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Old 2007-08-18, 21:06   Link #8
Gundam Zero Force
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Seattle, WA
Age: 37
ok does this mean a dream we had as a child or a something we wanted to have??

Oh well, I will answer it in both ways I guess

I had a dream once (when I was young) that I was in this airport, then all of the sudden all the people dissapeared, next the lights went out, and then it became very quiet. Before I knew it there was this evil scary polar bear with red glowing eyes chasing me . . . . .then it ended . . . .

Ok and for the thing I always wanted as a kid . . . .well a nintendo 64 . . . . . my parents never bought me anything (in terms of games/entertainment devices) and if I wanted something I had to buy it myself. So after about 1 year of managing a lemonade stand and doing anything else I could find I had enough to get a Nintendo 64 . . . . . it was pretty cool being a kid at that age who actually bought thier own sytem
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