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Old 2004-02-25, 00:58   Link #11
Lord Raiden
Uber Coffee for da win!
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Middle of insanity
hehe. I'm stepping into this kinda late, but I'll toss in my two cents.

If I were to write a fanfic, I usually follow several basic rules.

1. Keep it short. It prevents any need for unnessisary filler or non-cannon ramblings.
2. Have the whole story planned out before you write. If not, you'll write yourself into a hole that you can't get out of.
3. Keep it as true to the series as absolutely possible.

You do that, you'll do great. Myself, I find it hard enough to follow the cannon I set down in my own books, but doing it off someone elses work is much, much harder.
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