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Old 2007-07-01, 00:31   Link #1039
Fuyu no Sora
Mistress of Impatience
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: In a place of extremes. From below freezing to above boiling.
Originally Posted by Satashi View Post
If it was the original it wouldn't make any sence. The actual referance pun was from Family Guy, and the "robe and wizard hat" was spontanious to get giggles from people who knew what it was from.

The code gives you 99 lives in Contra 1 for the NES as well.

They're not being sluts, They're fighting becuase of their rival status with each other after a prank played on them by Hayate. And besides, alot of people died laughing when they acted very OOC in the "Happy birthday,Nanoha". As I said before each chapter. They are NOT meant to be taken seriously, and if you don't like that kind of humor don't read it.

Lol, USB-chan's stuff pwns, but I'll try not to take from the funnyness that is Sleeping Lyrical. Don't worry, they're kept in check. Kind of.
That game's so OLD! OMG, you just activated some very good ol' memories

A prank.......Hayate......

Does this include cosplay? (joke btw)

Sorry, but I take it seriously =P. I don't mind OOC-ness and I think people should have the right to act like that when they're able to have a break *nods head*

I meant that as a joke too I'm sure Amy has a 100 ton hammer awaiting Chrono and since Teana's been looking for a reson to kill off Vice for a while, not to mention Signum and her "uke" complex that he happened to mention........he'll be a stain on Leavatein and blood will drip from Cross Mirage's second form

This last paragraph is a joke, please don't take it seriously
"You wanted to say that, but you didn't have enough common sense."
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