Thread: Licensed ef - a tale of memories.
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Old 2007-08-27, 10:07   Link #108
Nitro+ fan
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Hyogo
Originally Posted by rg4619 View Post
Couldn't they cover both games (including Yuuko), while completely dropping the Shuichi/Mizuki story?

If minori manages to release the latter tale just before the anime finishes airing, this timing might work. On the whole, it would be rather presumptuous for Geneon/Shaft/minori to expect a second season (bold as the marketing campaign might be......).
They could, of course, but why drop poor Mizuki?

Rather than expecting a second season, I was thinking of it as being more like an option ("if it's successful, we'll make more"). After all, they have no obligation to animate the whole game to satisfy viewers. Plenty of anime adapted from ongoing works--whether based on manga or novels or whatever else--end prematurely, with no continuation in sight.

Obviously that wouldn't be ideal, but I think it's a distinct possibility.

Has any kind of ep. count been announced yet?
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