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Old 2007-08-27, 17:47   Link #51
Gomen asobase desuwa!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 43
I wouldn't consider Natsuhi to be moe, but I do sympathize with her as the only one who is serious about protecting the Ushironomiya household name despite her non-biological ties to the family. But yes, compared to the other female heads her age, she is the most good looking wwww

Shannon...well yes she is moe, but she kinda had her face blown off before we even got to know her more >w< I look foward to see more of her story in the upcoming chapters.

Jessica reminds me of Mion in many ways. Tom-boyish yet I'm sure she has a hint of tsundere-ness within her. She has all the characteristics of it, so she must be one!!!

And Maria...U-u- am I the only one who likes her?

Bernkastel - the tail is sooooo moe~!!!
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