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Old 2007-07-15, 07:44   Link #123
Kinny Riddle
Gone for Good
Join Date: Apr 2004
Originally Posted by Sorrow-K View Post
Popularity means nothing in relation to quality, and how much a given individual will enjoy the show. I don't really believe or disbelieve anything. The number of people that like a show is independent of my opinion of it... all I'm doing is calling things as I see them.

I've never said this show is outright crap, but I do think it tends to be very hit-and-miss. Unquestionably, it is made for a given niche audience, and its general style doesn't always put comedy at the forefront, which means that jokes aren't always the priority. This is why I'd argue the comedy doesn't have much bite... but a lot of people appear to forgive this because of its slice-of-life component. I can't buy the slice-of-life component purely because I think the characters aren't dynamic or weighty enough to carry such a component as they are in other slice-of-life comedy like ARIA or hell, even Ichigo Mashimaro. To me, these are gag characters, and little more, so I'm only really engaged when this show is trying comedy, which, as I've said before, just doesn't have enough bite for me to consider it "great" comedy. Comedy, however, is very possibly the most subjective genre in anime.

It doesn't matter if I'm in the minority... my opinion still has a place here. It's not like I'm trolling; I am making an attempt to back up my opinion with fair, properly-grounded reasons and observations.
I never said you were trolling, I apologize if you think I did. You are entitled to your opinion in thinking that it's hit-and-miss and I respect that, but I too am entitled to defend it otherwise and strongly disagree with you.

Perhaps our "tolerance" level for this sort of show is different. You strive for character-dynamism, which is why Lucky Star isn't your cup of tea. While I guess I'm a very tolerant person when it comes to comedy, if it makes me laugh hard, then it's not a bad show, I really could care less if they're gag characters are not. Like you said, it's very subjective.
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