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Old 2007-07-09, 02:27   Link #34
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
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Originally Posted by Kaoru Chujo View Post

3. Where do you get the idea that Sugita is "ego-overloaded"? I don't read a lot about him, but I've never read that, and the little bits I've seen live make him seem fairly confident, but not big-headed.
I imagine it's the characters he plays that he's talking about. If you go by his characters alone then I could see one imagining him as very egotistical and self-righteous. They even went so far as to portray him as such in Lucky Star episode 12, acting very high and mighty with the customer and doing his usual sarcastic and "assumption of correctness" voice that he does with all the characters I've ever seen him voice before being corrected by the Anime Tenchou.

Basically, sometimes when a person frequently portrays a certain type of character trait while acting and exudes that character trait even when its not necessarily called for, by their sheer presence alone, people begin to wonder if it's really acting. An example would be Tony Sirico as Paulie Walnuts in The Soprano's. Part of the reason he's so convincing as a mobster is that he actually had been involved in with the mob and engaged in the intimidation and strong arming of nightclubs before becoming an actor.

Given how a lot of people seem to think of Sugita Tomokazu as the something like the greatest Male VA out there right now, it wouldn't surprise me if it gave him a bit of an ego.

I'll go right out and say though that I prefer Minoru's laid back and fun attitude to anything I've ever heard from Sugita Tomokazu, period. Whereas Sugita Tomokazu seems like he would be a drag to hang out with in real life, Minoru seems like the kind of fun loving guy I could get along with very well at a social gathering.

I also agree 150% with Vexx on how great it is to see such a humble and humorous MALE fellow as Minoru getting some exposure in an industry that is currently dominated by many Female Idol Seiyuu, who's public personas that are all grafted to appeal to the Otaku market have caused them to all blend together into a group where none of them really stands out amongst the rest (since they all have essentially the same image). Minoru really does seem for real though in that I'm not sure he's even trying to prove anything, but just out to have a good time.

Though Vexx, we probably will have Aya Hirano singing in person, as time has proven that the fans can never get enough of her, despite overexposure. And when it happens you can be sure people will go ballistic and the CD will follow shortly, and their will be much rejoicing and then before you know it its the top single of the week. In fact just people mentioning it means it will probably happen as that's how it seems to have worked in the past. Whatever the Otaku want from Lucky Star they usually end up getting, which kind of brings things down on the surprise factor from the show.

Sorry for the long and heavy read everyone who made it through the whole thing.

Last edited by Kaioshin Sama; 2007-07-09 at 02:55.
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