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wontaek 2008-06-22 22:02

2008 Best/Super Moe Tournament
This is the thread concerning Female division of Best Moe Tournament hosted by It is a moe tournament that has attracted more than 6,000 voters in the last tournament, 2008 Best Moe Tournament MALE division. If you are interested in participating, please visit the following site to vote.

Link to Vote:

Official Announcements

2008 최고모에토너먼트 여성부
2008 Best Moe-Tournament Female Division

시작 일시 : 2008년 7월 12일 KST (예정)
Starting date : July 12th, 2008 KST (scheduled)
1차 예선 대진표 공개 예정일 : 2008년 7월 2일 KST (예정)
1st round schedule announcement : July 2nd, 2008 KST (scheduled)
All announced time is in Korean Standard Time ( which is UTC + 9 hours, thus identical to JST, WIT, and Yakutsk Time )

참가가능한 캐릭터 조건
Character Eligibility

2007년 7월 1일 ~ 2008년 6월 30일 사이에 방영이 시작된 TVA, 발매된 OVA, 개봉된 극장판 애니메이션 에 나온 여성 캐릭터.

Female characters from TVA , OVA, or Movie which broadcasted or was released between 1st July 2007 ~ 30th June 2008.
동 기간 동안에 총 25화 이상 방영된 장편 애니메이션에 등장한 여성 캐릭터
Female characters from long-running anime series which broadcasted more than 25 episodes during the same period.
2007년 최고모에토너먼트 여성부에 출전한 작품에 속하는 캐릭터지만, 개시 이후(7.1 이후)에 등장해서 등장하지 못한 여성 캐릭터.
Female characters from anime series qualifying for 2007 Moe-Tournament, but didn't participate in last tournament due to late appearance (after beginning of 07 Moe-Tournament, 1st July 2007)
* 여기서 여성캐릭터의 조건은 실제적 성이 여성인 캐릭터를 포함(유사인간, 로봇포함 여장남자 제외)
* Term 'Female character' includes characters whose gender is actually female, or robots and human-like characters with definite feminine features. Male transvestite ( okama ) will be excluded.

지원 언어
Languages supported

공식 지원 언어 : 한국어, 일본어, 영어
Official supported languages : Korean, Japanese, and English
레이아웃 지원 언어 : 중국어
Layout supported languages : Chinese

*세부적인 일정, 변동사항등은 별도의 공지로 남겨둡니다.
* Detailed schedules and any changes will be notified in future posts.
** 예정 일은 상황에 따라서 변동될수 있습니다.
** Scheduled dates may change depending on various situations.

Past Winners

2006 Female division: Champion: Suiseiseki, Runner-up: Sawachika Eri
2007 Male division : Champion: Kyon , Runner-up: Hajikata Toshiro (Gintama)
2007 Female division: Champion: Katsura Hinagiku, Runner-up: Shana
2008 Male division : Champion: Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass) , Runner-up: Hajikata Toshiro (Gintama)

wontaek 2008-06-22 22:21

Voting instruction

Download code generator from the voting site intro page. Auth Code Generator for Windows [ link 1 / link 2 ] Auth Code Generator for Linux [ link 1 / link 2 ]

un the code generator which will generate unique code for your computer. The code will be generated when you press 'Generate'. If you have Copy to Clipboard checked the code will automatically be saved to clipboard and you can paste it to the following by clicking ctrl+v

Auth code
Now press Log-In to enter. The entire site is available in English, although the new page is outdated, but they have never failed to update match table, voting place, and Results pages, so worry not.

At the vote page, there are options of entering moe comments of various kind. Please explore it and tell us about it, as even I don't fully know how much you can do there.

Thread Rule for this thread is same as for the Anime Saimoe Tournament 2008(Japan). Here is the copy of the rule, directly from that thread.

There are some of the rules as agreed between the mods in this thread(just copying and pasting from the last year's thread.).


No Campaign Posts.

* Absolutely no campaign posts allowed.

This includes posts containing ANY campaign verbiage whether in whole or in part. Contributing to the debate is encouraged, provided you do NOT add "VOTE ABCD!!!" (or similar to the post itself). Simply rebutting another's post or opinion with "XYZ sucks" is totally unacceptable.

To be clear:

* Please do not create a post with the sole purpose to campaign for a character!
* Do not add “VOTE FOR XYZ CHARACTER!!” anywhere in your post even if the intent isn't to purely campaign.

We want intelligent, decent and fun discussions about the weekly Rounds and the subsequent winners & losers.

* No Image campaigning.
Do not create a post with an image or collage representation of a campaign poster. In other words: a PhotoShopped image of the character you want people to vote for with “vote for” text added to it.

Posting Etiquette:

* Please do not cross post information about this tournament in other AnimeSuki threads except those which are related to moe tournaments.
Keep all Anime Saimoe Tournament posts, campaigns, character information, voting links, etc., within this thread, other moe tournament threads, or in your signature (signature size limits still apply).

* No "meta-posting".
Meaning: posting about another poster, the thread or about another post itself, is forbidden and will be deleted on-the-spot, regardless of intention. If you want to comment about another poster that’s off-topic and/or personal, send them a PM.

* Any flame-baiting will be deleted and those people banned.
Please keep the thread positive, fun and clean. If your choice doesn’t win the Round and you can’t discuss the fact without complaining, swearing and baiting people into arguments, then don’t post.

* Do not create image only posts.
You can, however, include an image with your discussion. If you want to visually support the character you’re voting for then please do so in the context of your original discussion and use only one or two images. We would encourage the use of “thumbnails” if possible (and please, no large images). PM the mods if you need help with posting thumbnail images.

wontaek 2008-06-22 22:27

Official Schedule and Format. Tournament Forum (Korean only) table place of current of prev result Info

Recent News & Information
Check the announcements and guides of Best Moe Tournament!

[공지사항] 2008 최고모에토너먼트 여성부 일정 확정 발표.

Best Moe Tournament schedule in detail
* This schedule is based on KST
-- Preliminary Rounds --

00:00 12th Jul 08 - 1st preliminary election begins. Total 96 groups, with 6 groups will have match each day. (Total of 16 days) Top 3 characters from each group will advance, and you can vote up to 3 characters
23:30 27th Jul 08 - 1st preliminary election ends.

00:00 29th Jul 08 - 2nd preliminary election begin. Top 2 characters from 6 characters group will advance. Total 288 characters from 48 groups participate. 4 groups will have match each day, total of 12 days.
23:30 09th Aug 08 - 2nd preliminary election ends.

00:00 11th Aug 08 - 3rd preliminary election begin. Top 2 characters from 4 character group will advance. Total 96 characters from 24 groups participate. 2 groups will have match each day, total 12 days.
23:00 22th Aug 08 - 3rd preliminary election ends.

00:00 24th Aug 08 - Repechage round begin. 48 characters from 3rd preliminary election, 192 characters from 2nd preliminary election, and 4th and 5th ranked characters - total 192 characters from 1st preliminary election will participate. Total of 16 groups with 27 characters per each group, with only top ranked character will advance to final rounds. Will progress for 8 days, with 2 groups will have match for each day.
23:30 31th Aug 08 - Repechage round ends.

1st ~ 4th Sep - Preparation for final rounds, upgrade in images.

-- Final Rounds --

00:00 05th Sep 08 - Round of 64 characters begin. Top 2 characters from 16 groups will advance to next round. Each group is formed with 4 characters. Will progress for 8 days, with 2 groups will have match for each day.
23:30 12th Sep 08 - Round of 64 characters ends.

13th~15th Sep 08 - Korean Thanksgiving day vacation

00:00 16th Sep 08 - Round of 32 characters begin. 16 one on one match will be held. Will progress for 8 days, with 2 groups will have match for each day.
23:30 23th Sep 08 - Round of 32 characters ends.

00:00 25th Sep 08 - Round of 16 characters begin. 8 one on one match will be held. Round will progress for 8 days, with single match per day.
23:30 02nd Oct 08 - Round of 16 characters ends.

00:00 04th Oct 08 - Quarterfinal begin. 4 one on one match will be held. Round will progress for 4 days, with single match per day.
23:30 07th Oct 08 - Quarterfinal ends.

00:00 09th Oct 08 - Semi-final begin. 2 one on one match will be held. Round will progress for 2 days, with Single match per day.
23:30 10th Oct 08 - Semi-final ends.

00:00 12th Oct 08 ~ 00:00 14th Oct 08 - The Final Match

* can change depend upon situation

[공지사항] 2008 Best Moe Tournament match table reformed.

As number of newly added characters due to missing of few series such as Mai-Otome Zwei exceed 80, match table was reformed.
It's to comply with the internal rule - when newly added characters exceed certain proportion, that match table should be reformed, due to possibility of unfairness that can be caused by putting characters in empty space for each group.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.

[Notice] 2008 Best Moe Tournament Female Division match table

Match tables for 2008 Best Moe Tournament Female Division is now available
Match will begin at 12th July as scheduled
Below is Moe Tournament poster for PR in both Korean and English. please use it for PR!

해당 웹페이지는 파이어폭스에 최적화 되어있습니다. / This page is best viewed with Firefox.
This page is for English Language. Other languages page - 한국어

Psieye 2008-06-23 07:01

Alright, let's see this K Saimoe nominations list... Usual disclaimer that I can only check series I've seen and I'm not going to exactly remember whether some shows meet the cutoff date for Summer series. Oh and I'm going to correct romanisations while I'm at it:

- 와카츠키 슈리, Syuri Wakatsuki, 若月朱里

Why "Syuri"? "Shuri" is much more natural.

- 츠라라, Churara, ツララ

I know that's how to pronounce it in Korean, but the original Japanese would be romanised as Tsurara. Even more so because later on, "츠유리" is correctly romanised to "Tsuyuri".

- 왕 류 밍, Wang Liu-Mei, ワン·リュ·ミン

Poor romanisation. "Ming" not "Mei"

- 호로, Holo, ホロ

Technically not wrong, but everyone is used to "Horo" not "Holo". The latter just isn't aesthetic.

- 노라 아렌트, Nola Arendt, ノーラ・アレント

Again, I know there's no difference in Asian tongues, but "Nora" does sound different to "Nola". From the anime's pronunciation, go with "Nora".

> Hmm... I note LS doesn't have many entries, because the few entries here fall under "last year's summer show, but they appeared too late to make it in last year". All the main characters already had their turn last year.

* Hang on, shouldn't Kanata (Konata's mother) be elligible this year? Or was she around last year based on a single photo? That'd be a terrible waste then, as she only got her development at the end of the series. Still... if we let her through, I'm sure there'd be plenty of Summer shows which would complain because the best moments of their main characters came after the cut-off date (but if they did well, they'd have received the benefit of it during the matches).

* I know she's not significant, but isn't Fumika's mother missing from the Shigofumi list?

- 시노부, Sinobu, しのぶ

Yes, "Si" and "Shi" both produce 'し' but it should be "Shinobu" here.

* Just to check... Asuka isn't in the Eva Remake Movie 1, but she's elligible because of Eva the series itself, right? As J Saimoe is going strictly by just the first movie this year, meaning Asuka isn't qualified for J Saimoe 2008.

- 쓰르라미 울적에 해답편, SkHigurashi no Naku Koro ni kai, ひぐらしのなく頃に 解

Is there any reason for that "Sk" prefix? Oh and capitalise the K of Kai

- 안녕 절망선생 2기, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Dainiki, さよなら絶望先生 第2期

Er, isn't it better known as Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei? Nobody says "SZS S2" - we all say "ZSZS"

* Hmm, I see Francesca isn't elligible in Allison & Lillia. That's fine, else it'd be an even zanier case than trying to get Konata's mother in by her photo.

* Manga reader's question: was Urd's Angel ever shown in AA! Megami-sama: Tatakau Tsubasa?

- 오! 나의 여신님 싸우는 날개, AA! Megami-sama: Tatakau Tsubasa, ああっ女神さまっ 闘う翼

For that matter, shouldn't we go with "Ah My Goddess" instead of the literal "AA! Megami-sama"? "Tatakau Tsubasa" can probably stay.

- 누님, Ne-sang, ネエサン

Uh..... I haven't seen this series, but this just caught my eye. No. "Nee-san". I'll assume that 'g' at the end is a typo but "Ne-" is unconventional, put the 2nd 'e'.

- 아가씨, Ojyou, オジョウ

Again, technically correct, but we're much more used to seeing "Ojou" than "Ojyou".

* Kanokon: shouldn't Chizuru's mother be in there too?

- Cornelia li Britannia

Li is capitalised for Euphie. Capitalise it for Cornelia too.

- 천자, Tianzi, 天子

Ummu, here I draw my Touhou blood: I know just about every subbing group opted for "Tianzi", but isn't "Tenshi" more natural here? Oh well, I guess "Tianzi" is more widely recognised.

* Potemayo: I know there's a girl missing. I can't remember her name, but it's the young tomboy who appears halfway into the series.

* Genshiken 2: Again, if you technically want to include all the minor characters too, that list is missing the 2 manga-club girls.

- 집주인, Ouyasan, 大家さん

"Oya-san" is much clearer

- 요시노야 선생, Yoshinoya, 吉野屋先生

Put the "-sensei" suffix. Same with Kuwabara-sensei


slimeball 2008-06-23 08:38

we're currently checking and changing things, so thanks for notifying us.:p


Originally Posted by Psieye (Post 1672443)

- 와카츠키 슈리, Syuri Wakatsuki, 若月朱里

Why "Syuri"? "Shuri" is much more natural.

- confirmed "Syuri" is correct name.

- 츠라라, Churara, ツララ

I know that's how to pronounce it in Korean, but the original Japanese would be romanised as Tsurara. Even more so because later on, "츠유리" is correctly romanised to "Tsuyuri".

- "Tsurara" is correct, and we fixed it - thanks for notifying us :)

- 왕 류 밍, Wang Liu-Mei, ワン·リュ·ミン

Poor romanisation. "Ming" not "Mei"

- "Wang Liu-Mei" is confirmed to be correct (there's an argument whether we should follow chinese or japense pronounce)
- decided to follow wiki. "Wang Liu-Mei" confirmed

- 호로, Holo, ホロ

Technically not wrong, but everyone is used to "Horo" not "Holo". The latter just isn't aesthetic.

- "Holo" is confirmed to be official and correct.

- 노라 아렌트, Nola Arendt, ノーラ・アレント

Again, I know there's no difference in Asian tongues, but "Nora" does sound different to "Nola". From the anime's pronunciation, go with "Nora".

- "Nola" is confirmed to be official and correct

> Hmm... I note LS doesn't have many entries, because the few entries here fall under "last year's summer show, but they appeared too late to make it in last year". All the main characters already had their turn last year.

* Hang on, shouldn't Kanata (Konata's mother) be elligible this year? Or was she around last year based on a single photo? That'd be a terrible waste then, as she only got her development at the end of the series. Still... if we let her through, I'm sure there'd be plenty of Summer shows which would complain because the best moments of their main characters came after the cut-off date (but if they did well, they'd have received the benefit of it during the matches).

* I know she's not significant, but isn't Fumika's mother missing from the Shigofumi list?

- Kanata was in last year's tournament, and didn't made into finals.
- Fumika's mother will be added

- 시노부, Sinobu, しのぶ

Yes, "Si" and "Shi" both produce 'し' but it should be "Shinobu" here.

- "Shinobu" is correct. thanks ;) - corrected

* Just to check... Asuka isn't in the Eva Remake Movie 1, but she's elligible because of Eva the series itself, right? As J Saimoe is going strictly by just the first movie this year, meaning Asuka isn't qualified for J Saimoe 2008.

- 쓰르라미 울적에 해답편, SkHigurashi no Naku Koro ni kai, ひぐらしのなく頃に 解

Is there any reason for that "Sk" prefix? Oh and capitalise the K of Kai

- that Sk thing was just appeared to be error occured during copy-and paste. thank you for notifying us - all corrected

- 안녕 절망선생 2기, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Dainiki, さよなら絶望先生 第2期

Er, isn't it better known as Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei? Nobody says "SZS S2" - we all say "ZSZS"

- will be "Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei". thanks for notifying us - all corrected

* Hmm, I see Francesca isn't elligible in Allison & Lillia. That's fine, else it'd be an even zanier case than trying to get Konata's mother in by her photo.

* Manga reader's question: was Urd's Angel ever shown in AA! Megami-sama: Tatakau Tsubasa?

- 오! 나의 여신님 싸우는 날개, AA! Megami-sama: Tatakau Tsubasa, ああっ女神さまっ 闘う翼

For that matter, shouldn't we go with "Ah My Goddess" instead of the literal "AA! Megami-sama"? "Tatakau Tsubasa" can probably stay.

- will be changed into 'Ah my goddess'

- 누님, Ne-sang, ネエサン

Uh..... I haven't seen this series, but this just caught my eye. No. "Nee-san". I'll assume that 'g' at the end is a typo but "Ne-" is unconventional, put the 2nd 'e'.

- checking~ since it seems there is two way of calling nee-san.

- 아가씨, Ojyou, オジョウ

Again, technically correct, but we're much more used to seeing "Ojou" than "Ojyou".

- checking

* Kanokon: shouldn't Chizuru's mother be in there too?

- she will be included

- Cornelia li Britannia

Li is capitalised for Euphie. Capitalise it for Cornelia too.

- corrected

- 천자, Tianzi, 天子

Ummu, here I draw my Touhou blood: I know just about every subbing group opted for "Tianzi", but isn't "Tenshi" more natural here? Oh well, I guess "Tianzi" is more widely recognised.

* Potemayo: I know there's a girl missing. I can't remember her name, but it's the young tomboy who appears halfway into the series.

- we'll look for her

* Genshiken 2: Again, if you technically want to include all the minor characters too, that list is missing the 2 manga-club girls.

- we're currnetly looking for the person who worked for it, and will get it fixed.

- 집주인, Ouyasan, 大家さん

"Oya-san" is much clearer

- checking

- 요시노야 선생, Yoshinoya, 吉野屋先生

Put the "-sensei" suffix. Same with Kuwabara-sensei

- corrected


we really thank you for your help :)

ps. when we says 'official', it means we follow either (if not both) official homepage or wikipedia

ps2. thanks again for help;)

Furudanuki 2008-06-23 09:12


Originally Posted by Psieye (Post 1672443)
* Potemayo: I know there's a girl missing. I can't remember her name, but it's the young tomboy who appears halfway into the series.

Her name is:
関 とまり (Seki Tomari)

Psieye 2008-06-23 09:20


Originally Posted by slimeball (Post 1672587)
ps. when we says 'official', it means we follow either (if not both) official homepage or wikipedia

Ah, good enough standard then yes. I may not like some official romanisations (damn 'Sola'... it should be 'Sora') but sticking with official is a sound strategy. You may want to put a disclaimer saying it is the official versions though - a lot of us are used to the more natural sounding/looking variants.

KaneDragon 2008-06-23 10:49

Haha @ "Holo". Damn that L/R confusion.

minhtam1638 2008-06-23 11:35

You know what, I have half a mind to make that annoying authentication code Macintosh compatible...

melange 2008-06-23 12:07


Originally Posted by minhtam2448 (Post 1672881)
You know what, I have half a mind to make that annoying authentication code Macintosh compatible...

Seconded >_<
It's kinda lame to have to vote through Parallels...

wontaek 2008-06-23 12:42


Originally Posted by minhtam2448 (Post 1672881)
You know what, I have half a mind to make that annoying authentication code Macintosh compatible...

Please do so and email it to Eundong. You know his email address.

minhtam1638 2008-06-23 13:02


Originally Posted by wontaek (Post 1673007)
Please do so and email it to Eundong. You know his email address.

If I didn't have my hands full at the moment, I would undertake this quest. But I think I know a few sources that can help me out in this manner.

Either way, converting .exe to .dmg is not an easy task, if possible at all. If anything, I may have to start from scratch.

Psieye 2008-06-23 13:19

Macs are much closer to Linux than Windows aren't they? Shouldn't you be starting from Linux and if all else fails, just run a Linux terminal on your Mac and see if you can get it to work from there? The main reason to get a Mac laptop at my work place is for an easier time having portable Linux.

minhtam1638 2008-06-23 13:26


Originally Posted by Psieye (Post 1673073)
Macs are much closer to Linux than Windows aren't they? Shouldn't you be starting from Linux and if all else fails, just run a Linux terminal on your Mac and see if you can get it to work from there? The main reason to get a Mac laptop at my work place is for an easier time having portable Linux.

You know what - you're right. Now, the terminals on a Macintosh - those are pretty much, Linux supportive, aren't they? Or do I have to just recode it from a Linux machine and then test it on a Mac?

Psieye 2008-06-23 13:30

Don't ask me, I'm the guy who sticks with Windows for the sake of keeping up with Comiket Doujin games, using a Linux desktop at work. If need be, I could get you in contact with a few colleagues of mine from work to discuss this.

minhtam1638 2008-06-23 14:53

Okay, question - is the Linux application provided an open-source application?

Psieye 2008-06-23 23:53

I'd guess yes, it's a tarball they provide in their link. In fact, a closed-source Linux application is an alien concept to me. Hence my answer even though I've never looked at it.


This is from ZSZS Ep 12. Do the K Saimoe officials see that as Kyonko? If so, is Kyonko elligible this year?

Also, should Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight qualify based on the release date of the OVA (Ep 6.5), which was 10 Oct 2007? I ask because I note it's available in J Saimoe this year.

slimeball 2008-06-25 10:09


ain't really sure, but unfourtunately, i don't think she'll be able to.

as long as her identity isn't clear she won't be albe to participate -

also someone informed me that when that episode was on the air, kyoko didn't even exist

ps. it seems that manabi straight was missing from our chart, so they will be included

Psieye 2008-06-25 10:25


Originally Posted by slimeball (Post 1678378)
as long as her identity isn't clear she won't be albe to participate -

That's a good enough reason. Whatever you decide, just be clear on it and it'll be accepted.


Originally Posted by slimeball (Post 1678378)
also someone informed me that when that episode was on the air, kyoko didn't even exist

ZSZS aired from 2008-01-05 to 2008-03-29. Ep 12 thus falls in mid-March. ASuki's own Genderbending of Suzumiya Haruhi thread started on 20 Feb 2008, with an image of Kyonko posted on 21 Feb 2008. Your information was inaccurate.

Still, it's your guys' call - if you deem an uncertain image is not sufficient to qualify, that's a fair decision. J Saimoe may or may not decide to accept our 3 nomination votes for Kyonko - they're registered as official votes now but until she shows up in the Prelims that's tentative.

minhtam1638 2008-06-25 11:27

I'm with Slimeball on this one - while Kyonko is Kyonko, the official identity of the girl in question (you don't even see her face!) is unknown, and has yet to be unidentified, so I doubt Korea will accept that.

Japan, on the other hand, did accept Ayu, Nayuki, and Makoto when they appeared in AIR...

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