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4Tran 2009-08-15 09:39

Valkyria Chronicles - Episode 20 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Valkyria Chronicles, Episode 20.

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carmolita 2009-08-15 16:59

Now why did fadio go and do a stupid thing like that, someone tell me that
Spoiler for faldio and alicia:
Either way it was another tear jerker.

Manji Midou 2009-08-15 17:15


Originally Posted by carmolita (Post 2583901)
Now why did fadio go and do a stupid thing like that, someone tell me that
Spoiler for faldio and alicia:
Either way it was another tear jerker.

[ HAHAHAHA.... so that's how they decided to resolve this issue....


KiraYamatoFan 2009-08-15 17:29


Originally Posted by Manji Midou (Post 2583948)

That really sucks! :( :(

Now, how will the writers find a way to make that spectacular final scene if...


BTW, I don't like your tone in what you wrote. If your only meaning here is to ditch the series rather than discussing things more intelligently, you're the only useless fool here. :frustrated:

JagdPanther 2009-08-15 17:37

Did you like him or something, KYF?

Shiroth 2009-08-15 17:40


Originally Posted by Manji Midou (Post 2583948)

Spoiler for Episode 20:


Originally Posted by KiraYamatoFan (Post 2583972)
BTW, I don't like your tone in what you wrote. If your only meaning here is to ditch the series rather than discussing things more intelligently, you're the only useless fool here. :frustrated:

We're all allowed to have our own opinions you know. :p

KiraYamatoFan 2009-08-15 17:43


Originally Posted by JagdPanther (Post 2583999)
Did you like him or something, KYF?

He was OK to me, but his interactions with Isara mostly had a perfect timing every time. After I played the game and watched the youtube vids over and over again, I felt he was best placed to carry on Isara's last wish/will just like the 2 mechanics from the R&D center did in the game.

Now, I have a hard time seeing good things ahead to make the conclusion very spectacular as it was previously done in the game.

Manji Midou 2009-08-15 17:43


Originally Posted by KiraYamatoFan (Post 2583972)
That really sucks! :( :(

Now, how will the writers find a way to make that spectacular final scene if...

[SPOILER]BTW, I don't like your tone in what you wrote. If your only meaning here is to ditch the series rather than discussing things more intelligently, you're the only useless fool here. :frustrated:



Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 2584008)
Spoiler for Episode 20:


justinstrife 2009-08-15 17:45


Originally Posted by KiraYamatoFan (Post 2583972)
That really sucks! :( :(

Now, how will the writers find a way to make that spectacular final scene if...


BTW, I don't like your tone in what you wrote. If your only meaning here is to ditch the series rather than discussing things more intelligently, you're the only useless fool here. :frustrated:

Uhhh wtf? I think Manji's been posting PLENTY of intelligent posts in this sub-forum over the past several months. And has had very valid complaints against this series, as have others(me included). Should we start questioning your usefulness in here? :rolleyes:

And I agree perfectly with Manji. Ramal was a useless character as he didn't add anything to the story, and took away several elements that will either now not be included in ANY form, or will just be thrown in with nothing to make sense of their inclusions.

Snowman24 2009-08-15 17:48

Wow, what an episode

Spoiler for episode 20 break down:

SoldierOfDarkness 2009-08-15 17:49


Originally Posted by justinstrife (Post 2584024)
Uhhh wtf? I think Manji's been posting PLENTY of intelligent posts in this sub-forum over the past several months. And has had very valid complaints against this series, as have others(me included). Should we start questioning your usefulness in here? :rolleyes:

And I agree perfectly with Manji. Ramal was a useless character as he didn't add anything to the story, and took away several elements that will either now not be included in ANY form, or will just be thrown in with nothing to make sense of their inclusions.

I'd have to agree on that part:heh:

Though it gives the impressions the writers were trying something new and screwing around and then when Isara died (The episode where she was killed) they decided to get back on track with the game.

Snowman24 2009-08-15 17:55

lol, I was still surprised by my reaction to the whole thing and my totally wrong emotion that popped up

Spoiler for haha:

KiraYamatoFan 2009-08-15 17:57


Originally Posted by justinstrife (Post 2584024)
Uhhh wtf? I think Manji's been posting PLENTY of intelligent posts in this sub-forum over the past several months. And has had very valid complaints against this series, as have others(me included). Should we start questioning your usefulness in here? :rolleyes:

And I agree perfectly with Manji. Ramal was a useless character as he didn't add anything to the story, and took away several elements that will either now not be included in ANY form, or will just be thrown in with nothing to make sense of their inclusions.

I have been irritated with the way he formulated a number of comments here, and this use of sarcasm was the drop going overboard. Hey, don't push me! :mad:

For your info, I thought Ramal was created to both replace the part Leon and Kreis played in particular moments of the game. And I don't that idea was silly because it was logical since L&K were interacting a lot with Isara, but aren't here in the series to continue her work. Were they useless in most the early scenes? More or less, yes! Were they totally useless when looking back at the whole game storyline? No! Ramal could have had a similar role taking over both roles after Isara died and leading towards that spectacular finish.

Darknemo2000 2009-08-15 17:59

So lets get it straight:

Spoiler for shit that this anime is:

Shiroth 2009-08-15 18:03


Originally Posted by KiraYamatoFan (Post 2584061)
For your info, I thought Ramal was created to both replace the part Leon and Kreis played in particular moments of the game. And I don't that idea was silly because it was logical since L&K were interacting a lot with Isara, but aren't here in the series to continue her work. Were they totally useless when looking back at the game's storyline? No! Ramal could have had a similar role taking over both roles and leading towards that spectacular finish.

That's what i thought when we first find out about an anime original character, and no Leon and Kreis in sight, but seriously that idea vanished completely when the series started. The only role Ramal had was falling for Isara. That's it. Pointless.

Sure some of their scenes were nice, though what did that do for Isara's character? Not a lot really.

@KiraYamatoFan - reading your reason for editing your past post, and we're idiots now just because we don't agree with what you're saying? :p

KiraYamatoFan 2009-08-15 18:12


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 2584072)
That's what i thought when we first find out about an anime original character, and no Leon and Kreis in sight, but seriously that idea vanished completely when the series started. The only role Ramal had was falling for Isara. That's it. Pointless.

Sure some of their scenes were nice, though what did that do for Isara's character? Not a lot really.

It shows the kind of epic failure the writers are with their job (C***S! :frustrated:). Should they get fired from the studio (which I really wish), I hope they won't get their unemployment check because they don't even know how to use a brain.

Leon and Kreis also had a weakness for Isara, I guess this is no secret. :rolleyes: As I said, Ramal could have taken over Kreis' role as Edelweiss' new driver to continue Isara's primary role(Kreis did... Zaka, get a tank of your own). For later scenes, we could have brought a flashback of something Isara said and maybe keep the suprise of that last will to anime-only viewers (not much of a surprise to us game adepts).

KiraYamatoFan 2009-08-15 18:14


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 2584072)
@KiraYamatoFan - reading your reason for editing your past post, and we're idiots now just because we don't agree with what you're saying? :p

Not to you, but especially to justinstrife who's been someone I hated for a number of comments in other series a long time ago.

Manji Midou 2009-08-15 18:26

Oh my....
This episode has released some serious emotion out of some of us....:heh:


Leon and Kreis also had a weakness for Isara, I guess this is no secret. As I said, Ramal could have taken over Kreis' role as Edelweiss' new driver to continue Isara's primary role(Kreis did... Zaka, get a tank of your own). For later scenes, we could have brought a flashback of something Isara said and maybe keep the suprise of that last will to anime-only viewers (not much of a surprise to us game adepts).
See that's the problem right there, did you honestly believe these writers had the ability to come up with something as clever as that?....

KiraYamatoFan 2009-08-15 18:34


Originally Posted by Manji Midou (Post 2584116)
Oh my....
See that's the problem right there, did you honestly believe these writers had the ability to come up with something as clever as that?....

Speaking who wrote the screenplay, look at this:

I seriously can't believe that guy failed so miserably after giving me a few quality anime titles (Blood+ and XXXHolic among others) under his pen. :frustrated:

justinstrife 2009-08-15 18:36


Originally Posted by KiraYamatoFan (Post 2584096)
Not to you, but especially to justinstrife who's been someone I hated for a number of comments in other series a long time ago.

Meh you're only Canadian. What do I care if you hate me or not? :p

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