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Old 2007-07-15, 19:06   Link #135
The Baker
Join Date: Jul 2007
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Originally Posted by Kaioshin_Sama View Post
To me Lucky Star is like a drink that I want to be as sweet as possible, but the mixture varies with each episode and doesn't always turn out right.

Lucky Star Jokes Featuring The Characters=Sweet (Konata/Kagami Jokes, School Related Jokes, Culture, Anything related to what the characters are experiencing is usually really good material and is the reason I chose to watch this show)

KyoAni Jokes=Neutralizer (Basically I really could care less if Konata says Uguu~ because you can't really expect everyone to laugh just because of something some other character said. Anyway that joke wasn't tied to anything and was just kind of a random point scorer for the type of viewer who probably doesn't need to be hooked anymore than they already are with the show. I prefer the set-up punch line style that was present in the 4-Koma Manga)

Product Placement= Bitter (Just plain hate this kind of thing in my anime, I even gave a Code Geass episode that was otherwise solid a 5 because of the Pizza Hut stuff)

The show seems to like mixing these ingredients in varying ratios, sometimes adding too much product placement and not enough Lucky Star 4Koma style punchlines, creating a bitter drink. That was episode 13. From here on out imagine I'll be giving a lot of 7's as the endings are basically predictable at this point, whereas the Karaoke was taken from a variety of sources. Maybe they blew their licensing budget, or maybe the Haruhi referencing garners the show more rave reviews, it wouldn't surprise me, but it's just.....boring. If I wanted to listen to every Haruhi song I'd just buy the singles.

Anyway, so yeah before anyone accuses Sorrow-K of being unreasonable or a spoilsport, consider that he may be on to something and that others, such as myself and Vexx have similar concerns, but want to see the show turn out for the best and hope we get that sweet drink with each coming episode. If not then that's just how it is and I won't hesitate to rationalize my highs and lows for each episode and hope for the best next time should there be more lows than highs. After all Lucky Star is by no means a perfect show and there are bound to be ups and downs.
that is a nice metaphor....anyways i try to view lucky star as a kind of pick me up anime. For me personally nothing gets me out of a slump better than random satirical japanese humour. still honestly i think that the drink thing
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