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Old 2007-06-29, 00:32   Link #36
Mr Hat and Clogs
Did someone call a doctor
Join Date: Apr 2007
Age: 41
@ Justice Knight

Nope, not really.

Has Hitsugaya in it again and.. um.. whats-er-name... looks like it might be a comedy episode or something minor fluff, nothing really 'serious' like this little arc. From the short clip it looks like he meets up with Ichigo's sister karin (I think its her, I havent seen her or Orihime's friend for a while and might be getting em mixed up). They might hit it off for some wacky adventure or a bit of just a chat, it would be funny if he joined a soccer team with her though.

Someone else mentioned somewhere that the next 4 episodes look like comedy episodes based on their names, dunno anything about that though.

I didn't mind this little filler arc, wasn't the best, but it passes the time, I prefer little arcs like this then a big drawn out one, though they are OK to if the story is good.

Last edited by Mr Hat and Clogs; 2007-06-29 at 00:48.
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