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Pellissier 2009-04-09 14:46

Hayate no Gotoku!! (2nd Season) - Episode 2 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Hayate no Gotoku!! (2nd Season), Episode 2.

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serenade_beta 2009-04-09 20:49

May the ED change, may the ED change, may the ED change, may the ED change, may the ED change, may the ED change, may the ED change, may the ED change...
Yeah, I doubt it. Haa... *looks outside*

Von Himmel 2009-04-10 00:04

I hope the ED will change so that it'll give chance for another character to sing. I can't wait to hear Maria's :x
But, it's strange isn't it #_# I found myself a deep liking to Hinagiku, but it still seems strange to have her has her own ED song :( Maybe I don't like if someone try to monopolize something :(

Mentar 2009-04-10 13:54

Oh wow, they're really really racing. They're even up to chapter 60 already :)

(Just to be clear: I love this. Because this means we're getting the story in a very condensed fashion. No filler, no nonsense, just meat. Wonderful)

Hina in Revenge Mode is a total treat, as expected ^_^

Oh, and - still the Hina ED. I don't mind at all. Besides, I expect them to rotate then ED later anyway.

Von Himmel 2009-04-10 15:10

Is it probably because that the arc would resolve around Hina for a while ? Maybe they'll change it after the scene in the clocktower.

Midonin 2009-04-10 15:12

The only thing that can change about the ED at this point is who Hina's backup singers are (either to Yukiji or Ayumu). There hasn't been any announcements of another ending single anywhere.

serenade_beta 2009-04-10 17:09

Haa... Tired...

Arghg... OP's high pitch is annoying... Kugimiya shut up... (#-_-)

Ah?! Siesta, is that you?! Siesta! Siestaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!...
Sister = シスター
Siesta = シエスタ
Hau... Good treat.

Decent episode. Tempo is still somewhere off, but then again, it isn't like Hayate no Gotoku's original source was a lot more interesting in that factor either. Anyways, Hayate quality, perhaps. Hinagiku's flag breaking and the Densha Otoko reference was funny. It was surprising and nice to hear Siesta talk (of course, muting out any sentence related to religion).

Nn? Did the anime just skip over an Ayumu part?
Oi, JC... Come with me for a moment... Ahn?! Don't worry, this isn't a knife.

Hai! ED skipped! If I watch this ED anymore, I'll probably end up hating Hinagiku with all my heart... That wouldn't be good. Ah~, I can imagine it. "Hinagiku kawaii yo Hinagiku" turning into "Hinagiku SHINE!" in my head... orz
Hmm? Computer's spelling checker... Hinagiku... --> Hindenburg!

Miko >>>>>>>>> Sister

Shiroth 2009-04-10 17:14


Originally Posted by Mentar (Post 2332704)
Oh, and - still the Hina ED. I don't mind at all. Besides, I expect them to rotate then ED later anyway.

/me hopes for a Tama themed ED

Mentar 2009-04-10 17:20


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 2333054)
Decent episode. Tempo is still somewhere off, but then again, it isn't like Hayate no Gotoku's original source was a lot more interesting in that factor either.

Off as in what? To be honest, in my opinion, the tempo is rather spot-on. Yes, it's a bit less crazy than the single shots from S1, but in exchange something like a coherent STORY is slowly emerging.

Sorry. In my opinion, it was S1 which was "off". S2 is doing the show like I wanted it to be done all the time. Thanks, J.C.Staff ^_^

serenade_beta 2009-04-10 17:31


Originally Posted by Mentar (Post 2333074)
Off as in what?

Dunno. Just feels that way. Right now.

Mentar 2009-04-10 17:33

You were a Hamster shipper, right? ;)

Heck, you'll get alot of exposure for her, too. The whole Valentine Day arc (probably starting ep4) will be centered around her and Hina.

serenade_beta 2009-04-10 17:37


Originally Posted by Mentar (Post 2333092)
You were a Hamster shipper, right? ;)

Heck, you'll get alot of exposure for her, too. The whole Valentine Day arc (probably starting ep4) will be centered around her and Hina.

I'll see. Who knows how JC Staff will animate the material. It doesn't help that my opinion of JC has been dropping recently... And Hinagiku appears. With the current wonderful Hinagiku-worshipping staff, I'll be waiting without anticipating anything.
Haa... I need to go listen to Ayumu's character song... *walks off*

alu546 2009-04-11 00:51

If Hinagiku didnt exist in the Hayate-verse, id be full on for ayumu, i still wouldnt mind an ayumu pairing, but i just love me some hina-chan

And so, this week Hayate learns the lesson that it is not a good idea to piss hinagiku off.

xellos2099 2009-04-11 01:57

They cutted some corner with the concerning chapters.

Von Himmel 2009-04-11 03:11

They cut Ayumu and Hayate story ;_;

This episode got me a certain feeling of serious atmosphere when I watch it. The way that Hayate think about being alone, and with how the song support the atmosphere makes me a little sad ;_;

Shiroth 2009-04-11 06:16


Originally Posted by Mentar (Post 2333074)
Off as in what? To be honest, in my opinion, the tempo is rather spot-on. Yes, it's a bit less crazy than the single shots from S1, but in exchange something like a coherent STORY is slowly emerging.

No that's the thing, the manga material that's being animated now was a lot more up-beat in the manga. Sure i enjoyed this episode a lot more then the second, though it's not close to what i wanted to see in terms of adapting the source material.

Ah well, we all have our different opinions. I'm still enjoying it, and hope they'll start to change the ED's around (even though i am a huge Hina fan, though more of a Nagi fan).

alu546 2009-04-11 12:51


Originally Posted by Flyvedelta (Post 2333962)
They cut Ayumu and Hayate story ;_;

This episode got me a certain feeling of serious atmosphere when I watch it. The way that Hayate think about being alone, and with how the song support the atmosphere makes me a little sad ;_;

I thought they did that story last season, or something like that anyway.

Midonin 2009-04-11 13:09

The fourth-wall-breaking moment in the middle of the episode with the guy on the train was the best part for me. The characters are still being themselves and everything is pretty nicely done, but I am always up for a healthy dose of metafiction.

VRMN 2009-04-11 13:26


Originally Posted by alu546 (Post 2334654)
I thought they did that story last season, or something like that anyway.

Heavily modified to the point that it doesn't really resemble the manga's version, but yeah, they did a story where Hayate played Ayumu's butler. Under the guise of amnesia Hayate didn't really have instead of training, but, nonetheless.

Anyway, I still miss the opportunity, but it's negated somewhat by HOW they skipped it. Sonia shutting down Ayumu was hilarious. Of course, Hina in Revenge Mode is fine, too, but Sonia really stole the episode for me. Amen. :p

chaosprophet 2009-04-12 01:19

Loved this episode. I think the adaptation was well done and made me laugh as much as I did in the manga. U didn't like tha they skipped part of the story but like VRMN the way they did was a good trade-off.

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