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Blue*Dragon 2004-02-23 03:07

Question to fanfic writers
yeah maby an stupid question but why do i see the most fanfic writters doenst finishing there story. When the concept are good they ussually quit around eps 10-15. Why is that?

ps: Wanted to post here because of the fanfics makers goes around here

Sakura-chan 2004-02-23 03:17

'Cause it's really darn hard to write fanfics? *Wants to quit writing her fanfic, but can't since it's a project for school* ;__;

black-epiphany 2004-02-23 03:21

It's easy to lose intereset in something. If writing isn't something you absoluetly love then it's very hard to write a long fanfic. For example, I'm an artist and sometime's it's hard for me to work on 1 picture for long long periods of time. I mean, it could be really beautiful and all but eventually you can really get sick of it =X

Blue*Dragon 2004-02-23 09:05

well they forgot to think what between the couple of eps will hapened. Like me is the story not always what i thaught from yesterday. And I self have finished 10eps from my own story but it still goes on because i know what to write and make it excitment. :)

And uh black-epiphany the anime workers ussually make it with an model programme to desgin a character.

ss_goku4 2004-02-23 15:09

I agree with black-epiphany. I too believe that one must have a "drive", so to speak, to be able to continue what they do. You can't do what you don't like, or do something you get tired of. I personaly am working on a story myself. I have characters, a storyline, settings, actions, relationships and so on. I wouldn't be doing that if I didn't like it. A lot of people who write may stop for short to long periods of time, but its natural. Stopping at ep. 10-15 or so, is not bad, im sure you have stopped at one point, and then came back. Simply taking a break is not bad. I too cannot work on a drawing for a Loooong period of time. What usually ends up happening is that I get more and more newer Ideas and I start on that one instead.

This may or may have made sense, but what the hell. Im going with it. :)

Blue*Dragon 2004-02-24 01:51

yeah I had sometimes that i didnt work contieuly on my story but when Iam back men what do I want to finished the eps. But for 1 reason the superweapons in my story were now takend by the strange ninja warrior. Instad that i woulded that the 5 Guys get to the laboratory and get the weapons.

I got also 1 reason. Every eps contain almost an half A4 so it is a lot of work thaught it is great when my series is over.

BTW: The Japanese companies that makes the animation. Are they ussually contact a fanfic writer that finished there story over 40eps or more??

Mr_Anonomis 2004-02-24 19:05

i quit fanfic writing a long time ago, i used to do all kinds of it...but then i got into computer games, and then fanfic got boring, and that's my sad, pathetic life story, though it really isnt...but who cares?

Newprimus 2004-02-24 19:07

My two biggest problems in trying to finish fanfics:

1. Need committment and motivation.

2. Sometimes you suddenly have a great idea for a different fic and it interferes with the thinking process for your current one.

Raxial 2004-02-24 19:11

Remember, Stephen King spent like 20 years (he started towards the end of highschool with a single sentance that became the first sentance of the book) or some crazy amount of time writing the first book of the Dark Tower series (if you've ever read it, and I HIGHLY recommend you do). Just wait till you get inspiration, and if you don't, maybe you should look for some or start on another story.

Newprimus 2004-02-24 22:45

Mark Twain also had something like a 12-year writer's block during when he was writing Huck Finn.

Lord Raiden 2004-02-25 00:58

hehe. I'm stepping into this kinda late, but I'll toss in my two cents.

If I were to write a fanfic, I usually follow several basic rules.

1. Keep it short. It prevents any need for unnessisary filler or non-cannon ramblings.
2. Have the whole story planned out before you write. If not, you'll write yourself into a hole that you can't get out of.
3. Keep it as true to the series as absolutely possible.

You do that, you'll do great. Myself, I find it hard enough to follow the cannon I set down in my own books, but doing it off someone elses work is much, much harder. :)

EfrainMan 2004-07-05 12:56

Some writers, too, have time stripped from them by Real Life and that keeps them from finishing. I haven't had any time to write for some months now, but I've finally started putting more words down. There's as many different reasons as there are writers.

Lord Raiden 2004-07-05 14:43

I'm actually taking 2 months out from my writing to get caught up on other things before they stack up too deep and bury me beyond recovery. :twitch:

DarkCntry 2004-07-05 16:48

I, personally, try to keep it short, but I am finding that there are more and more times that I go back and re-read that I get the feeling I should've fleshed out some sections. That's why on this Chnro Crusade fic I am doing, I'm going to gradually get larger and larger with each chapter. This will allow me the open space I need to bring in more and more points as the reader continues.
I've got rough drafts of the first two chapters up while I am working on proofreading, content revising, and continuity adjustments, as well as working on the next chapters.

Lord Raiden 2004-07-05 16:56

hehe. Sounds almost like my work on Earth Fleet. Everytime I write a chapter I find the need to go back with yet another chapter and add more and more details. Heck, my first book was 22 chapters long and I could have kept going but I had to cut it off there because it was getting too long. Now I'm already 16 chapters into my next book and this story arc is gonna end up streaching across 2, maybe 3 books. That's because right now I'm technically floating 3 separate and distinct story arcs side by side because the events in each play into the other and they all happen at the same time. Even trying to be as direct as I have been, my book second book is easy gonna cross 100k words. :eek:

PS: If you wanna read some of my stuff, go here and check it out. :D

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