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Pellissier 2009-01-28 04:02

Toradora! - Episode 17 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Toradora!, Episode 17.

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typhonsentra 2009-01-28 08:21

"Mercury Retrogrades at Christmas"

Guess Christmas is a month late this year.

BetoJR 2009-01-28 08:28

Is it wrong of me to have LOL'ed at this comment? :heh:

KallenMiki 2009-01-28 08:58

I wonder what would be the episode like? :p

wistfulloner 2009-01-28 09:42

Can someone explain to me what "Mercury Retrogrades" mean and how it applies to Christmas?

Tri-ring 2009-01-28 09:46


Originally Posted by wistfulloner (Post 2185849)
Can someone explain to me what "Mercury Retrogrades" mean and how it applies to Christmas?

To my knowledge it is a kind of delayed fuse used for bombs not utilizing a timer.
Don't really know how it connects with Christmas.

wistfulloner 2009-01-28 09:50

Really? I swore it had something to do with astronomy, but that doesn't have anything to do with Christmas either.

puppygod 2009-01-28 09:58

Yep, it has to do with astronomy.
Retrograde is when planets appear to move backwards relative to stars and moon. Mercury can be seen from Earth as an object of magnitude of up to -2.0. So "Mercury retrogrades at Chrismas" means that during Chrismas Mercury apparently moves in opposite direction than other stars.

asrielchase 2009-01-28 10:17

Mercury Retrogrades also means a lot in divination. Errr I found a lot of meanings not sure which ones are true... but basically one becomes blunt to the feelings of others, feels like people around you is acting strangely, and it's encouraged that you think twice before you act.

Darknemo2000 2009-01-28 10:20

This should be the episode with new OP and ED since the theme will shift in romantic affections terms.

Miles Teg 2009-01-28 12:07

I will start by a quote from 4chan /a/ :D that resume pretty well the episode ;)


Taiga's simply TORADORABLE this episode

New OP, It start with everybody passing each other and walking in different direction, we have scene with each main character doing their thing after school and finally everybody together to eat.

New ED, Ryuji bake an orange pie and the three girl arrive at his apartment and they eat the cake.

Led_Zeppelin 2009-01-28 12:32

I really enjoyed the new OP and ED....

I can't wait for the new chapter...

slipstream 2009-01-28 13:40

Spoiler for silky hearts & oranges:

Tyabann 2009-01-28 13:40

The new OP... wow.

Just wow.

I, um. Wow.

ED is less awesome (Taiga looks too pissed) but my god the new OP is gold.

This show is awesome.

vaberella 2009-01-28 13:54


Originally Posted by slipstream (Post 2186159)
Spoiler for silky hearts & oranges:

You know what...I don't like either the song of the vid.
Spoiler for OP/ED:

I get the feeling that the last 9 eps including 17 may not hold the same fun the other eps did. Or that's the impression the new OP and ED have given me. ~sigh~

Tyabann 2009-01-28 13:56

If they follow the novels, "upbeat" is not the word I would use to describe the coming events.

wistfulloner 2009-01-28 14:08

This episode lacks meaning to me, simply because I CAN'T UNDERSTAND IT. Not only is this caused by my complete ignorance of the Japanese language, but also because for this episode onward I'm completely in the dark as to what happens (No novel help). Waiting anxiously for subs.

What I did find awkward about this episode is how everything goes back to normal suddenly after the big cat fight. Taiga is oh so happy, and Ryuji didn't mention anything else. Just a small chink in the chain, if anything else. I did love Taiga, she seems more like a carefree youth; more "normal" now, less tiger attitude. Oh boy did Ami get on my nerves though. One thing to note: Great they could get Noto, Haruta and Kahira to play a larger role than just be extras.

OP and ED fits perfectly into the new arc. Have to commend the opening, it was hella stylish. The scene with the five of them together was simply heart-warming. I have this nagging feeling that the ED is focused on Ryuji's relationship with the girls though (i.e. Where's Kitamura?).

Notes to self:

-"Angel Taiga will take off her clothes for you", no joke about that.
-Taiga loves Christmas, CHRISTMAS DAIIII SUKI
-Doughnut hats are in style.
-Ami after leaning on Taiga's head looks like that crazy teacher.
-Minori, yandere in the making?

Tyabann 2009-01-28 14:20


Originally Posted by wistfulloner (Post 2186221)
What I did find awkward about this episode is how everything goes back to normal suddenly after the big cat fight. Taiga is oh so happy, and Ryuji didn't mention anything else.

It's been over a month...

wistfulloner 2009-01-28 14:31

Oh? That's something new to me. Thanks for the enlightenment.

Tyabann 2009-01-28 14:33


Originally Posted by wistfulloner (Post 2186247)
Oh? That's something new to me. Thanks for the enlightenment.

Should be, if it's Christmas now... I think the last arc was in November.

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