anyone else notice alto dressed up as a geisha in the op? o.O

Onizuka-GTO 2008-04-05 17:52

hmm...didn't like the ending first time i heard it, after 19th takes. it's grown onme.

does have an Aquarion type of flavour, I guess it's suppose to be sung in the original Protoculture language.

which, incidently we have no idea what it really sounds like.....

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